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Visionary Business Project

How to run a business as a ministry

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School of BUSINESS

I believe the dream of every Christian entrepreneur will be how to run a business as a ministry or as a calling.

Related: You need to check out a good guide on this.


What does it mean to run a business as a ministry?

Running a business as a ministry is all about setting up and carrying out activities in your business with God’s Word and rules as a guide. It’s about allowing God to direct affairs in your life and business to fulfill His purpose in your life and also to achieve His will for the earth.


Do you want to run a business as a ministry?

If you want to start and run your business as a calling or as a ministry, then I want you to read this very carefully.

You can start and run a business and use your business platform to honor God and also promote His kingdom on this earth.

If you want to operate successfully as a Spiritual entrepreneur and continue to serve God diligently and also run a successful business, then you should check out this short guide.


Business just the way God wants it

Have you ever figured out how wonderfully it is to start and run a business, solve problems of the people and the society, create and build wealth the way God had designed you to be on the earth.

Have you ever thought of how beautiful and comforting it would be if Jesus comes back today and still give you a pat on the back for a job well done despite running your entrepreneurial journey here on the earth with all you have got.

If the possibilities excite you, then I want you to look at what this guide has to show you.

Check out the purpose-driven business book today.

If you go ahead to get it, please let me read from you so that I can send some interesting Christian Business guides and resources to you.

Related: Learn how to start a faith-based business here


Run a business as a ministry

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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