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Visionary Business Project

Sins in the marketplace

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How to avoid sins in the marketplace is the focus of my latest videos at the Visionary Business Project. If you are an entrepreneur or even a customer in the marketplace, you need to watch this video..

If you to want to see some of the sins you commit in the marketplace, this video will show you ten of them. Enjoy the video.

But before I go to the video, let me show you what a marketplace is for the purpose of this post.

Related: faith based businesses: 4 ways to multiply resources


What is a marketplace?

A marketplace is:

1. Business ground

1. It is a business, work, and profit-making ground for business people. In the Parable of Talent, Jesus wants us to trade. Elisha asked the widow to sell the vessel of Oil in the marketplace. 2 Kings 4:7.

Want to learn how to inquire of the Lord? Read this new book on how to make inquiries of the Lord 


2. Evengelism ground

It is an evangelism ground for Christian entrepreneurs. The great commission, Jesus said we should go… Matthew 28:19-20

We preach the gospel with our godly activities in the marketplace.


3. Problem-solving ground

3. It’s a problem-solving platform for light shiners (Matthew 5:14). You create quality products and services that solve problems and sell in the marketplace.


Practical ways you commit sins in the marketplace

Please watch the video to see more information about how you should comport yourself in the marketplace.


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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