How to achieve greatness in life and business
Practical Qualities of a Christian Drama Minister
Visionary Business Project

Practical Qualities of a Christian Drama Minister

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This post, Practical Qualities of a Christian Drama Minister is a summary note from the Christian Drama Writer Program.

Please enjoy the note and let me read your comment. Please share this with friends and let everyone know about the Christian Drama Writer Program.

Note: I have not edited this note. I lift it and posted it here just as it was delivered in our Zion Box Christian Films Whatsapp group during the program.

Related: Read about the Christian Drama Writer Program here 


Notes on Practical Qualities of a Christian Drama Minister

A drama minister must be careful because drama involves taking different kind of roles which at times are negative.

Everyone is as important as the other in drama Ministration… There is no minor… Everyone no matter how small the role is is very important…

May the Lord help us to live a holy and sanctified life for him in Jesus name.

3. A drama minister must be an addicted student of the word. Joshua 1:8,

Deuteronomy 17:9, Ps 119:105

The word of God is very important. We can’t teach people about the word when we are not grounded in the word.

Every inspiration must have it’s basis in the word… If it has no foundation in the word na SCAM.


Drama Minister, prayers and the Word of God

A drama minister must love the word especially writers… The Lord will help us.

Prayer and fasting is another quality drama ministers must possess. A drama minister must be addicted to prayer.

Infact, Drama Ministers are Prayer Warriors. You can’t see a drama minister that doesn’t love Prayer.

1. It builds your spiritual muscles.
2. Inspirations can gotten in the place of prayer and study of the word.
3. Instructions for the next move are gotten in the place of prayer.
4. We are at war against Darkness for exposing their secrets . Through Prayers we overcome.


Drama minister and researches

Also, a drama minister must be research minded.

Before writing or acting, we make research… How is it done.

If you are given a role, make research about the role… You can watch clips about the role… Ask questions from people in that field, go all out in making sure what you are doing is real to the glory of God.

Read books… 2 Tim 2:15…

If you are give the role of a nurse, go and research, herbalist, go and research, thug, go and research…

Don’t forget I BECOME so that I CAN pass the MESSAGE.


Drama minister and the Holy Spirit of God

A drama minister must allow the a Holy Spirit take over all of his life. The fruit of the spirit must be at work at all times. The world is watching you. We cannot live without the guidance and help of the holy spirit…

I forgot to add,go to programs, retreats, attend courses… All for knowledge to the glory of God.

Pls many people come to Drama Ministry for the FAME and POPULARITY. Drama Ministry is not for fame, popularity or money. If that’s your motive, you better leave or go to secular.

This is Ministry unto God. I have seen many people leave or divert because the priority at first was not God, was not souls, was not Jesus being manifest or magnified. It was self… Check yourself now

Hope it’s not for money,hope it’s not for fame, so my family will see me on screen or stage. Make sure it is Passion to make God happy.


All glory must be unto God

Also be fore I end the class tonight, you can be a drama minister because you have the gift of acting or because you love drama/passion for it. In whatever way, make sure the end point is that all glory returns back to God.

You don’t have to act on stage or screen to be a drama minister, you can be a stage manager, costume and props, writer, director,

Cinematographer,Continuity, Make up, Light man, Sound man etc.

Learn the skill well and let God be glorified….

Can we pray in the next few minutes and ask God for His help to do His work as a child who loves his father’s work.

If God doesn’t help a man, he labours in vain..


Time to pray for Drama Ministers

Can we pray for the grace never to disappoint Him.

That I will never labour like a fool Lord.

Lord help me and teach me your ways…

Let’s rededicate our lives to Him, take over my life Lord and let it be for your use and will alone.

May I never be a cast away Lord.

Thank you Jesus…

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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