How to achieve greatness in life and business
Skill of greatness by Joshua Selman
Sermons of faith giants

Skill of greatness by Joshua Selman

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Did you know that there is a skill of greatness? Yes, there is one skill that you must have among many others, that can help you to maintain greatness.

Apostle Joshua Selman reveals this skill of greatness in the Books and Sermons review program at our Solution TV NG YouTube channel. You should watch and learn and put to use this important skill.

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Related: There is no Ministry of Deliverance by Dr. David Oyedepo 


Watch the skill of greatness sermon review of Apostle Joshua Selman

In an exciting sermon by Apostle Joshua Selman, he shows us one of the important skills that can help you to maintain greatness. He said greatness needs to be maintained if it has been attained.

He advises Christians not to relax and be complacent after they have achieved a particular level of success.

Please find the details of this Sermon review of this great Apostle below:

Apostle Joshua Selman reveals the skill to maintain greatness in our Books and Sermons Review at the Solution TV NG. Please watch and learn and share at

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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