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Pastor David Ibiyeomie sermon Day 3 Shiloh 2024

This is Pastor David Ibiyeomie sermon on Day 3 Shiloh 2024. This was delivered during the Hour or Visitation segment of the program.

Related: Day 2 Shiloh 2024


Pastor David Ibiyeomie sermon on Day 3 Shiloh 2024

See the full transcript of Pastor David Ibiyeomie sermon on Day 3 of Shiloh 2024. It is titled, Wisdom Has Unlimited Capacity for Growth.




Pastor David Ibiyeomie on WISDOM HAS UNLIMITED CAPACITY FOR GROWTH || Shiloh 2024 – Day 3 Hour of Visitation || EVER WINNING WISDOM || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 12th December 2024 || Part A.

I want to deeply appreciate God for this privilege. Appreciate my father and my mother, I don’t take it for granted. Church Gist. It’ll never be abused or misused. I want you to know, something good will happen to you.

Father, in the name of Jesus, speak to us your Word in this first session. Let each one have an encounter with your Word. Church Gist. Spirit of God, breathe upon your Word for a change of story for everyone in Jesus’ most wonderful name.
– someone expecting something special, let your Amen be the loudest.
– give Him a big hand.

The theme is EVER WINNING WISDOM. The topic given to me is WISDOM HAS UNLIMITED CAPACITY FOR GROWTH. The Word of God we all know is the wisdom of God. Church Gist. It is the master key of life.

Then, what is wisdom? Wisdom is the accurate application of God’s Word to get your desired results. It is knowing what to do in line with Scriptures and doing it at the right time because you may know what to do and do it at the wrong time. Church Gist. Wisdom is the Scriptural solution to the problems of men.

Hear this, Jesus is the wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians 1:24. Yet, Jesus grew in wisdom. He is the wisdom Himself but He grew in wisdom. Church Gist. That is, His capacity was developed. Luke 2:40,52. Jesus grew in three dimensions – spirit, soul and body. If Jesus grew in these three dimensions, we must also grow like Him. Ephesians 5:1 (AMP).

How to grow in these three dimensions. Now, man is three dimensional – he’s a spirit, he has a soul and he dwells in a body. 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Church Gist. You must grow spiritually, mentally and physically.

If wisdom has to display, the three areas must grow. You have to grow spiritually, mentally and physically. So, I’ll be breaking them down, each one according to their order.

1. Spiritually. Your spirit is the real you. John 3:6. So, the real you is the spirit, so you need to grow in your spirit to increase in wisdom. Church Gist. How to grow in your spirit:
a. Study God’s Word. We’ve heard so much on that. 2 Timothy 2:15. Ignorance of God’s Word is the most effective weapon satan can use against you. And ignorance of God’s Word is very deadly. Hosea 4:6. Church Gist.

Now, hear this people of God, Jesus knew the Word, spoke the Word, acted the Word and is the Word, John 1:1; Revelations 19:13, yet, He studied the Word. He knew the Word, He acted the Word, He’s the Word, yet He studied the Word. Luke 4:16. How can the Word study the Word? Church Gist. I pray someone hearing all over the world will follow His example and break out where you are in the name of Jesus.

So, what makes you think that you can have lasting success of exploits without the Word of God if the Word Himself will go back to the Word before He saw what was written concerning Him?

b. Engage in prayer and fasting. Prayer is commanded by God. Luke 18:1. Prayer is communicating with your Father God. Jesus communicated with God through prayer. Church Gist. Prayer pleasures the heart of God. It opens the door for God to show us great and mighty things. Jeremiah 33:3.

That’s why this morning you were in prayer hour that ‘God show me something’. Church Gist. I pray God who has revealed Himself to you will show you more things.

You can’t neglect prayer and fasting in spiritual growth. It’s one of the most powerful ways to change the destiny of your life and occasionally you have to fight for your spiritual growth. Isaiah 58:6,8.
– somebody’s light will break forth in the precious name of Jesus.


Watch full video of sermon by Pastor David Ibiyeomie at Shiloh 2024

Please watch the full video of Day 3 Shiloh 2024, Hour of Visitation below:


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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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