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Is tithing biblical?

Is tithing biblical?

Is tithing biblical? This is the question this post will try to answer.

There are so many questions that have been asked by lots of people (even among Christians) about the validity of tithing as a Christian practice. A lot of people want to know if tithing is a Christian practice.

You should get a copy of my book, Is tithing a Godly practice, to find out deep revelation God’s Spirit shared with me about this topic.

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What does the bible says about tithing?

The Bible has some interesting revelation about the Christian practice of tithing. I want you to read the following revelation on God’s original view about tithing.

This should help you to know to have a preview of the answers to the question, Is tithing biblical? It will also prepare you for more revelation that are packaged in my book, Is tithing a Godly practice?

Is tithing biblical: Existence of tithing

Tithing was in existence before the law came into existence. So the practice of tithing can’t be limited to what the law says.

I believe the payment of tithe is even more than the use of it for church works and payment of wages for church workers. Especially if we have to look at it from the perspective of how Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek.


Tithing as an expression of love and faith for God

Abraham paid tithe as an expression of love for God and faith in God because at that time the law has not come into existence.

Salvation connected us to the blessings of Abraham so if we want to practice the faith of Abraham we should pay tithe in our churches and to men of God over our lives as an expression of faith in God and love for God as Abraham did it


The law and tithing

I am surprised some people only see the law when we talk about tithing when tithing even came into existence before the law came into existence. So tithing is a faith practice and not a law practice.

Just as circumcision does not determine faith in God because Abraham practiced faith in Genesis 15 before he practiced circumcision.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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