How to achieve greatness in life and business
Christian uniqueness
Visionary Business Project

What is your Christian uniqueness and mission?

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Your Christian uniqueness and the uniqueness of your mission will go a long way to determine how you do exploits with your life, business and ministry. Something was unique about Jesus’s mission to the earth – He was successful. What is your own uniqueness?

I want you to read about this great figure in the Bible.

The Christian uniqueness of John the Baptist

“John’s clothes were made of Camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locust and wild honey” (Matthew 3:4). John the Baptist was a man who understood and cherished his uniqueness and mission on the earth.

His father was a priest who was always dressed in garments of linen robes but he chose garments of Camel’s hair. His father’s office was the Jerusalem temple but he chose to operate from the wilderness.

He also understood the type of baptism he was created to do, “baptism for repentance” (Matthew 3:11). He did not try to carry out Jesus’ type of baptism, “baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire” (verse 11). All through his short ministry, he pointed people’s attention to Jesus and not himself. He truly understood his uniqueness and mission and operated only along that line.

Related: Biblical principle for business success

Discover your uniqueness and embrace it fully

Have you found out your uniqueness and mission? If you have, are you operating along with this discovery?

Many have started out in business armed with the goals, visions, and missions of the business but soon begin to follow other people’s visions and missions. I have studied the stories of many successful multinational organizations and I have observed their strict adherence to the tenets and values that they used to kick -start their organization.

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Many of them have stuck to a single product and service for many years. They only refine, repackage, open up other marketing opportunities. They loved their uniqueness. They usually don’t jettison their founding goals, vision, and mission. Most times, they have stayed with their uniqueness until they begin to dominate their niche, market or industry.

Further Reading: Leviticus 11:22, 2 Kings 1:8, Zechariah 13:4

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How to Maintain Focus and Concentration: practical tips on how to reach the end of projects

Read more about the short and exciting book, ‘How to Maintain Focus and Concentration: practical tips on how to reach the end of projects’ at Learn to be focussed. An interesting book that shows you how to reach goals in life and business maintaining focus and concentration from the beginning to the end.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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