How to achieve greatness in life and business
christian newsletter
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Christian newsletter: New feature

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School of BUSINESS

Our Christian newsletter is having fresh changes and I want you to get in today if you’re not there already. I hope you’re staying safe. Thank you for visiting my blog where I use practical Bible principles to solve practical problems of the people and society.

I’m glad to inform you that, in our efforts to serve you better and add more values and benefits to you, we (myself and my team) are changing the way we send our newsletter to you.

Get prepared for these new features in our Christian newsletter

I’m informing you about changes in our Christian newsletter in advance so that:

  • You can get prepared to be served more benefits
  • You can invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter
  • You won’t be caught unaware by these positive changes


The new changes

Now, let me go straight to the ‘fresh meal’ we will be serving you
through this newsletter:

1. Our Christian newsletter becomes a Full-Fledged magazine

We’ve decided to turn the Christian Business School newsletter into a full-fledged magazine type of newsletter where we will be discussing and teaching a particular topic throughout a month. What this means is that if we are teaching the topic of faith and business for September,
we will teach content on this topic throughout the month of September.

When we are done with this topic, we will then pick and teach another topic for a new month. I personally believe that this strategy will bring more value to you through this newsletter.

Note: You can subscribe to the Christian Business School Newsletter here if you have not done so before (It’s free)

2. Free and Bargain Deals

The second major change in our Christian newsletter is that we will be bringing you some good and relevant books and online course recommendations on a weekly basis. I have benefited immensely from books and information products, I believe we will be helping our subscribers further if we make good and relevant recommendations to our subscribers in this area.

Some of these products will be free while some will be bargain products that you can obtain good deals. You can be sure that we will only recommend good and relevant products to you.

Note: Some of the links to these products may be affiliate links as our website participates in the Amazon affiliate program. This implies that when you buy through any of the links, we will receive a commission through your purchase. Our commission has nothing to do with your purchase as you will be paying the normal fee for the product, you buy through our links.

3. Blog articles updates in our Christian newsletter

The third change (it’s not really a change) is that our subscribers will still continue to receive updates from our blog articles as we publish them on our blog.

4: More exploration of teaching gifts

Finally, in order to do more with the teaching gifts that God has given to me, we will
be doing

  • Webinars
  • Video teachings
  • Podcast teachings
  • Counseling sessions online

I will tell you more about number 4 in two days’ time.

5. Support link on our website

We just put a link on our website where you can support this work or project in your own way and as God will put it in your heart. We have been on this divine project, by God’s grace, for over 10 years and God has been faithful.

If you have enjoyed all we have served over the years and you wish to offer
in any way possible, please visit this link at

or ask for our PayPal email or other payment details to offer your support.

God bless you as you do so.

In all, I want you to be assured that all these changes will add more value and benefits to you. We will be solving more of your problems through the help of the Holy Spirit of God as He will give us the grace.

Till I come your way next time, please stay safe and hold on to God through His Word. God bless you.  With love from me,

Sesan Oguntade.
234-08034300979 (Phone and Whatsapp)


Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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