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How to get motivation from doing what you like doing

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We all need to motivation to break our limits and also break our limitations especially as we move into the new year.

It becomes more valuable as Christians if we get these types of motivation from God’s Word and stories if people who have achieved great things in our world.

Let motivation starts from doing your guts

The billionaire broker, Charles Schwab knows exactly how you can constantly develop a great power to do to act on your project if you make yourself do what you are passionate about. He said, “You’ve got to start with your gut (passion), with something you are really passionate about, for a good reason…”

Charles’ decision to start with his gut made him develop enough power to withstand those tough times early in his stock broking business. Read his views again: “When I started in this business, it was pretty crude to say the least. I had little or no resources…”

The situation was crude but his passion for what he does did a lot to refine the crude situation.

Today, as at the time of writing this, the Charles Schwab Corporation has become a full-fledged brokerage service, with over 300 offices across the United States of America and more than 12000 employees!

Motivation, love and passion for what you do

There is a great relationship between what you do and the passion or love you have for what you do. When your love for your business or undertaking is high, then your ability to do or continue with it will be high.

What is your motivational food?

“My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work” (John 4:34).

Jesus understood His “food”. He did not give much attention to things and issues outside His passion! I am not surprised He had so much power to do to run after the cross in order to lay down His own life for the sins of the world!

As we move into the new year, it is time you should determine what your motivational food is and get down to start eating it so that you can make the new year a memorable one.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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