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New year projects 2023

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School of BUSINESS

I want you to take a look at our new year projects 2023. First, you should read the note below. You will be able to find some of the projects for the new year in our organization.

Related: Happy New Year 2023


Note about our New year projects 2023

I am saying a happy new year to you once again. It’s going to be a very fulfilling year for you in Jesus name. Amen.

I want to thank you for your support last year. Your support and partnership were the factors that are giving us courage and strength.

Let us look at what we achieved last year.


What we achieved in the year 2022

  • We added another blog to our blog and website family. We call it KDP College . This was created to help authors learn the bits and pieces of Amazon KDP publishing.
  • We were able to publish more books on various online stores like Amazon, Lulu, Babelcube, etc. Draft2digital blacklisted authors from our continent after it bought Smashwords. That was bad but we are looking for alternative means to continue to go wide with our books.
  • We had the Visionary Business Project programs at some locations. Some of the videos are on our YouTube channel.
  • At Zarepath Publishing, the publishing arm of our organization, we were able to self-publish some books locally for some authors in our country.
  • We had the Occupy Conference online last year. We believe it will be bigger this year in Jesus name.

We bless God for everything stated above and even the ones I am not able to mention.


Our Targets this year 2023

The following are our projects targets this year:


Step Up Book distribution

We kick-started the Step-Up book distribution project last year. God inspired us to start printing and distributing our Bible Short Report series offline massively.

There are over 30 editions in this series already and they are all published as ebooks. I will bring you more information about this project.


Visionary Business Project training programs

We will be more consistent with our Visionary Business Project training programs this year. We will be having it monthly online and quarterly offline.


Action Power

We started the Action Power social media outreach last year and we will do more with it this year. We have also added the Faith Money and Business social media outreach in colors and beautifully designed graphics.


The Prostitute novel asa film

We trust God to produce my bestselling novel, The Prostitute as a film this year.


Occupy Conference will be bigger

We believe the Occupy Conference will be bigger this year. It will attract more people and most importantly solve the problems of more people in Jesus name.


Venue for Visionary Business Project

As I write the last part of this post on new year projects 2023, let me inform you that we believe you can be of great use to us and the projects listed above.

If there’s any way you think you can be of use and support, please let me know.

Most especially, we are looking for a location to host our Visionary Business Project training programs in Lagos, Nigeria. If you can be of use in this regard, please let me know via WhatsApp (08034300979) or email, at

Thank you. My greetings to your family and well-wishers. God bless you.


Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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