How to achieve greatness in life and business

Visionary Business Project

faith-based books
Ad: Join the Christian Drama Writer Program Free! Learn skills of writing Christian novels and scripts. Learn how to publish novels online. Learn how to publish novels in foreign languages. Get Acting roles with Zion Box Christian Films. Click to Join Whatsapp group today Or call or send a Whatsapp message to 08034300979

Christian Drama Writer

Visionary Business Project is on a mission (Jeremiah 36) to:

  • Coordinate and oversee the global distribution of faith-based books, literatures and information products for the expansion of the kingdom of God on this earth
  • Raise problem-solving, Godly CEOs and work-place professionals through the teaching and preaching of inspired principles from God’s Word.

Related: Read about the Action Power program and some revenant articles on this blog on business, money, faith and personal development at the end of this page.


A Message from the Visionary Business Project

Despite the many ills in our world today and the many sins in the market places, individuals can still lean extensively on God and His principles to operate uniquely as God’s representatives.


How to live a fulfilled Christian life


Joseph, despite the harsh environment and the ungodliness on display in a foreign land like Egypt, still operated uniquely and fulfilled his God- given purpose. Daniel also used the principles of God to excel in an ungodly country.

You can also be a unique representative of God in the market place or in your workplace or in your society.

At the Visionary Business Project, we will be using webinars/seminars/other programs and platforms to teach and preach series of practical Christian principles, strategies and methods that will improve your:

  • business skills
  • professional skills
  • financial skills and
  • spiritual skills


Please fill the form below to be part of the next Visionary Business Project programme. It is free. You can also call or send a Whatsapp message to 08034300979.


Links to our relevant blog posts on faith, business, money, wealth creation and personal development.

Grace and power for Business

Best Godly business principles

What is the vision of your Business

Spiritual help for Business success

5 importance of having proper Business structures

Christian Business ideas: Mystery of buying without money

How to handle Money (video)

Christian novel on Money and finances

Money failed in Egypt: What you need to know

What the Bible says about the love of Money

Christian integrity and Money issues


Visionary Business Project Operational Chart

View analysis of the chart at Visionary Business Project chart

Visionary Business Project

View analysis of the chart at Visionary Business Project chart


Resources/ Announcement from the Visionary Business Project


Get the Sons of the Prophet book free


Sons of the prophet

Deep Secrets About Spiritual Mentoring that can speed up results in your life business, career or ministry. It’s free for you because you are visitor to this website today. Find how to gain access below:

If you want more information about the book and to get a free copy, you can contact me here. You can also Whatsapp or call, Sarefat Vision Investment Publishing at 08034300979.


Action Power

Faith without works is dead. When action, the last step of the process of faith is not in place, faith is not complete and will not produce.

Action Power is an interdenominational, motivational and problem-solving social media, radio and television program that teaches and empower people to live effective Christian lives, run their businesses according to the will of God or work effectively as Christians in their workplaces.

This platform or program is using the social media, newsletters, podcasts, videos and the traditional media as channels to reach out to the people. For more information about this program, please contact WhatsApp: 08034300979. Call: 07066360364. You can also fill our contact form here 

Read the latest Action Power newsletter here 


Christian motivational program

Youth Shine Outreach

The youth that do know their God shall be strong and they will do exploits (Daniel 11:32). This is an outreach under the Visionary Business Project to reach out to the youth with the truth and principles from God’s Word that will help them in their academics, relationship, money issues, finances and work or professional lives.

Please fill the form above to be notified whenever there is a program. You can also call/WhatsApp 08034300979. Download free 7 Temptations the Youth are Facing Today here

Christian seminar for youths

(Video) How to Handle Money

We had the Visionary Business Project outreach at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The theme was, How to Handle Money as a Christian


(Podcast): How to Multiply Resources

This Visionary Business Project teaching is now available as a Podcast. Please listen to it now 

The Christian Entrepreneur ebook (free download)

Christian Entrepreneur ebook

Download and Read the ebook guide, The Christian Entrepreneur here

Read about the Ideas, Principles and Strategies of Ideal Organization

Ideal Organization

Visit to read about how to start your own Ideal Organization


The Prostitute movie

Visionary Business Project is also involved in the production and distribution of gospel movies. We just finished and published the movie version of our best-selling Christian romance novel, The Prostitute.

This film is already generating lots of excitement online and offline. You need watch this new Christian movie today. You can watch it below:


How to overcome inflation and insecurity

Visionary Business Project video training. Fighting the demons called insecurity and Inflation. Watch this new YouTube video on stopping inflation and share with your friends.


When you are wealthy but POOR!

I want you to watch instances when the wealth you think you have created is actually deep poverty. Watch this interesting video teaching today from the Visionary Business Project.













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