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Infidelity in marriage: what to do

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What should a spouse do when there is infidelity in marriage? This short post will show you my response to a question from a lady who had extra marital affairs many years ago and have kept it from her husband.

She wanted to know what she should do about the situation because her peace had been under attack. I will show you my response in this post but first, let me tell you what infidelity in a relationship is.


What is infidelity in marriage?

Infidelity in marriage is a situation whereby a spouse or the two spouses get involved in extra marital affairs. Having extra marital affairs or infidelity in a marriage relationship is a sin against God.


My response to the question on infidelity in a marriage relationship

Please find below my inspired response to the question on infidelity in a marriage relationship. I want you to note that the woman in question wanted to know if her opening up to her husband will cost her the marriage.

He who covers his or her sin shall not prosper.

It’s not about your marriage or spouse or anything now, it’s first and foremost about you. The devil will exploit the situation to afflict you – the devil loves situations like this. It may appear he has not shown interest but you can be sure he will show up soon.

Secondly, it’s also about eternity. What happens if Jesus comes back? Is your making heaven sure?

After you have considered the above situation and dealt decisively with them, you can now begin to consider your husband or the marriage.

But I know God is faithful to His Word. He can work out something good from the situation if you obey His commandments.


Cheating on your spouse

You should understand that cheating on your spouse is a sin against God and a sin against yourself. Fornication and adultery are sins and they have consequences.

You should also understand that covering your sins is a sin against God and the devil will exploits the situation if you don’t repent.

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Have you watched The Prostitute movie?

What a husband did after he discovered that his wife was cheating on him. Watch it below:





Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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