How to achieve greatness in life and business
achieving success

Christian Entrepreneur Ebook

The Christian Entrepreneur Ebook will show you how Christians can run profitable businesses without breaking the rules of God. This is a very interesting book that shows the secrets of doing businesses successfully and still maintain your cordial relationship with God.

I have provided the first chapter free here in this post. Find details of obtaining the whole below:

Christian Entrepreneur ebook

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Chapter 1: Introduction Christian Entrepreneur Ebook 

Thank you for your interest in this book. I’m very passionate about this topic. I’m extremely interested in how businesses are run in our world. I’m very much concerned in how wealth is distributed in our world. 

I want Christians to be in charge of the business world. I want Christians to call the shots in the various industries. I want all the wealth available for God’s kingdom purposes. 

Please don’t nurse the thought that I’m crazy with my passion which I showed above. No. Don’t nurse that thought. It’s God who has put that passion and desire into me over the years.


God’s leading about the Christian entrepreneur ebook

Initially, I never knew it was something I have to really consider but the persistent knock and deposits of God into my heart on issues around this topic got me in. 

This is the reason for the writing and production of information products ranging from ebooks, books, videos, podcast and online video courses to teach Biblical principles that will help Christians and anyone who’ll be interested to operate uniquely and profitably in their various industries with their businesses and still maintain their Godly status and be prime candidates for rapture when Jesus comes back.


Christian Business School and The Book Academy

This is the reason for the Christian Business School. I believe you’ve read a lot about that earlier so I don’t need to bother you with those details again. 

Thank you once again for your interest in reading this book. I have enjoyed reading the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, Joseph and their likes in the Bible. These were interesting business giants who showed the world how to do business on this earth and still maintained their friendships and sonship to God. 

God gave them a pat on the back when they finished their race on this earth.

I have also carefully checked the various parables and teachings of Jesus Christ for the past 10 years with the help of the Holy Spirit and have observed how those parables have strongly taught the principles of entrepreneurship, business success and profits, vocational development, work-place effectiveness and so on. 

I have also seen business development principles while studying through the Bible. Yes, the whole of God’s Word is filled with interesting and practical marketing strategies, business building principles, business publicity strategies, client attraction and retention strategies, investment strategies and their likes.

I strongly believe that all these were no coincidences. 


God is interested in your business

God is strongly interested in the way businesses are conducted on this earth and He clearly wants Christians to be actively involved in this arena of wealth and to represent Jesus Christ adequately using the avenue to bring more souls and converts to Him. This is the reason why I have produced this guide in your hand. 

This guide will help you to vote and massively embrace what I call Godly Entrepreneuring in our world where godliness, especially in the business world, is fast disappearing.

This book will build your thirst and hunger to embrace entrepreneurship the way God wants it done. It will help you to start using the platform of your business as a diligent service to God and man and not just as a platform for profits alone. 

This book will do more. It will show you especially what we stand for at the Christian Business School and in our Christian organisation at Success Christian Home.

You’re welcome on board to a world of classic Christian Entrepreneuring that God will be proud of. You’re welcome to the camp of a select few of people whose business activities are driven by their unquenchable thirst to reign with Jesus Christ when He comes back.  

Get the whole book on the Christian entrepreneur ebook (see details below)

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You can also do an express ordering service with our WhatsApp and email ordering service: +234-08034300979. Or contact us here

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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