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Preaching of the Gospel should evolve

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The preaching of the Gospel represents the power of God. Preaching the Gospel is an important vocation for Christians. Our Lord Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel from His charge to us in what we call, The Great Commission.


The preaching of the Gospel is the power of God

Paul wrote and explain to us why the preaching of the Gospel represents the power of God in the book of:

Romans 1:16

[16]For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.


God’s identity, secrets, mysteries, power are put into motion when we preach the Gospel to lost souls. When they discover or know or understand His secrets and mysteries, they have access to His power.

The next verse also showed that God’s righteousness is shared or shown through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Romans 1:17

[17]For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness

It’s therefore very important that, as Christians, we have to preach the Gospel to lost souls. This way we’re helping them grow in the Lord and to begin to have access to the power of God.

Related: Read Powerful testimonials of faith


Evolving with the preaching of the Gospel

The focus of this post is on how preachers and even Christians should evolve with the way they preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth is that we can’t afford to preach the Gospel the same way it was done in Bible days or even in the sixties and seventies and eighties.

Things have changed. Things are changing constantly these days. The problems we faced in the sixties are not the ones we are facing today. We preach the same Gospel but we should allow the Holy help us to use relevant strategies that will help us to catch the attention of the youth, the people or sinners.

This post is relevant to people I want to refer to as rigid preachers or rigid Christians. You should blook at some of the critical issues explained below and let me read your comment.

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Some critical issues to note on preaching the Gospel today

Look at some critical issues:

  • A lot have changed from the old days and now. The gospel that can never change should be relevant to the old days and the present days.
  • While preachers should not just teach people how to succeed and make money or be successful in business alone but I believe those teachings are also necessary too today.
  • If these teachings and principles can be found in the Word of God, then it’s healthy to teach them in our churches and to our youths. But there should be a balance. There should be a strong link between these teachings and the teachings on salvation, righteousness etc.
  • Our youths are being lured away into advance fee fraud and into cultist groups like illuminati and other crimes because they can’t combine or link the gospel news, the Word of God to their quest to be successful.
  • Most preachers today can’t tell these youths how Jesus and salvation and righteous living can help them achieve their other desires and aspirations in life.
  • In those days, we don’t have the types of crimes we have today in the society. Our teachings should evolve too. Our preachings should address the solutions to these crimes. Christians in the church want to know how the Gospel can help them in these areas.
  • The Word of God and the Gospel is useful and relevant for all ages. Preachers must let the Holy Spirit help them to evolve with their teachings. The bible says David served his generation according to the will of the God. David would not do it the way he did it in those days if he is to be around today. The constant thing is the will of the Father.
  • Today, the youth and even adults want to know how the Gospel and the Word of God will be useful to their different aspirations in life. We are not all called to be preachers and pastors.
  • When a ministry or minister teaches only prosperity in his church, this is bad but it’s also bad if a minister also teaches only topics on salvation alone. The people won’t stay if they can’t connect the two.
  • The white missionaries brought the Gospel to Africa. They didn’t bring it directly. They used the platforms of schools. They said they wanted to solve academic problems. We allowed them and then they introduce the gospel to us in Africa. That’s strategy is very much needed today too.
  • Jesus was also sensitive to the other needs of the people. He fed them without them asking for it. He taught them the Word and also fed them physically.
  • We shouldn’t make it look as if people who teach prosperity, success principles etc. are not spiritual or are not doing the will of God. We should check the activities in their church to see if they have a balanced spiritual diet for their church members.

Preaching the Gospel outside the temple

One other area I found the need for proper understanding about the preaching of the Gospel is in the area of what I have below:

In my part of the world, we always make it look as if sinners are located only in the bush or rural areas.  In some advanced countries if the world, they only think sinners that must be reached with the Gospel are only located inside the church.

This is not so. Today, we have lots of them in our various companies and industries and marketplaces. You will find them in your neighborhood too.

Not all people are called to go into the bush or rural areas. Not all preachers or Christians will manifest God’s will in this regard inside the church.

After the death of Stephen and with lots of persecution, lots of disciples moved out of Jerusalem. But the core 12 disciples did not move. They remained in Jerusalem. That was the will of God for their lives at that moment.


The will and instructions of God are important

Some people are called to minister in the cities while some people are called to do that in the rural areas. Some are called to be missionaries while some are called to set up organizations that will organize mission works and missionaries.

Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo of KICc did ith headquarters in London did not really find a place of rest until he got to London. Dr. David Oyedepo of Living Faith church, Nigeria had to start his ministry in a Muslim-dominated state in Nigeria.


Preaching of the Gospel: A balance is necessary

We need a balance. We need to evolve because the evil of today have advanced. The bible, the Word of God and Christianity is relevant and useful to bring up solutions.

Let us stay in our own area of calling. Wherever we find ourselves, let us ensure we have passion for souls and the advancement of the kingdom of God.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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