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A video about trusting God: Watch it now

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I want you to watch this interesting video about trusting God. I called it, the Faith Substance. This video will show you how to ‘materialize’ or ‘physicalize’ your faith to complete the process of faith in God.

I want you to pardon my use of the terms, ‘materialize’ and ‘physicalize’ in this post. It’s a result of my desire to describe the importance of the principle described in this post. A Christian who is not walking by faith will not please God and a Christian who is not pleasing God will not be able to flow in miraculous in any aspect of his or her life.


Related: Enroll for my new online course on doing the Miraculous at this highly discounted price

What this video about trusting God is teaching you

This video about trusting God will show you how I and my wife followed diligently what I called the faith process to have the miracle of our first child after 4 years of waiting. We had to use and put in place faith substances to represent physically our faith and trust in God.

We have used this faith principle severally in other aspects of our lives in various ways with interesting results. I have written severally about our experiences in our various free Christian personal development books and faith-based videos.


Watch this video about faith in God now

Watch and enjoy the video about faith in God and let me read from you.

Let me read what you think about this video and topic.

Related: Enroll for my new online course on doing the Miraculous at this highly discounted price


Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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