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How to use your gifts for God

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School of BUSINESS

How to use your gifts for God was the theme of the latest devotional we sent out through our Christian Business Devotional. God is so good that He ensured every of His creation is given gifts that he or she can use to manifest His kingdom on this earth.

Since this blog and website is primarily focussed on personal development, business, and how workplace professionals can work excellently and righteously in their workplaces, I will be using this article, How to use your gifts for God, to describe how workplace professionals can use their gifts for God in their workplaces.

Why must you use your gifts for God in your workplace?

You must use your gifts for God in your workplace because God has given them to you free of charge to elevate you in that workplace. The bible says, “Your gift will make room for you.”

This implies that wherever you find yourself (your workplace inclusive), deploying your gifts should help you find favor in the eyes of your employers and coworkers and therefore help to promote you.

I rely on the fruits the deployment of my gifts produce to make me excel in the workplaces where I worked. When gifts are at work, promotions will always be in place.

Related:  Gain access to this ebook gift: How to Launch Your Business as Christian

Have you discovered your gifts?

Have you discovered you are gifted? If you have, then you need to begin to use it to cause changes in your society and in your workplace.  I have seen employees who have neglected or disregarded the use of their God-given gifts in their places of work; they have relied solely on the
academic training they received in school and the training they received
at their workplace.

This should not be so. Effective use of your God-given gifts will always
give you an extra edge over others who are not using it in your workplace.


How Jesus Used His gifts

Jesus showed us the usefulness of His gifts when He declared in Luke 12: 49-51,

“I have come to start a fire on this earth…I have come to change everything,
turn everything right side up… I have come to disrupt and confront…”.

Your gift, its discovery, and use automatically turn you into a change agent. This places a responsibility on you to start causing godly changes in your own society, community, or workplace.

I hope you will get down to work immediately using your God-given gifts.

Further Reading: Mark 10: 38, Micah 7:6, John 7:43.

Note: Please enjoy one free audio review copy of Bible Devotional for
Christian Husbands: 25 practical ways I treat my wife biblically to solve difficult problems and ensure unity in my marriage, now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at
Audible . Use the code below



Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

Join the discussion

  1. Ola

    This is a great article on how to use gifts for God. It’s great to act like Jesus to deploy our gifts effectively on this earth. Please keep up the good works.

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