How to achieve greatness in life and business
Occupy Conference
Visionary Business Project

Occupy Conference

Do you want to know how to raise the needed CAPITAL for your business? Join the School of BUSINESS training program from the Visionary Business Project. Click here to Register today free by joining our Whatsapp group today. (Spots are limited. Spots are filling up quickly) Or send a Whatsapp message to 08034300979

School of BUSINESS

Become God’s Representative in the Workplace or Marketplace,

Register below for the Occupy Conference 2022.

Watch the video below and then enter your best email address to register free.



What’s the Occupy Conference All About?


It’s good to have you here!

The Occupy Conference will help you gain access to resources and education that will help you represent God effectively in your workplace or marketplace.

Jesu commanded us expressly to occupy till He comes.

We are not just God’s representative inside the four walls of the church alone. We are also His representatives in our various workplaces if you are an employee or in the marketplaces and industry if you are an entrepreneur.

If you are finding it difficult to connect and use effectively the instructions and principles and revelations in the Word of God in your workplace or marketplace, then the Occupy Conference is here to help you make this important connection.

Christians are expected to show their Godly kinds of stuff and excellence in their workplaces and marketplaces. We should be miracle workers in these places.

This way we can help non-Christians make the right decisions of coming to Jesus with their souls and lives.

Please be on the lookout for more information about the conference and the online conference venue.

If you have any questions, please contact us here or WhatsApp: 08034300979.

Note: First, you should register by filling the simple form above.

God bless you

Sesan Ogunotade

founder Visionary Business Project

Convener, Occupy Conference.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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