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How to Start a Faith Based Blog

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How to start a faith based blog is the focus of this post today. I believe it is necessary to do this post considering how successful this faith blog has been over the years.

Yes, this is a blog journey of over 16 years and it is still growing stronger. Many lives have been touched by this Christian blog you are reading from at the moment.

Related: Top Christian Blogs in Nigeria


What is a faith based blog?

A faith based blog is a website or blog that derives contents from God’s Word as we have it in the Bible. The power of the Christian faith is the one behind a faith based blog.

Usually, the blogger or the team of bloggers behind a faith based blog is a Christian faithful. He or she has set up the blog to teach some of the revelations God has taught him or her.


Why do we need more faith based blogs today?

In Isaiah chapter 2 verse 1-2, God showed us that in the last days, the mountain of the Lord shall be established and exalted above other mountains and hills of the world. God also showed that the people shall flow to this mountain of the Lord to know about the almighty God snd learn from Him.

Good faith based blogs teach the Word of God or the principles of God. So faith based blogs are last days establishment to achieve the mission of God.

Therefore, we need more faith based blogs to dominate the entire internet and social media space. We can not have enough of them.

This faith based blog you are reading from at the moment is just one of these end times platforms that God is using to spread His message. There are huge resources in this website and blog for your use. Most of them are free for your use.


How to start a faith based blog: Step by step guide

To start a faith based blog, you need to consider the following:

  • What is the theme of your Blog?
  • Though some established Christian blogs deals with diverse Christian themes but if you just starting out you should pick a theme for your blog
  • Ensure you concentrate your attention on this chosen theme to gain quick attention of the search engines
  • Research relevant keywords and key phrases and I advise you go for long tail keywords and key phrases
  • Use one of your researched keywords to choose a domain name
  • Approach a domain registration and hosting company to register a domain name and also get a good hosting (Contact us for this service. Affordable and reliable hosting at Sarefat Vision Investment LTD) (or call or Whatsapp 08034300979) or (email us here)
  • Get a blog or website designer to do the job if you can not develop your or design your blog ( we can also offer this service)



Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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