How to achieve greatness in life and business
Christian romance fiction
Visionary Business Project

Christian romance novel testimonials

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We are receiving more Christian romance testimonials from users of our fast-selling Christian romance fiction book, The Prostitute. I must confess that these Christian romance testimonials from the emails we have received have really inspire me anytime I receive them.


Have read my Christian romance novel?

If you have not read my Christian romance novel, The Prostitute, you are missing a lot. It’s a Christian fiction book that tells a story of a strict and morally-upright company executive, Steve Davies, who took a bizarre decision to get married to a notorious Prostitute, Serena Williams.

Now, his strange decision generated lots of controversies and arguments between him and his closest friend, Bobby Tamor. What happened after he got hooked to Serena? Did the storms that came up crushed the strange marriage?

You need to find out from this Christian romance novel, The Prostitute. I would like your own testimonial to be part of the Christian romance testimonials we have received so far.

I want you to read a sample or watch a video of the sample of this exciting Christian romance fiction.


Latest Christian romance novel testimonials

I want you to read the latest Christian romance novel testimonials we have received in the past 30 days. I hope your own will be part of these testimonials soon.

  • “The sample is interesting and intriguing, I’m in a suspense,Will Steve find Serena? Can’t wait to get the full version. God bless the ministry.” JesuFeranmi esojesuferanmi (at)
  • “(I) read the sample novel an it is a very touchy and interesting (story) I look forward to read d rest.” Mogaji Temiloluwa mogajitemiloluwa1 (at)
  • “I really love this sample. It’s very engaging and lucidly clear. I couldn’t drop it still I was done with it.
    Please I can’t 😭😭😭 wait for the whole pdf as you promised in the mail.” Kehinde Adeyemi,
  • “Revealing and touching piece of story. I’m impressed. ” Obi Moses

Related: Find more interesting Christian fiction ebooks at our local online bookstore

Watch a video sample of this Christian romance novel

You can watch a video of the first chapter here and also learn how to pick up the free full copy of the novel.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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