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How I started my publishing ministry
Faith Stories

How I started my publishing ministry

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This testimony of how I started my publishing ministry will help to inspire someone. I want you to take your time to enjoy this interesting testimony and share with others.

This is one of many different faith stories under the Faith Stories category of this blog.

Related: Read more Faith stories 


My Publishing ministry: From the seed idea

This is a testimony of how God has helped me in the area of taking the seed Word of a revelation from stage to stage over the years.

I believe the reason why the Holy Spirit of God wants me to share this testimony is because of someone out there who will be inspired, educated, strengthened and motivated to act on the vision God has given him or her.

Testimonies have a way of reproducing themselves. They are the acts of God in the lives of human beings. If God has done a mighty work in the life of someone, God is still able to do it over and over again. His name be praised again and again.

My school days as a writer and journalist

I studied and graduated in mechanic engineering. I actually thought I would be somewhere there in a mechanical engineering workshop using spanner and plier to turn bolts and nuts. But God had a different route for my life.

While in primary and secondary schools, I knew I loved to write. At the Polytechnic Ibadan, I was a press man. I wrote for Engineering Pen club and the National Association of Polytechnic Engineering Students. I wrote under the pen name, ‘Amele’

Well that was all I thought I would do with writing. But God had a different plan for me.


After youth service: My publishing ministry divine idea

After youth service, expectedly, I began to look for engineering jobs but I found none. I had already given my life to Jesus Christ.

With the frustration of not getting a job on time, I began to pray and fast and to seek the face of God. Then God began to unravel His plans for my life. I began to see myself distributing books in different revelations.

That amused me. I wondered and said to myself,

“What’s this? What am I doing with books? “

They were strange revelations but they were seeds God was planting into me. He was showing my future outside the mechanic engineering workshop that I had sought since I finished youth service.

I wrote those revelations down somewhere and continued to look for engineering jobs.


The first book inspiration

One beautiful day as I was taking a walk down a road going to my parents house at Ibadan, I heard God’s Spirit said to me,

“You can write a book that will help students solve their foundational problems in mathematics”

I heard that very clearly in my spirit that hot afternoon. In case you need to know, I was managing a teaching job at that time to keep body and soul together. I was teaching mathematics and physics at a tutorial center at Ibadan.

When I got that message in my spirit, i got home and penned down my first ever book outlines on how students can solve their foundational problems in mathematics.

I wrote that in a sheet of paper and kept it for another two and half years! I kept on looking for an engineering job which never came!


Printed the Silly Mistakes in Mathematics book

Well after two half years, I settled down to do the will of God. I began to write the mathematics book. I wrote and took a faith step to print and publish it. That was the year 2007.

The math book was titled, Silly Mistakes in Mathematics. I began to distribute and to market it vigorously. It was as if God and the whole of heaven were waiting for this, things began to move beyond the way I was expecting it

More revelations and ideas began to come and more revelations began to pour unto me from God about what I have to do with books and also I began to understand that I have a book ministry.


My Publishing ministry writing Christian books

Powerful testimonies of faith

I began to write Christian books. We set up a website, in 2008 (yes, this website is 17 years old!!!) to distribute the Christian books. I observed people began to read and began to send emails to me.

I was surprised. I was encouraged. I was inspired. I wanted to do more. The Holy Spirit began to make me write more books. And I was using the internet to distribute them. Social media was not really there as we have it today. It was only the internet and emails.

I had learned Internet marketing and email marketing. So I was using that skill to get the words out about the books.

Discovery of Amazon and Smashwords

God said in John 15: 2, that if we bear fruits He will prune us to bear more fruits. That was God began to do. I discovered Amazon, Smashwords and Lulu to distribute these books. I just wanted the message and the books to get to others to add values to them and also to populate the kingdom of God.

We later started our own online bookstore at


Discovery of Udemy and online courses

Then the Lord pruned further, we began to turn the books into online courses where students can learn from the comfort of their homes. As usual and as I always do, we began to publish more online courses on the Udemy platform and then on our own course platform,

Publication of The Prostitute novel

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After reaching many lives on Amazon and other platforms with nonfiction books, God pruned further and helped me to write the first Christian novel – Wealth Codes.

Then, I wrote Conjugal Conflicts.

Then I wrote The Prostitute. The Prostitute reached lots of people online and offline. Then the Lord pruned further.

Publishing ministry evolved into film making

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God stepped us into film making by making me to learn from the late Dr. Korede Are Moses, popularly called, Baba Gbenro. The Prostitute film was produced.

Then we produced three other short Christian films.

God is faithful

God is ever faithful. He is ever in the duty of pruning those who bear fruits to bear more.

If you have been given a seed idea. If you have a God-given vision. If you have a book ministry, you need to take action on it.

Don’t wait till you have all the resources to do everything. Start from where you and with what you have.

You need to plant the seeds. Only seeds that are planted will grow. Jesus started the miracle of multiplication of loaves and fishes with what was available – 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes.

Until you find out what you have and you thank God for it and begin to distribute the multiplication miracle will not start.

I hope this has helped you. I want to read your comment. Please share with friends.

You can get your books published online by getting in touch with us at Sarefat Vision Publishing. We have lots of years of valuable experience in helping authors get their books published on platforms like Amazon, Kobo, Babelcube, Payhip, Buy Me a Coffee, Smashwords (now Draft2digital), NowNowBooks store etc. Call or Whatsapp 08034300979 for your book publishing needs.




Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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