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Church and business

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School of BUSINESS

Church and business activities has been one of the main themes or topics in recent times.

Many people have either kicked against the situation where the church gets involved in business or commercial activities or support the process of the church being involved in commercial ventures.

I believe this is an ongoing topic and discussion especially in these periods when many ministries and churches are getting more into the business world offering products and services that are outside the normal church works or activities.


Church and business: an interesting discussion online

We recently stumbled on a very interesting discussion online on this topic and I am presenting to you the interesting views as shared on the social media.

You will be able to pick some relevant messages from these views. You will also be able to see what we stand for at the Visionary Business Project and on this website concerning this topic.

If you are familiar with this blog and the Visionary Business Project, you should already have an understanding of what we stand for. Don’t let me open it up right now, please wait till the end of this post to see.

Note: Have you read my book, Spiritual Help for Your Business Success? If you have not, you can get a copy today. It’s a short book but it is filled with lots of revelations on how you can get the needed spiritual support and help for your business success.

Please order a copy by send a message to our hot Whatsapp line 08034300979 or email us here or send an email to



Church and business activities: What is this all about?

Should the church or Christian ministries get involved in business or commercial activities? Should the church set up commerical companies, firms, banks or organization whose sole aims and objectives are to do business for profit?

Let us look the views of some people on the social media.


Social media comments on the church and commerical activities

This was the post that triggered the comments. Due to what we stand for on this topic, the post also attracted my attention when I saw it on the social media.


Starting post on the church and business activities

“Why can’t we have RCCG Refinery, Winners’ Cement, Deeper Life Flour Mill, MFM Pharmaceuticals? Just the way we have their schools”

—Comr Jeremy Banji.


Comments from social media users who saw the post. You should be ready to laugh as some of the comments will make you laugh. But the most important thing is that you should catch a revelation from this on this topic.

We have
ECWA Pharmacy
ECWA Rural Development
ECWA Farms
ECWA Textile (to be launched next year)

Another comment:

Sometimes we need to look at both sides of a coin to appreciate its worth in merits and demerits.

Another comment:

Aside the fact that all of the bodies mentioned here have hundreds of thousands of employees taken off labor market on their wage bills. They have functional health facilities serving the populace and engage in ventures that engage essential services that contribute to GDP in sectors like printing, communication, sports, food production, transportation, housing etc.

Another comment:

That successive governments of a country have failed the citizenry does not necessarily transfer government’s statutory responsibilities to religious organizations at the excuse of they are making money.

There is a Yoruba proverb that says “it’s the misdemeanors of the living that make the downtrodden resorts to seeking for solutions from the dead”.

Another comment:

The fact that churches establish schools shows they understand the strategy Europeans used to shape the thoughts and actions of Africans during colonization. Schools are vital for social and economic growth, but they’re also powerful channels for shaping beliefs and perspectives. That’s likely why Pentecostal churches prioritize building schools; they’re creating a foundation to influence minds while educating. Graduates of these institutions often feel a lifelong allegiance to the church because of the ingrained ideologies they carry forward.

You need to read this comment:

If churches ventured into other businesses instead, they’d likely gain less influence, as their employees would already have their own established beliefs. Schools, however, allow churches to instill loyalty from the ground up. While this may not be the whole story, it’s what I genuinely believe is at play.

That was an insightful comment. Look at another comment below:

Churches are not called to start refineries or manufacture cement.

Their core mission is to win souls for Christ and prepare the saints of God for the return of Jesus.

This comment looked at this from another angle. Read it below:

Those who started this evil campaign against churches are agents of the antichrist and they have this reductionism on any subject to the church.

For them, the church must be blamed for everything in the society.

This comment hut hard at the government and the one who made the post. Read it below:

Why don’t we also outsource governance to missionaries? What a shallow way to abdicate responsibilities from political class🤮🤮


This comment used the pidgin language.

Wetin go come be government work?
Make we kuku hand over governance and our vault to the Churches na since we want dem to dey do government work for them

I love this comment below. It almost expressed what we stand for at the Visionary Business Project. Read it below:

Like we have Printing Press and Bank own by Christ Embassy

And the final comment below. This one just moved away from what we stand for:

Church is not a business enterprise


Should the church get involved in business activities?

Our answer at the Visionary Business Project and on this blog and website is a capital YES!

But then, we have to do some basic explanation so that you don’t misinterprete our conclusions here.

We strongly believe that the church should not only stay Inside the four walls of a building where we called the church but should extend to our workplaces and marketplaces.

If we truly want to take the gospel to the ends of the earth as commended by our Lord Jesus Christ, we need to understand and embrace this.

We teach the principles and revelations inside the church and we have our church members work in companies and in the various industries but we still need to do more.

Established Christian ministries and churches who already have established structures for preaching and evangelism should venture into some of these commerical activities.

After all, we have seen churches start:

  • Schools
  • Banks
  • Bottled water companies
  • Food companies
  • Real estate
  • And their likes

So what stops churches from getting into other industries  where we have the devils of the business world dominating and causing lots of harms and havocs to the economy as a result of their evil and dirty practices.

The more industries we get Into, the more the more we can take these territories and industries for God.


Need for structures and delegation

While I understand that we can’t afford to lose sight of the main activities of the church which is to:

  • Preach the gospel
  • Evangelize
  • Pray
  • Discipleship
  • And their likes

We need to ensure we put the needed structures in place in our various churches and ministries before we can begin to think of getting into some of these commerical or business activities.

This is important so that we won’t lose sight of our core activities as a church and as Christians.


Reaching out to the business world

The church should reach to the business world. The church should be in sports. The church should be there with God’s Word, grace and power. The world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.


Order our Inspired Books on Business, Money and Finance

Some of our published books will share more information with you about this topic. Please check them out below:

  • Spiritual Help for Your Business Success
  • Purpose Driven Business
  • How to Launch Your Business as. Christian
  • Wealth Codes
  • How to Start and Finish Projects
  • And more

You can order these ebooks through our sister organization, Sarefat Vision Investment Publishing.

Please order these books by sending a message to our hot Whatsapp line 08034300979 or email us here or send an email to




Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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