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Story by Kenneth Hagin on Christians and their inheritance
Action Power Devotional

Story by Kenneth Hagin on Christians and their inheritance

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You will love this interesting story by Kenneth Hagin on Christians and their inheritance. The summary of the story is that even as Christian if you lack the right knowledge and revelation about your sonship, you are still not really different from a gentile.

What is Christian inheritance?

Christian inheritance is what belongs to the saints that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ has already being delivered to the saints and settled.

Though, this is delivered and settled but we still need the right understanding to enjoy this inheritance or blessings.

Read the story by Kenneth Hagin on Christians and their inheritance

I want you to read the story illustration by Kenneth Hagin on Christians and their inheritance. These stories have helped me everytime I read them.

Note: I culled this from his book, The Believer’s Authority.


First story by Kenneth Hagin on Christians and their inheritance

I’ve told about the time I hid a $20 bill in my billfold and forgot about it. Then I ran out of gasoline one day, started searching through my billfold, and found the $20 bill.

I couldn’t say I didn’t have it, because I had it all the time – I had carried it around for months right in my hip pocket. Because I didn’t know what I had, I couldn’t spend it, but it was just as much mine when I didn’t know about it as it was when I did.


Second story by Kenneth Hagin on Christians and their inheritance

Years ago I read about a man who was found dead in the small, shabby room he rented for $3 a week. He had been a familiar sight on the streets of Chicago for about 20 years, always dressed in rags and eating out of garbage cans.

When he wasn’t seen for two or three days, concerned neighbors went to look for him and found him dead in bed. An autopsy revealed that he had died of malnutrition, yet a money belt found around his waist contained more than $23,000.

That man had lived in abject poverty, peddling newspapers for a living, yet he had money. He could have lived in the finest hotel in town instead of that little, run- down room. He could have eaten the best food instead of garbage.

But he didn’t use what belonged to him. We need to know what belongs to us. Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

In Hosea God says, “My people (not sinners, not the world) are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6). People actually perish who wouldn’t have to.

I believe you loved those stories. Please read what I have to add below.

The child heir

Even as a born again Christian of many years, you can still be manifesting as a gentile! Until you take hold of the light or revelation that are specific to your life and situation, you defer not from a gentile or non Christian. Paul wrote that the heir, as long as he is a child, differs not from a servant. Galatians 4: 1.

Allow the Spirit of God to show you the truth about your life and you must embrace His revelation to you. Water and improve in your relationship with Him.


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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