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3 Success Secrets

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Let me share these 3 success secrets with you today. I know you have read so much about success secrets but I want you to give me this opportunity to share my simple and biblical views with you about what the 3 success secrets are with respect to personal development.


What is a secret?

A secret is an information that is only available to very few people, if a large percentage of people do not have access to a piece of particular information, then it is a secret.

I believe and I know you will agree with me that every form of success has secrets. Yes, there are secrets you must know before you can climb the success ladder in any field of endeavor.

Watch this video on the success secrets behind God’s creation activities in the book of Genesis


Basic success secrets

As I mentioned earlier, a lot of people have written a lot about success secrets but I am teaching you on this page the 3 basic secrets of success.

I have applied these success secrets to achieving results in any task I lay my hands upon

The 3 success secrets are as discussed below.

1. Your Knowledge of God
2. Your Knowledge about what you do
3. Your ability to take action on your projects

Let me discuss them one by one.

Success secrets 1: Your knowledge of God

This is the first and most important success secret! The quality of your success is determined by your knowledge of the almighty.

The Bible says the fear of HIM is the beginning of wisdom. He is the source of any enduring success. You can tap into the many success resources in His care to record outstanding success in this world. You can get great knowledge of Him from His word and also from His Holy Spirit who dwells in you (if you are a Christian).

If however, you are not a Christian, you shoul visit how to make the utimate decision to know what you can do to become a Christian.


Success secrets 2: Your knowledge of what you do

It is very important you constantly give yourself great education about all that you do. If you must succeed on your project or job, then you must refresh your knowledge on a regular basis.Don’t lay your hands on that project if you have not given yourself enough education about the project.


Success secrets 3: You ability to take actions

Of what use is your knowledge about a project without you acting on what you know. You must “force yourself to lay your hands on your project.

Get the required minimum education and then just get in and get your hands dirty and begin to learn new things along the line. Acting on your project is a necessity for you to record great success in all you do.

I hope you will always remember these 3 success secrets. They are the things you must know if you truly desire success.

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You can read more interesting success articles at Christian personal development and claim free books.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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