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Bible prophecies: 3 things to do with them

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What do you need to do with bible prophecies? What is the usefulness of bible prophecies to you, your business, your work and your family?

I want to show byou my discovery and what I have been inspired to do with bible prophecies I have received over the years.


What are bible prophecies?

Bible prophecies can be messages, instructions, doctrines or promises that come  from God. The bible is already filled with theae types of messages and promises. There are however, instances where you will receive personal or individual prophecies from God or through a man God will send to you or even during your study of the Word of God.


Bible prophecies to Timothy

If you would like to see a practical description of what I just explained above, you need to study Paul’s letter to Timothy, his protege. On more than one occasion, Paul had to ask Timothy to remember the prophecies and doctrines that have been giving to him.

I want you you to look at one below:

1 Timothy 4:13-14
[13]Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.
[14]Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership.

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3 things to do with bible prophecies or doctrines

Now let me show you three things you can begin to do with bible prophecies or doctrines you have received from God.

  • War with them (1 Timothy 1:18): Fight the fight of faith with them. They are God’s promises or will for you so they represent the best weapon to wage war against every obstacle that come against you. If faithlessness is trying to take over you, check out these prophecies again and receive strength. Use them directly in your prayers. Confesss them.
  • Take heed unto them (1 Timothy 4:14): Remember that these prophecies have been given to you so you need to reckon with them. You need to embrace and accept them fully. Let them be your life!
  • Teach and commit to faithful men (2 Timothy 2:2): Paul gave this instruction to Timothy and it’s very much useful to us too. Usually, these prophecies are not to add values to you only but they can also be useful to others too. So teach others too so that they can teach others too.

Bible doctrines are for your benefits

Bible prophecies or bible doctrines given to you are for your benefits and the benefits of others. I hope you will begin to act on the tips given above.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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