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biblical business principles
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Practical biblical business principles for business development and success

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School of BUSINESS

There are practical biblical principles on business development and success. These principles are scattered all through the Bible. I make bold to say that almost all the great business principles at work in the business world today have their roots in the Bible.

I want you to read the following lines of statements:

  • “Being a Christian I was able to relate to the Biblical principles of operating a business. My business has increased by 15% since reading and applying the techniques in this book (52 Bible Secrets for Your Business). Great for kindle owners”. Customer review of our book, 52 Bible Secrets for Your Business Success from an Amazon Kindle Customer
  • “I was truly blessed and encouraged others to read this book. The advice, scriptures, and testimonies have inspired me to push and look to God for my success. Jewel, kindle customer for How to Maintain Focus and Concentration.

The two comments above were some of the good comments of readers who read some of my earlier book compilations of practical biblical principles on business development and success. I usually receive these types of business and personal development insights from God’s Word on how business owners can build and make their businesses a success.

I have practically used these principles to improve my lot and that of the organizations I run. I have also seen other successful businessmen and organizations using these principles.

Related: Watch this video on how to move from a conceived business vision to manifestation


Biblical business principles: Jesus Is All We Need To Know

According to a Bible commentary, a teenager was asked why Jesus is the Word of God and she responded with this beautiful statement: “Because Jesus is all God has to say to us”. This was indeed a true response from this teenager.

God, the Creator has nothing to say to His creations again; He had said it all. All He has to say are already said in Jesus Christ, the Saviour who came to this earth, lived among us, got betrayed, beaten, spat at, jeered at, reviled, nailed to the cross and who ended up, according to God’s divine plan, being raised from the dead on the third day and is alive today forevermore  (Acts 4:10).

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Learn practical biblical principles on business development and success. These principles are scattered all through the Bible. learn more” quote=”Learn practical biblical principles on business development and success. These principles are scattered all through the Bible. learn more”]

With this invaluable sacrifice from Jesus Christ, God had said everything He has to say about our success aspirations in any area of our existence – success in business and finances inclusive. Your (and my) major duty is to consistently put in efforts to find out His instructions and His will about any issues of your life.

We have packaged most of these biblical business principles in books and other information products for over 10 years now.  The information products have tried to put together some of the things God has said in Jesus Christ about your success in business.

The postulation from this is that the success secrets you need as a business owner for your business success lie in the principles that are already documented in God’s Word as we have it in the bible.

Related: Register for the Visionary Business Project


The signs for your business success

Once, the people came to Jesus and asked Him to show them a sign. Jesus responded this way: “This is an evil generation. It seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet” (Luke 11:29). Jesus used this response to show His listeners how and why whatever signs, miracles and success aspirations they would ever need have been wrapped up in His death and resurrection.

Jonah was in the belly of fish for three days and was vomited by the fish on this third day. This Old Testament story was a symbolic description of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ many years after.

Jesus referred His listeners, who probably were familiar with that story, to the story and told them they should look nowhere else to find success aspirations and principles that will be useful to them but to look at stories and truth around His death and resurrection. The stories and the truth about His death and resurrection are there in the bible.

Related: Visionary Business Project Operational Chart


The Visionary Business Project: Teaching biblical business principles

The divine project in our organization, Visionary Business Project, has been packaged, compiled and arraigned using the truth from God’s Word to satisfy your needs in business, finances, marriage, and family. I believe you will avail yourself of the opportunity to be part of it.


Biblical business principles are in the Word of God

I believe any bible success principles or strategies anyone living or dead have used or is using are all documented in the Word of God. I have been inspired by these revelations for so many years now. I have written several articles on these discoveries and I have also taught them on different platforms. I have also used them in running our organizations and also to grow our book-distribution outfit, Zarepath Publishing which has served many customers for the past 10 years.

The Visionary Business Project will build upon what the other books I have written on this topic area have been able to achieve. It will reveal practical principles and strategies from the bible which you can use to both take your business to the next level and also remain loyal and faithful to God while you are doing this.


God wants your loyalty

It is important you remain loyal and faithful to God while you improve your business lot. You remember that the bible says, “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and loses his own soul”. Rising to great heights is possible and is approved by God but this is not as important as keeping your heart and soul undefiled as you carry out business activities and deals.

This is the edge of our books, information products, and the Visionary Business has over other books teaching the same topic. You will be learning effective success strategies for your business growth and success; you will also be learning how you can keep your Christian faith intact as you do so in an environment that is filled with threatening and dangerous ungodliness.

Thank you and God bless you. Please let me read your comment and don’t forget to share this article with your friends on social media.

Please register for the Visionary Business Project today

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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