How to achieve greatness in life and business
Post-Covid-19 days
Visionary Business Project

Post-Covid-19 days: Projects I am involved in

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School of BUSINESS

Are you getting yourself prepared for post-covid-19 days? I am so sure I will see you alive during this period. No harm will come upon you and your family in Jesus name.

Related: Watch this video on how you can react to covid-19 as a Christian


Post-covid-19 days: when coronavirus will be history

I am really preparing for the period in our world when covid-19 is going to be history. Yes, it’s going to be history soon and I want you to join your faith with me.

Our victory is sure over this enemy tool called coronavirus. In the meantime, please stay safe and continue to pray against this enemy persistently.

Related: Some of my premium books are presently at a huge discount at the Smashwords store. You can just get some good Faith-based books to enjoy at this period.


How God’s Spirit is helping me to prepare

The Spirit of God is already helping me to prepare for post-covid-19 period. I am already into the following projects:

  1. An online course titled, Christian Faith Manifestation. This is a reaction from the success of my free course, Christian Faith principles on which already has a lot of enrolled students with lots of great reviews. This new course will teach the Christian faith that brings miracles and exploits from the scratch using practical stories and illustrations. I believe it’s going to be the most comprehensive course on the Christian faith online.
  2. The second project has to do with how Christians are supposed to react in and with their finances and businesses as a result of the effect of Covid-19. Yes, there should be a reaction. This should open our eyes to what we have to do with our finances and businesses in this end times. Believe me, the end times are here. We should change our strategies to allign with the glorious plans of God for the end times. I will be using our blog platform for this project and you will be notified whenever a post is published on our blog.

Post-covid-19 days projects will help you

I believe these projects will add great values to you and also to me too.

If you want more information about any of these projects or you want to contribute in one way or the other to the projects in terms of sharing your stories and experiences, you can reach out to me at contact us

You can also drop your comment on this post. Thank you.

Please stay home and stay safe and ensure you stay connected to God via fellowship and His Word.

God bless you.

Sesan Oguntade

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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