How to achieve greatness in life and business
Noah days of flood are here
Action Power Devotional

Noah days of flood are here

The Noah days of flood are here! It’s indeed the Noah days! It’s indeed the Sodom and Gomorrah days! 

Those awful and godless days are now staring us in the face today in our world. We need to wake up to righteousness.


Related: Revelation of end times warnings


What are the Noah days of flood?

If you want to know what I mean by the Noah days of flood, please read the Bible passage below:


Matthew 24:37-39

[37]But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

[38]For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,

[39]and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.


Days of ungodliness 

In the Noah days of ungodliness the following characterize the activities of the people:

  • They were doing their own will 
  • They were only motivated and inspired by selfishness
  • They did not allow God and His Word to dominate their consciousness
  • They did not retain God in their memories
  • They were not ready to take wise instructions and advice
  • They were lawless
  • They were violent 

Those were the activities that characterize the days of the flood of Noah. 


Take stock and repent 

You need to take stock. You need to check yourself to see how you have allowed yourself to slip dangerously and carelessly into the Noah days. Let the Holy Spirit and God’s Word help you.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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