How to achieve greatness in life and business
Relevance of business platforms and structures
Visionary Business Project

Relevance of business platforms and structures

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School of BUSINESS

Relevance of business platforms and structures is one of the classes at the ongoing School of BUSINESS training program from the Visionary Business Project for the year 2025.

I am presenting the transcript of the class, Relevance of Business Platforms and Structures in this post.

Related: You can learn how to be a part of the School of BUSINESS training program here 


About the Relevance of Business Platforms and Structures

Business Platforms and Structures are one of the most important triggers of growth in a business or any organization. Every successful business or organization have in place business platforms and structures where their growth and development stand upon.

Likewise, if you look at organization or businesses that are not doing well or that have ceased to exist, they must have problems putting proper business platforms and structures in place.


God loves business platforms and structures

The class also showed very clearly the love of God for His children who are entrepreneurs to have proper business platforms and structures in place.

The teachings from this class at the School of BUSINESS training program has its foundation in the will and the Word of God.

Let us jump to the transcript of this class immediately. Please let me read your comment. I have presented the note below without any form editing.


Transcript of the class on the relevance of business platforms and structures

God said to me: How can I bring growth when there are no structures on ground.

Nigeria’s millionaire Publisher, Sunny Obazu Ojeagbase once wrote this interesting piece about the profitability of having structures or system in place in an organisation:

“… anytime you discover something that is working, know that there is a system below the surface, that is making it to work … However good a system is, that is working efficiently, realize that there are people who understand how to work the system and that they are doing their best to keep it working perfectly”.

Let me give more simple explanations of what I mean by platforms and structures.

At the early days of Jesus ministry, He had a preaching project to execute and He took the decision to use a boat platform owned by Peter.

Now, If Jesus had devised a plan to use this boat platform to preach every fortnight and at a specific time, He has been able to establish a structure around that preaching project.

Both platforms and structures are relevant requirements that can help you to consistently execute projects successfully

Let me give more descriptions of how we are using this principle in our organisation.

We had a project which was to teach Bible success principles and we chose the platforms of published books and ebooks to carry out this project.

We established a structure behind this by giving it a descriptive name, Bible Short Reports Series and we took the decision to publish new editions every one month and distribute them free of charge over the internet.

The platform gave the project a field of execution while the structure got us more committed to the task. With these in place, growth and development are imminent.

Look at Prophet Isaiah saw about this:

Therefore your gates shall be open continually; They shall not be shut day or night, That men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles, and their kings in procession” (Isaiah 60:11)

Let us look at some keywords in the Bible passage above. The analysis will show you more facts about the importance of creating platforms and structures to execute your projects.

Gates: These represent platforms that have been set up to minister to the people or solve the people’s problems. They are the platforms your project rides upon to solve problems.

Open Continually: This represents a structure that has been set up by the person who created the gates or platform.

That: This is important. It shows a link between the previous statement and the one that was about to follow.

Men/Bring/Wealth of Gentiles: When you have a good platform and structure in place to solve the people’s problems, it makes it more convenient for them to bring their wealth and resources to you.

Kings: Sometimes, when Bible authors (especially in some parts of the Old Testament) use this word, they are referring to leaders and important personalities in the society. Yes, these types of influential people will bring themselves and their wealth to your platforms and structures.

Make Your Choice

Who will you prefer to do business with from the two bread producers I will be describing below?

Mr. A: Mr. A runs a bread production project but has an erratic production schedule. He also has no location for his bread production activities.

Mr. B: Mr. B runs a bread production project. He has a unique name for the bread. He has a small factory location and produces fresh bread every morning, Monday to Saturday.

He also has all this information displayed on a notice board in his office.

I am sure Mr. B will be the choice of everyone as his or her preferred bread supplier. I know you don’t want to bother yourself with the extra thought of figuring out whether Mr. A will be producing bread on a particular day or not.

You don’t also want to add the extra call cost to your bill to enquire from Mr. A where his next production location will be.

Mr. B will be everybody’s friend because he has platforms and structures in place to execute his bread project.

Multinational Organizations

I want you to observe the operations of successful multinational organizations in your country; you will notice that they have strong platforms and structures in place to execute their projects.

I am not surprised that they are able to successfully complete lots of projects recording mighty profits year in year out. If a new employee comes into their set up, he or she meets and fits into an already established structure and there will be no truncation of the growth process.

Jesus Used Platforms and Structures

Jesus Christ severally created teaching platforms to execute His Cross project when He was here on earth.

He used Peter’s boat. He taught the disciples on the mountain. He taught at the temple. He used sinners’ houses to teach sermons. He taught at the well of Jacob. He used the cross to demonstrate forgiveness.

Jesus also put structures in place in His ministry. He had a group of three disciples that belong to the “inner circle”.

He had a treasurer and His group had a schedule of ministering to the needy.

The Bible in Luke 4:16 says, “And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.”

There was also a disciple who dips his hands into the dish with Him (Matthew 26:23). This shows that the group also had a sitting arrangement whenever it was time to eat.

Jethro Taught Moses a Lesson

“So Moses’ father-in-law said to him, ‘The thing that you do is not good. Both you and these people who are with you will surely wear yourselves out. For this thing is too much for you; you are not able to perform it by yourself…I will give you counsel and God will be with you…Stand before God for the people, so that you may bring the difficulties to God. And you shall teach them the statues and the laws, and show them the way in which they must walk and the work they must do. Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness…” (Exodus 18:21).

From the story above, you should observe how Moses’ father-in-law taught him the relevance of having a structure in place.

Moses had overlooked this and was running an organization executing projects without a properly defined structure in place.

Jethro pointed his attention to how he could relieve himself of much stress and fast track the execution of justice in his organization completing lots of projects in the process. He helped him to understand that the structures he puts in place will be an operational structure that will give others the chance to contribute their own quota.

“The thing that you do is not good” (Exodus 1817), his father in law yelled at him!

Yes, what you are doing is bad for yourself and for your project if you don’t have a growth structure in place as you execute your projects.

Project execution runs smoother and faster towards completion when a structure is in place.

The no-resistance manner Moses accepted and began to use his father-in-law’s advice shows he had desired such change but was clueless on how he would go about it.

His father-in-law’s suggestion was therefore timely and a project saver!

This is the same way the presence of structures and platforms in your project execution activities will save you lots of troubles and gives you the opportunity to grow on your project at a rate that will surprise even you.

God Loves Structures

I am sure you will agree with me that God loves structures and platforms. Moses’ father-in-law said to Moses, “I will give you counsel and God will be with you” (Exodus 18:19).

He was sure God would love the advice he was about giving to Moses. Let me give more support to this interesting biblical principle with God’s activities during the creation process as it is documented in Genesis 1 and 2.

God started the earth project (Genesis 1:1).
A disorganized setting showed up (Gene 2: 4-6).

God had not caused it to rain on the earth and there was yet no man to till the ground. There was also no plant that had grown on the earth at this stage.

This establishment was such a disorganized setting with no structure in place for growth.

“And the Lord God formed man…and planted a Garden” (Gene 2:7-9). God formed man but He won’t put man in such a structure-less environment.

He therefore created another environment (a Garden) where He would put all the structures necessary for man to have steady growth.

Let us look at the structures God puts in place in this beautiful Garden.

i. A man was formed to head the organization (Genesis 2:7).

ii. He made trees that were pleasant to the sight and good for food (Gen 2:9a).

iii. He also had the tree of life in place which man could eat from to ensure he continued to enjoy the God life that He breathed into him in verse 7.

iv. There was also the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which man must not touch if he must continue to enjoy his relationship with God. These two trees were positioned at specific positions (in the middle of the Garden).

No Cattle No Crops

While researching for this Course, I stumbled upon another interesting Bible passage in Proverbs 14: 4, “No cattle, no crops; a good harvest requires a strong Ox for the plow” (MSG).

I want to rephrase that Biblical statement this way: “No structure, no project growth; success in project execution requires a strong structure in place”.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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