How to achieve greatness in life and business
Faith of a Christian Leader
Action Power Devotional

Knowing God more intimately

Knowing God more intimately holds the secret to a more fulfilled Christian life. How did I know this?

Today’s Action Power Devotional will show you a good example from the life of one of the most accomplished servants of God in the Bible. If he was extremely successful, then his secret must be in his story.

Let us check out one of the secrets he embraced as a servant of the most High God.

Related: 10 Success Secrets of Jesus Christ

Knowing God more intimately: The story of Moses

knowing God more intimately and understanding His ways was the topmost priority that dominated Moses’ prayers. He did just that in Exodus 33:13. Read it below:

[13]Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.”


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Knowing God more intimately: Moses excelled

I am not surprised Moses excelled in his duties on the earth with superior wisdom and information at his disposal. He wrote the book of creation purely by revelation from God even before he came to the earth.


Top on your prayer list

Let knowing more of God and His ways top your prayer list. When you allow this, He will give you the needed wisdom to be successful on this earth.

Every other prayer point should follow after this. To some, there are even no other prayer points apart from this.

Related: Why God does not answer your prayers 


Knowing God more intimately: Your prayer list

The following can dominate your prayer list if knowing more about God and understanding His ways are your top desires.

Check out this list:

  1. God, let me know you more intimately
  2. God, show me your ways and secrets
  3. God, give me revelations from your Word
  4. God, use me and my family and ministry for the expansion of your kingdom on this earth
  5. Lord, help me to do your will on the earth
  6. Father, give me souls for your kingdom


You can modify the list as you will but let the central point be God and His kingdom on this earth.

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More Action Power at Online Bible School Nigeria and Christian personal development blog

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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