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Taking actions on your ideas

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Taking actions on your ideas is perhaps one of the best help you can do for yourself. Come to think of it, if you have the biggest idea in the world and you fail to act on it, of what use is it?

For many years now, the Spirit of God has helped me to look critically at why people don’t take actions on their ideas. Many years after I began to do a study around this, the Spirit of God helped us to start the Action Power program.

Related: Please read about the Action Power program  


Taking actions on your ideas: What does it mean?

Taking actions on your ideas is about your readiness to rise and work on your beautiful ideas. The power in you to act on an idea no matter how big they appear in the first place.

The only thing many people I have met do with their beautiful ideas is to write them down, keep them under their pillows and maybe occasionally bring out and look at them admiringly and then put them back under the pillow!


Jesus acted on His divine idea

Come to think of it, if Jesus had come and not act on His divine idea of dying on the cross, shedding His blood in the process to save us from sin, what would have been our lot today.

That fact above has always motivated me to act on my ideas. If Jesus’salvation was completed and it saved us from sin and the devil, then acting on my own Ideas will help other people too. Ideas are given by God to solve problems.

Related: Check out the Action Power inspirational article for today


Usefulness of knowledge to acting on your ideas

Doing is usually impossible and very difficult if knowing does not precede it. I advise you to spend time and money on acquiring useful knowledge.

Read books, carry out researches in the areas of your work and project. Learn and keep on learning.

Most importantly, you should learn to create enough time to study and accept your destiny from the Word of God.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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