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Divine intervention inside a village

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This faith story is simply a divine intervention inside a village. This is my practical faith story and I believe it will be of great value to you.

Related: Please find other Faith stories on this blog here 


Divine intervention inside a village: How God saved me as a baby

This story was first shared with me by my lovely late mum. According to her, after she got married to my dad, she gave birth to two children which she eventually lost very early in their lives.

That was indeed a very pathetic story. A young married woman losing two children one after the other in very strange circumstances! She was sad and depressed.

My dad too was sad and discouraged but they kept up hope. They believed the next baby would live by God’s help.


God’s help was needed to keep babies alive

Talking about receiving God’s help, my parents were definitely, according to human views, not qualified to receive this type of divine help.

The reason is because they were not Christians. They were not serving God. They did not know God.

But God does not think the way human thinks. His ways and thoughts are above our ways and thoughts.


Divine intervention inside a village saved me as a baby

The third pregnancy came and my parents kept their hopes in a God they don’t serve alive. The baby came. I was given birth to and my parents rejoiced exceedingly.

But something strange began to happen to this new born baby. He began to fall sick. My parents were terrified.

They couldn’t call on God because they don’t know God and they didn’t understand how to pray.

What did they do?


Journey to the village

Mt dad took one of the most bizarre decisions or should I call it a strange decision. You need to see how my dad described his decision to send my mum and me (the sick new baby to the village for help) after I heard his own side of the story many years after my mum told me the story.

He said, “I didn’t know what came over me. How could I subject her and the new baby to such treatment? ”

Well, such decisions are possible when you don’t know Christ and when you don’t have a relationship with the Holy Spirit and His Word.


What happened in the village?

When my mum and I got to the village, we arrived mercilessly into the waiting arms of beasts who were ready to devour!

Those household witches who had been unrepentant enemies of my dad and his mum before he left the village to Lagos, Nigeria, were just too happy to welcome their preys to the village.

As it would be expected, the sickness grew worse. My mum and her mother-in-law were confused. They tried all they could but nothing worked.

The devouring beasts had opened their blood-sucking mouths to drink the blood of this new born baby who was gloriously delivered to them by his parents from far Lagos.


Divine intervention inside a village: God intervened

God is the God of all – both Christians and non Christians. By Jesus Christ, all things were made and they were made for Him. By Him, all things consist (Colossians 1:16-17).

God showed practically His Word which says He would have mercy upon whom He would have mercy upon. God chose to have mercy on me and my parents inside this village.

And whenever God chooses to have mercy and compassion, there is nothing anyone or the devil can do about it.

What did God do?


God intervened divinely: He sent a messenger

God sent a messenger. My uncle was divinely inspired to pay a visit from Ibadan to my parents in Lagos. On getting to Lagos, he was told by my dad that his new baby was sick and he asked my mum and the baby to go to the village for help.

On hearing this, my Uncle, who was a Christian and who now understood why God inspired him to pay a visit to my parents, swung into action. He traveled down to the village immediately.

On getting to the village, he found my mum and the sick baby in terrible conditions. Then he began to intercede and to destroy every deities set up in the community and the household.

According to my mum, he prayed all night cursing and rebuking openly all the witches in the community.

By the following morning, God had used him to do the needful. He left the village to his base in Ibadan.


Peace and health returned

The beasts had been silenced. The yoke had been destroyed. The enemy was defeated and subdued. Peace and health returned to me. Hallelujah.

That was a story of my life. It is my faith story.

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God bless you as you share your testimonies so that other can know the goodness of God and can give their lives fully to Jesus Christ.




Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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