How to achieve greatness in life and business
7 Christian books for business success
Faith Based Business Books

7 Christian books for business success

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I hope you will love these 7 Christian books for business success as they are profiled in this post.

There are lots of faith-based books for entrepreneurs available online and offline. These Christian books contain practical principles that can business owners take their businesses to a new level.

I have been blessed by these types of books. I want you to find inspiration from this post. In case you want to order any of these books, you can reach out to us here or you contact our sister organization, Sarefat Vision Investment LTD at 08034300979 (call/SMS or Whatsapp)


What are Christian books for business success?

Christian books for Christian success are faith-based books written by anointed authors for business owners. These books usually contain inspired thoughts, principles and revelations from God’s Word.

They also usually contain the description of the practical experiences of these authors and others they have investigated.


Can these Christian books for entrepreneurs be trusted?

Yes, they can be trusted. In fact, they should be trusted. These books are written using God’s Word which is the real truth.

God’s Word contains practical illustrations, revelations and principles that can make business owners successful. God is the author of all things so His Word is able to address issues on any topic – including business success for entrepreneurs.

The other truth is that the principles shared in most of these Christian books for business success are very practical and workable and timeless too. God’s Word is real and is the only truth for any situation.

Note: Ordering for these books

You can order for these books through our Direct Book Ordering Services. Call or Whatsapp 08034300979 or email us here 

If you want to gain access to some of the best-selling faith-based books that we have authored and published on our platform, please visit our buy books page now 


Profiles of 7 Christian books for business success

Please find below the profiles for 7 Christian books for business success:


1. The Bible

The Bible is surely number one on the list. It has answers to any question of life and on entrepreneurship. Business owners will find this book useful for their business journey. This book is authored by the Holy Spirit of God through His anointed servants.


2. 30 effective Christian strategies for your business success

This Christian book for business success was written by Sesan Oguntade. This book contains short but inspired biblical tips that can help business owners to run successful businesses.


3.  EntreLeadership

This book was written by Dave Ramsey.  It contains the step-by-step guidance to take your business where you want it to go. You can take your business to the next level from the biblical principles shared in this book.


4. Learn it Do it Sell it

This book was written and published by Dr. Sunny Emmanuel Ojeagbase. This author brought his huge wealth of experience into this book. He was able to combine effectively scriptural principles with his street and marketplace experiences to produce a masterpiece.


5. Marketplace Christianity

This is another interesting Christian book for business success. This book focused on how Christians can fulfill their marketplace ministry. It is an awesome book.


6. Called to Create

This book was written by Jordan Raynor. This faith-based book for entrepreneurs describes how to reimagine work as service to God and others.


7. Visions of Vocation

A book by Steven Garber. This book will show you how to recover the vision of vocation.


More updates on 7 Christian books for business success

Please watch out for more information or updates on 7 Christian books for business success.

Update 1: Wealth Codes

7 Christian books for business success

This book was written by Sesan Oguntade. It’s written in fictional format. The inspired story illustrates how godly wealth is built through business and sound financial wisdom.

You can order for these books above through our Direct Book Ordering Services. Call or Whatsapp 08034300979.

If you want to gain access to some of the best-selling faith-based books that we have authored and published on our platform, please visit our buy books page now 

You will find information about best-selling titles like:

  • 30 effective Christian strategies for your business success
  • Spiritual help for your business success
  • 3 biblical ways to market your business
  • How to maintain focus and concentration
  • How to launch your business
  • And more

Please visit our buy books page now 

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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