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College of Evangelism
Christian faith principles

Enemy Called Comfort Zone

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This is a guest post titled An enemy called comfort zone. I believe you will gain tremendous values from this post on how to recognize and defeat the enemy called comfort zone.

Related: How to have faith in God in hard times

Please read the full post below:


Introduction to an enemy called comfort zone

The term “comfort zone” is self-contradictory because there is nothing that is comfortable in comfort zones. Staying in your comfort zone is self-imprisonment; it is bondage.

What is comfort zone? According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, comfort zone is:

“a place in which you feel safe or comfortable, especially when you choose to stay in this situation instead of trying to work harder and achieve more.”

People who stay in their comfort zone don’t know that there is a better life on the other side. As long as you stay in your comfort zone, you can never be fulfilled in life.

Nobody stays in his comfort zone and fulfils destiny. God’s promises can never be realized in your comfort zone.


Dangers of staying in your comfort zone

Staying in your comfort zone limits God in your life. The Word of God says,

“Behold, I will do a new thing…” Is. 43.19;

However, God cannot do anything new for someone who refuses to leave his comfort zone.

John. A Shedd says, “A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what a ship is built for.” You were not created to remain in the same position. Doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result is foolishness.


You must grow and leave your comfort zone

You are not supposed to be in the same position. You need to grow. You are designed for growth. You can only grow if you devote your life to a specific goal.

Without a goal, your life will be purposeless. Your existence on earth is defined not only by staying alive, but also by having something to live for. A life in the comfort zone is a life without a goal.

If you experience frustration in life, it means you have no goal to pursue. Goals have a built-in motivator that adds value to your life and makes you happy. The reason you like to live in your comfort zone is because you have no goal to pursue.

Related: Get your books published and sold in Nigeria on the most exciting bookstore in Nigeria


Take responsibility for your life

Real growth begins in your life when:

  • You begin to take responsibility for your life.
  • When you have a focus.
  • When you take decisions and action. You can never grow and develop in life when you enjoy your comfort zone.
  • When you realize that there is something you can do better than anyone else in the world. There is something you carry that will make people to run after you.


A unique Idea in you

There is an idea that you are pregnant with that is ripe for delivery. Unique ideas for greatness are never birthed in comfort zones.

There is a unique need for your unique ideas and talents somewhere else beyond your comfort zone.

Take a bold step and leave your comfort zone. Leave your “boat” and take a step of faith, and “walk on the water” like Peter, Mt. 14:29. You are never too old to set a goal. Old men can still dream dreams. Joel 2:28

Personal growth is a choice

Personal growth is a choice. It is a personal decision you must make. Nobody can decide for you. But he that wants to grow must be ready for a change.

You cannot stay in your comfort zone and grow. You must be ready to leave your circle of convenience.

Change can be very painful, but nothing is as painful as staying too long in a position without any improvement. The status quo mentality is an enemy of growth.

God frowns at one staying too long in a position. He told the Israelites,

“Ye have dwelt long enough on this mount: turn you and take your journey…” Deuteronomy 1:6-7.

How long have you been dwelling on that “mount”? Be ready for a change now.

Comfort zone is a hinderance to self discovery

You can never discover yourself until you step out of your comfort zone. You can never know the stuff you are made of, if you maintain the status quo.

Self-discovery, or self-actualization, is a product of stepping out in faith from your comfort zone, and self-discovery can catapult you to greatness.

Jesus Christ taught the disciples:

“Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.” John 14:12.

When an opportunity came for them to put this into practice, it was only Peter who came out of the boat and walked like the Master on the water. Matthew 14:29.

Esther did not know that there was an intercessory sleeping giant inside her until she left the comfort zone of the office of the “First Lady” and broke the existing protocol of the palace to get what she wanted; a feat which none of the queens before her had ever achieved.


Taking the bulk by the horns

The day I understood the meaning of the expression, “taking the bull by the horns”, was the day that I cut my teeth on writing. I was in Form Four at St. Barnabas’ Secondary School, Kabba, Nigeria then.

I had a passion for writing. In fact, I knew almost all of the journalists who wrote for “The Daily Times,” Nigeria’s most popular newspaper then. I celebrated them and even aspired to be like one of them.

But little did I know that God was not preparing me for secular journalism but for “gospel journalism”. “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” Ps. 68:11.

That day, I took the bull by the horns and wrote an article and pasted it on the notice board at the back of our classroom. My classmates read the article and admired it.

One day, our Geography master came to our class and gave us a classwork and started to move around the classroom. His attention was caught by my write-up, and he went there and began to read it.

I was watching him closely and eager to see his reaction.  After reading through, he looked in my direction and our eyes met.

He looked at me and smiled. That was it! I was thrilled. “My teacher gave my writing approval.” I said to myself.


The fire fro writing ignited in me

The fire for writing was ignited in me and like Jeremiah “I was weary with forebearing and I could not stay.” Jer. 20:9. “Take life by the horns, and it will let you ride on its back” says S.T Wilkson.  Leave your comfort zone today.

Note: This article is an excerpt from his book titled, An Enemy Called Comfort Zone. You can. Contact him to get a copy of the book.

Sunday Simon





About the Author 

MSO Simon holds a B.A (Hons) in English and Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria.

The author, an educationist and school administrator, retired as a Director of Education from Kogi State Civil Service.

His is the Senior Pastor of Global Rebirth Ministry (GLOREM) and also the President of GLOREM Evangelistic Outreach Centre both in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria.

A prolific writer, the author has a number of published books to his credit

Among them are:

  • The Corruption of The Human Heart and Its Cure
  • An Enemy Called Comfort Zone
  • A Life With a Purpose: How to Fulfil Your Purpose in Life
  • The Lord’s Day Devotional

Contact the Author:

Sunday Simon




Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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