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1 success principle you need to know

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What about if I tell you that you will only need this 1 success principle to record amazing achievement in this earth!

I am not kidding you. I don’t do that in this blog. All I do with this blog and website for over 14 years is to serve well and to do the serious business of helping your personal and spiritual development.

Related: 10 success secrets of Jesus  

What is a success principle?

A success principle is a set of rules you must follow to record outstanding achievement. Now, this is a Christian blog where we everything we do and teach are dictated by the Word of the living God. So a success principle is as set if Godly rules in the Word of God that can help you record outstanding achievement in life.

I hope I have been able to give good definition to that. You can write in the comment section after you are done with this post tomley me know what definition you are giving to Success principle.


1 success principle: The inspiration I got

I was inspired with the content of this post many years ago when I wrote the third edition of my first Christian book, Jesus and Your Success. I was highly elated with this revelation and illumination from the Spirit of God.

It took a prime position in that free book that we have given out online for many years now. I have decided to post it here because of its relevance to this blog and website.

The Spirit of God helped me to investigate the great bible passage of John 3:16 and I discovered that it contains just 1 success principle or secret that contains all the other success principles that Jesus used during His stay on earth and which lots of very successful people (living or dead) have used or are still using.


It all started with God: John 3:16 chart

Well, it all started with God almighty and how He used this success secret as we have it in the bible passage of John 3:16.

I have called it,“The John 3:16 Success Chart”. Let us look at the simple chart below:

Love ===Giving===Success

                   1st           2nd                3rd


On the chart above, the first level is a nature called Love. The second level is an action called Giving while the third level is a result called Success.

I am sure you will not be surprised why the last level of success is a result. It is a result because this is a success chart which contains the 1 success principle that has all the other success principles. I will pick and write more on these levels one by one.

1 success principle: Love

“He that loves not knows not God; for God is love” (1 John 4:8). The bible says God is Love Himself. He does not have to develop or cultivate this nature. The great nature of love is Him and He just rightly started this success chart with His nature. The bible says, “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16). He first loved the world before He moved to the next level. He did not just love the world, He so loved the world. Well, I am not surprised by this; He is love Himself so He just demonstrated Himself in loving the world so much.

There are some success moves you will never be able to start and complete if you are not walking in love! The zeal to start and go ahead to finish it will not just be there. Jesus would never have faced the cross if He did not love us, the people He came to die for. He was even praying for those who nailed Him to the cross!


Giving is the second level of the success chart. Giving is the most useful way to show love to God and to man. No one will have godly success if he or she is not a giver.

The question now is, “If giving is the action we must carry out regularly to express our love and record outstanding success in life, then, what do we have to give to express this God-kind of love?” This question is answered below:

1. Give In the vineyard of God: There are 3 love commandments that I have observed in the new testament of the Bible, read them below:

“And He answering said, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind…” (Luke 10:27). “…and (love) your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27b). “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies…” (Ephesians 5:28)

I observed that it is only the love for God (the first bible passage above) that is not compared with anything or anybody. You will still have to love your neighbor as yourself and also love your wife as your own body but you have only one option when you love God and that is to love God with all you have got.

There is nothing that must compare with the love you must have for God! There is nothing that can compare with it; it is an absolute love. You must give your time, talent, resources for the use of God’s work on this earth.

I love this statement of Jesus in Matthew 6:33, “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things (every success) shall be added unto you” (emphasis mine).

When you love God absolutely, every success you will ever desire will come running after you. I have observed how God has blessed me with lots of ideas because I have loved Him passionately. If you love Him and the gospel of Jesus Christ passionately,

He will always inspire you with great ideas to prosper you. You must also ensure you make yourself available to God. Even if you are not in any ministry work, you should remember that we all have the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). Work in your church with all your heart.

Talk to people about Christ. Share this post and any other relevant ones on the gospel of Jesus Christ with your friends.

2. Give to the needy: You are also expected to give to those who are in need. I am talking the less privileged here. The bible says he who gives to the poor, lends unto the Lord.

This clearly shows how God values the practice of giving to the needy..


Naturally, results or success is the positive consequences of following the first two parts of the John 3: 16 chart above.

So the 1 success principle you need to know is love and giving. You will give if you are truly dwelling in love.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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