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Winning mentality: How to possess one

This video will teach you how to possess a winning mentality. Without a winning mentality, you won’t be able to achieve great exploits on this earth.

You need to do great exploits to fulfill your God-given purpose on this earth. Remember that you are the light of the world. You have been positioned on top by God to discharge your light-shining duties.

Related: Think and Grow Rich book: How the Bible sees it


What is a winning mentality?

A winning mentality is a positive thinking pattern that makes you believe you are capable of achieving your set goals and objectives. With a winning mentality, you go into any task or project with the strong belief in your ability to get them done.

The opposite is a losing mentality. People who possess a losing mentality don’t even attempt to achieve great things. Even when they make any attempt at all, they have already assured themselves that they would lose at the end from the beginning.


Video on possession of a winning mentality

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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