There are levels of anointing in Christianity. Sure there are. This is the simple truth.
I was on an online forum where a statement from Bishop David Abioye was posted and I patiently read all the responses of members of the forum to his statement and views about equality in Christianity.
Let me give you the opportunity to read the Bishop’s statement below.
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What Bishop David Abioye said about anointing in Christianity
Bishop David Abioye said this about anointing in Christianity:
Knowledge is what changes class. I want to emphasize, I am not superior to you, no! and Jesus said so. Jesus didn’t want mediocre brothers. He wanted and still wants brothers He can be proud of.
The Bible says “He was not ashamed to call us His brethren”. Jesus wanted Co-brothers, not junior brothers. You are not my junior brother spiritually, we are meant to be equal. We are heirs of salvation.
That I might be a Pastor is simply by assignment, not by classification. Let no Minister of the Gospel create a feeling that you are superior to other believers. Don’t let. Church Gist. Don’t let other believers bow to you to worship you, don’t. We are Co-believers. Knowledge, that’s what we should pursue.
Summary of the responses of the people to this statement
My observation from the responses of the people to this statement from the man of God made me think in other direction.
I did not go against the views of the man of God and the people but I was helped to look at this from another perspective where I was able to let the people know that there are actually levels of anointing despite the fact that we are equal in Christ Jesus.
You can check out my response below.
Anointing in Christianity: There are levels
My response about anointing in Christianity,;
We should try and understand the message of the man of God very well. We are joint heirs in Christ. So no one is superior to each other. But he said it’s knowledge that shows the class.
Anointing has levels. Grace has levels. We must not lose sight of that fact. If not the Bible won’t say the less is blessed of the better. Paul showed this level severally in his letters to the churches and to his proteges.
Papa Abioye pointed out two things from this message – though we are joint heirs but class and anointing get levels because of knowledge and also the anointing.
Many Christians have missed it when they don’t have regards for anointing and grace that’s higher than theirs.
Aaron and Miriam learned their lessons in a bitter way when they questioned the leadership and anointing of Moses.
We need wisdom. Papa Abioye is not superior to me but I am not yet in the same class as him – simple truth!
What do you think about this message? Let us discuss. Write your comment in the comments section. You can also write me at 08034300979 on WhatsApp or email
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