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Living the God kind of life

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How did I embraced living the God kind of life? You will be reading a fantastic introduction to this in this post.

Living the God life is a must for Christians. But are Christians living the God kind of life today?

You should be able to answer that question. Are you living the way God will live if He was to be here on this earth?

Related: You can get s copy of 30 Unchangeable Laws of Success book today. A complete guide on how Christians can follow the living laws of of God to live the way they should on this earth.

Please contact Sarefat Vision Investment Publishing at Whatsapp 08034300979 or email or contact us here 


What does it mean to live the God kind of life?

Living the God kind of life is all about living exactly the same way God will live if He was to be living on this earth. It is just exactly the way Jesus lived during His ministry on the earth.

Living the God kind of life is about:

Being born again. You can live like God on the earth if you are not a child of God

  • Living victoriously
  • Living the miraculous life
  • Allowing His Word to be your guide and revelation
  • Allowing God’s Spirit in you to be your God, your Teacher and your Helper
  • Living a prayerful life
  • And more


Introduction to how living the God life caught my attention

Please find below how living the God life caught my attention. This is a very practical story so please watch out for revelation as you read this.


Author’s Preamble to living as God on this earth

Right from the days before I became a Christian, I have detested how this present world treats its inhabitants (both Christians and non-Christians alike). The people (especially those in third world countries) live in abject poverty and many have lost hope in their abilities to crush the monster called poverty and other prevalent problems in society.

Living effectively has become a mirage to so many – It is not something they can achieve in their lifetimes! Many (including Christians) have turned to ‘other powers’ or demonic powers for help. They thought, maybe these strange powers will give them the power to live effectively.

How wrong they were (and have been) because these strange powers have turned around to hunt and destroy them!


What were the options before me?

The options before me were as shown below.

Above were my observations before I became a Christian. Though I had grown up amid extreme poverty and lack, I was determined not to go the way of strange power-seekers because I don’t want to be destroyed.

I wanted to succeed and also make a great impact during my lifetime but I was lost in the wilderness of what will help me to achieve my aims.

Do I need to turn to God? But I have observed how many Christians of many years have not fared better than myself, my family, and other non-Christians.

The second option of seeking strange powers does not appeal to me because I don’t want to be destroyed by these powers.

My third option was to be neutral but my family had lived this way since I began to differentiate my left hand from the right and it has not helped us at all.


Revelation from John 15:5b

After my college education, my inability to secure a job took me to a Pentecostal church in my country where I gave my life to Jesus Christ albeit still with some reservations about whether I had taken the right decision.

Then, I read these glorious words from Jesus from the bible book of John Chapter 15:

“I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without me ye can do nothing”.  (John 15:5).

As I studied the Word of God and read John Chapter 15 verse 5, I reacted to it in these two ways:

  • How can a man (Jesus) pronounce with all confidence that nobody will succeed without Him? I challenged this statement from Him!
  • On the other hand, I felt, if indeed He could make me live effectively, succeed and also make a great impact in my life, let me learn something more about Him and His methods.


The reaction of the Holy Spirit

I believe the Holy Spirit loved these twin- reactions from me and He swung into action. Between that period and now, He has used everything to teach me a lot about this great man called Jesus. He has used:

  • Deep insight into His Word from the Bible
  • Dreams and visions
  • Direct ministrations
  • Lack
  • Wealth
  • Divine ideas
  • Books written by anointed authors
  • My marriage
  • The birth of our first child
  • Prophecies and teachings of my spiritual mentors
  • Book projects

And many more to give me revelations about the Man behind the John 15:5 statement


God’s glorious intention for Man

The glorious intention of God for man whom He created in His image and in His likeness is to make man live as His certified representative on the earth! You should not be surprised about this if we are to take into consideration, revelations from God’s Word in the Bible.

Check out the following revelations from the bible below:

Jesus, in John 5:17-19, said as He is so we are.

Luke 1:32 attached divinity to humanity.

At creation, in the book of Genesis, when it was time for Him to create man, He said, “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness.”

The first biblical revelation showed us very clearly that we are God’s replica on this earth to do the mighty works He once did on the earth and which He still wants to do on the earth.

Luke 1:32

“He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.”

The second biblical revelation (see it above) showed how God, as part of His divine plan for the earth, had to attach divinity to humanity. Two fathers are mentioned in that passage for Jesus Christ. The heavenly Father and the earthly father, David. Jesus lived on the earth as God!

What you have read above is an excerpt from my book. If you want the complete book, 30 Unchangeable Laws of Success, you can find more information on how to get it below.

Please contact Sarefat Vision Investment Publishing at Whatsapp 08034300979 or email or contact us here 

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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