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Biblical deliverance through prayers

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This post, Biblical deliverance through prayers, is the response I gave to a post by a notable minister of the gospel on a social media platform. I believe this scriptural response and comment will help you to understand one or two revelation about the topic of Biblical deliverance.

Let me say out at this point that my response and this post is not in anyway belittling the person and the post of this notable pastor. It is just a way for me to look at the topic of Biblical deliverance through prayers to compliment the post of this man of God.


What is Biblical deliverance through prayers?

Biblical deliverance through prayers is all about receiving deliverance from demonic oppression and foundational problems through the platform of scriptural prayers.

Scriptural deliverance through prayers stands solidly on revelation from God’s Word to manifest and solve problems. It is all about consciously taking the necessary steps of prayer to get victory over stubborn demonic oppression.


My views on scriptural prayers for deliverance

I want you to read my comment and views on scriptural prayers for deliverance reproduced here from the social media platform where this man of God posted an update.


Light from God’s is the first step

Thank you for sharing. But I have these additions. Yes the first fruitful step to get delivered is to receive light or revelation usually from God’s Word.

It’s also important that christians walk in the light they have received.

But there are patterns that have to be broken. Patterns are meant to be broken. This is done through prayers using the light you have received.

You can’t take away the fact that light or revelation or even prophecies are meant to be used or applied.


Scriptural references to support fact

Remember these scriptures. I have given you authority to trample on serpent and Scorpions. Authority or light to trample or to be used or to be prayed.

Paul told Timothy to war with the prophecies that have been given to him. War or trample are action words. In fact they qualified to be what Paul said about walking in the light.

I got this revelation from Leviticus 17:11. God has given us the blood upon the altar as an atonement for our soul. He gave it to us to be used.

Christians should know they have to get revelation about the blood of Jesus and use it. Blood of Jesus is not going to be useful to you if you don’t use it.

The reason for sprinkling of the blood in the old testament. And remember this: blood of Jesus is the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than the blood of Abel.

Sprinkling is another action word.


Patterns need to be broken

Why am I pointing out all these scriptures?

Some patterns needs to be broken. We need to apply the light we have received to break them.

We need to apply the blood of Jesus. We do this by prayer. It’s not just enough to get the revelation, you should walk in it in all aspect of it which can always include praying it.

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Illustration to support Biblical deliverance through prayers

This illustration: A christian who is suffering under negative or demonic or foundational pattern is like someone inside a house that’s tightly locked. But a big dog is just outside the door backing very loudly.

Though the Christian is inside the locked house but he won’t have real peace with the noise of the dog. The Christian must practically command the dog to leave to have the peace.

It’s not just enough to read books or get the revelation, you must need to sometimes apply what you received as light in prayers.


Deliverance inna personal basis

I have also inform people that prayers or search for deliverance is done on an individual basis. The demonic covenants behind your situation may be different from mine.

We will always know this by revelation or light we receive. The Spirit of God giving us instructions. Israel after leaving Egypt used different strategies to fight different wars as taught by God.


More scriptures on Biblical deliverance through prayers

Let me end this to show you more scriptures the necessity for Biblical deliverance through prayers.

Jeremiah 29:11-12
[11]For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

[12]Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

Verse 11 showed God’s desire but verse 12 still insist we have to pray. We can’t underestimate the need for prayers using light in our search for deliverance.


Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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