How to achieve greatness in life and business
Watch video sample of The Prostitute novel
Zion Box Christian Films

Watch video sample of The Prostitute novel

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I want you to watch the video sample of The Prostitute novel today. Please like and share the video and subscribe to our YouTube channel.


Update: The Prostitute Novel has become a film

The Prostitute novel finally becomes a film! I believe thousands of people who have read the novel will be excited about this.

I’m excited too. You can now watch a story of extreme love, fury and jealousy as a movie.

Look at what a user of the novel said:

Wow!! The book is so inspiring. I really learnt a lot. I look forward to reading more from you. Marvelous

And another:

I just read the sample which is the chapter one and I must say it’s captivating.It tends to describe every event thereby carrying the reader along.I’m eager and can’t wait to read more and see how it ends.Thanks

And another:

“An inspiring novel. A lot of lessons learned.”


Watch the Christian romance movie

What happens when a morally upright company executive, against all odds and common reasoning, decides to get married to a long-term, notorious prostitute?

Please click the video below to watch The Prostitute film.





Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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