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Success secrets from the life of Jesus Christ
What is Christianity?

What is the main message of Christianity?

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What is the main message of Christianity? I believe this is a question on the hearts and minds of new Christians. Sometimes, mature Christians need to find out new meanings to these types of questions.

I have created this section or category of this blog to teach what Christianity is all about. What was in the mind of God when He came to the earth as Jesus to die for the sins of the world? What is the attraction for a non-Christian that will make him or her commit to giving his or her life to Jesus Christ?

These and many more questions will be answered from time to time under this section of this blog and website. I will be allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me into giving what I have learned over the years as a Christian and a preacher and a practitioner of the Word of God.

Related: Success secrets from the life of Jesus


What did God tell me about this mission?

Many years ago when God spoke to me about my ministry and the organization He wanted me to start, He spoke to me from the book of John 15:5b. Jesus said very clearly and convincingly:

“Without Me, you can do nothing.”

Further study of that passage and that message, I understood what the message of my ministry is – no one can succeed without Jesus Christ.

Some years after that encounter, God spoke to me again from Genesis 1: 16- 17,

“You have been set up in the firmament of heavens to give light upon the earth (paraphrased).

I understood from this after further study that I am a light shiner or a problem solver and I am to raise light shiners or problem solvers.

We have used every material and every platform in our organization to carry out this purpose and mission over the years.


Jesus is the reason why we are problem solvers

I understood that Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and the work He did on the cross at Calvary is the reason why we can adequately shine light or solve problems on this earth. I have been shining light as a result of the help, principles, and power I have received from God’s Word.


What you need to know to solve problems

If Christ is the reason why you will be able to solve problems adequately, then you need to know who Christ is or what Christianity is all about. This is the reason for the creation of this section of the blog – what is Christianity all about.


What is the main message of Christianity? – We are starting from here

Now, we are starting from the topic of this blog post – What is the main message of Christianity? I have been able to give you a good background message for the creation of this section of the blog.

Christianity surely has a message and a very clear one at that. This makes it very different and unique. The message of Christianity separates it from others. Christianity and its unique message make it different from others.

Let us look at this main message

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

“Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.” (1 John 4:15).

Christianity revolves around the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. God wanted us as sons after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. But we can’t be sons again unless someone comes to shed His blood for the remission of sins and also live on the earth as a Son of God.

Jesus did all that successfully and therefore paved the way for us to become sons of God if we confess Him as Lord and Saviour and accept the sacrifice He did on the cross.

If you have not given your life to Jesus, you can do that today. You need to start enjoying the goodness that is in a life of sonship to God. Please confess Jesus here and let me read from you.





Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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