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An end time ebook: Nothing Can Stop This
Bible Short Reports series

An end time ebook: Nothing Can Stop This

This is an end time ebook. The end of this present earth is around the corner as taught by the Bible. Preparation should be the watchword of everyone.

As part of the Bible Short Report series, I am presenting the full version of the ebook guide, Nothing Can Stop This. You will love this short Bible Short Report. Let me read your comment.

Related: Second coming of Jesus Christ: 6 reasons to start preparing


An end time ebook: Nothing Will Stop This!

…what is it? Find out in this report

Published by Sesan Oguntade

Copyright 2013 Sesan Oguntade

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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the  New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Scripture quotations marked (TLB) and (MSG) are taken from The Living Bible and the Message Bible translations respectively.


Hi, thank you very much for that free book. I wish there was an easier way to download spiritual and bible books free of charge. God’s word is free and to spread it for Him and to build His kingdom will surely not go unseen. May God bless those who are doing this selflessly, amen .Mega, 


Chapter 1: The Fairest Election Was Stopped!

On June 12, 1993, Nigeria, my beloved country made history when she conducted what was adjudged by both internal and external observers to be the freest and fairest presidential election in the history of the country. It was really an interesting experience for the people of the country. It was a complete vote of confidence for the winner of the election.

For the first time in the history of election in the country, a south-western candidate won convincingly in the northern state of his only opposing candidate. The Christian community also gave massive support to a Muslim presidential candidate. Every region of the country gave complete support to a North-North presidential and vice-presidential candidates.    It was indeed a massive support for the winner of the election.

While reports of the results of the election came in unofficially from different quarters, the people of the country were already in jubilant mood expecting the election body of the country to formally announce the results of the election.

Alas! This was not to be. The military government of the day thought otherwise. The result of the election was annulled even before the official declaration of the results. The adjudged winner of the election was STOPPED from assuming the exalted position of the presidency of the country. The nation was thrown into turmoil as different pro democracy groups rose to contest government’s unpopular decision.

Well, the rest is now history, the election was never upheld and the winner of the election was permanently STOPPED from the office of the presidency!


This Cannot Be Stopped!

Just like the June 12, 1993 election was stopped in Nigeria, there had been many cases of legitimate events that have been stopped or swept under the carpet by the powers that be in the various countries of the world. Human beings, world over have selfishly used their political, spiritual and some other selfish powers to prevent these good events from seeing the light of the day.

There is however one important event that no human being can stop from happening! The remaining part of this report will show you this great event.

Related: Sons of the Prophet book: Secrets About Spiritual Mentoring That Can Speed Up Results in Your Life and Business  


Chapter 2: An end time ebook: It Is About This Man

This great event revolves around this great Man that once lived on this earth and actually laid down His life for all as a sacrifice shedding His blood in the process to wash the sins of humanity away. This great Man is Jesus Christ! From the account of this Man as we have it in the Bible, nothing was powerful enough to stop every event that God the Father had planned to happen through and around Him until the great event that this report is pointing your attention to.

I am going to take you on a journey to look at how no powers anywhere could stop every event that happened around Him.


Nothing Stopped The Prophecy

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head and, you shall bruise His heel” (Genesis 3:15)

This was the great declaration from God that points to the solution of the problem Adam and Eve caused humanity when they took the decision to disobey God and obey the devil in Genesis 3:6. This great prophecy was spoken directly to satan himself after he tempted the first couple to disobey God.

The Seed of the woman mentioned in that prophecy from God is Jesus. The declaration shows how Jesus will come to the earth to carry out and finish the salvation project.

Nothing stopped this declaration. Even the devil who had the opportunity of listening to it could not prevent God from making the declaration. He was even clueless as to what the prophecy was all about. From then on, he went in search of who this Seed of the woman was. He thought it was going to be Abel and he influenced Cain to kill him. However, he found out that he had hit the wrong person. He continued this search all through the old testament. The blood of Abel that hit the ground (Genesis 4:10) after he was killed could not speak the better things that the blood of Jesus must speak as the author of Hebrew noted in his writing (Hebrew 12:24).

The confused devil went through all of the old testament looking for who this Seed of the woman will be. The prophecy of the solution to the sin problem came forth from God and no one was able to stop it from coming forth!


Chapter 3: End times book: Nothing Stopped His Birth

“And she brought forth her first born Son, and she wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a  manger, because there was no room in the inn” (Luke 2:7)

When it was time for the Seed of the woman to arrive the earth, nothing was able to stop His arrival. Nothing stopped His earthly mother, Mary from getting  pregnant by the power of the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:35) as this Seed of the woman can’t  come into the earth through the semen of any man due to the nature of the work He was coming to perform. He had to be a child of the Holy Ghost!

Herod’s kingship at that time could also not stop His arrival. Herod never wanted any other king to be born into his community as this would threaten his authority and rule. His evil enquiries after Jesus was born from the three wise men could not bring any result (Matthew 2:4). His order of the killing of male children of the age two and under could also not wipe off this great Solution to the sin problem (Matthew 2:16).

All things cooperated to welcome His arrival, nothing was powerful enough to stop this great arrival!

Let me also mention here that the vessel God used to bring Jesus to the earth, the virgin Mary also accepted God’s decision without hesitation (Luke 1:7). She took up the great challenge of carrying God in her womb and to bring Him forth into the earth! Her husband to be, Joseph could also not stop himself from accepting the challenge of fathering this Great Solution to the sin problem called Jesus (Matthew 1:24). He accepted his espoused wife, Mary who was with the Holy Child in her womb even before they had come together as husband and wife. He stopped his plan to do away with her privately (Matthew 1:24).

Everything worked well to birth the great arrival of Jesus to the world. Nothing was able to stop it, Jesus, my Lord and my Saviour CAME to the earth!

Related: Sons of the Prophet book: Secrets About Spiritual Mentoring That Can Speed Up Results in Your Life and Business  


Chapter 4: Nothing Stopped His Death on the Cross

“And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit’. Having said this, He breathed His last” (Luke 23:46)

“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, ‘It is finished!’ And bowing His head, He gave up His Spirit.” (John 19:30)

Jesus arrived the earth without hindrance and lived on the earth for 33 years before  He went to the cross to die for the sin of the world as part of the divine arrangement by God to solve the sin problem. Nothing was able to stop His journey to the cross, everything helped His journey to the cross. The devil could not stop this great event despite the fact it was going to be one that will cause lots of problem to his evil rule on the earth!

Judas Iscariot played his role when the devil influenced him to betray Jesus Christ (John 13:2). The elders and the chief priests at the time also played their roles (John 18:35, John 18:30). The rulers also gave their earthly “blessing” to the journey of Jesus Christ to the  cross (John 19:15).

The people played played a great part when they requested a criminal to be released to them instead of the righteous Jesus (John 18:40). My Lord Jesus took the place of a criminal! He went to the cross to die for the sins of the world. Nothing stopped Him!

The devil helped His journey to the cross when he entered Judas to betray Him.  I wonder why he could not stop the people from requesting for a criminal to be released to them instead of Jesus Christ. Everything worked for His great journey to the cross at Calvary!


Chapter 5: Nothing Stopped His Resurrection on the 3rd Day

“Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. Then she ran and came to Simon peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them, ‘They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they had laid Him’” (John 20:1-2)

“Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there and did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?’” (John 20:14)

Jesus died on the cross at Calvary and rose powerfully on the third day and nothing could stop His resurrection!  

The devil was helpless!

The people who shouted ‘Crucify Him’ were helpless!

The rulers of the day who ordered His crucification were helpless!

The soldiers who guarded His tomb were helpless!

The stone used to block His tomb was also helpless!

Even death was powerless in this case, it could not hold Jesus captive!

Nobody and nothing could alter the great plan of God for Jesus to rise from the dead. He must rise because death could not hold Him captive and it was part of the divine arrangement to deal with the sin problem! Jesus’ resurrection from the dead signifies our complete victory over sin, death and the devil. The greatest justification and proof of our victory is the risen Jesus. Hallelujah!

I love the statement of the angel who appeared to Mary Magdalene and her friends when they went to the tomb on the third day to anoint Him:

“Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him” (Mark 16:6)

Everything cooperated, nothing was able to stop it!


Chapter 6: Nothing Stopped His Ascension to Heaven

“Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight” (Acts 1:9)

Jesus ascended and He is above. We can also confidently be candidates from above because we are seated in Christ Jesus in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. He is presently sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding for the saints (Ephesians 1:21).  

Nothing was able to stop His ascension.

The laws of gravity could not!

The rulers at the time could not!

The people present there could not!

No force from hell was powerful enough to stop His ascension!

The significance of His ascension shows that we can’t be limited by happenings on this earth. I am not surprised Jesus says, “They (Christians) are not of the world just as I am not of the world,…” (John 17:16) (emphasis mine).

The departure or ascension of Jesus Christ also made way for the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Jesus says in John 16:7, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you”.

Thank God that Jesus ascended to heaven to make way for the arrival of this great Spirit of God called the Holy Spirit. We all can see the great effect of the presence of the Holy Spirit on this earth. He is even the One that is stopping the anti Christ from showing up (2 Thessalonian 2:7).

The devil and his cohorts could not stop Jesus’ ascension and the arrival of the Holy Spirit on this earth at Pentecost.

Another significance of the ascension of Jesus Christ is that His ascension shows how we (the saints) will be raptured. Just as gravity, rulers, the people, the devil could not stop Jesus, nothing will stop the rapture of the saints when the trumpet sounds. I am sure you remember that nothing stopped Lot from being taken away from Sodom. Nothing stopped Elijah from been taken to heaven in a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:11). Nothing also stopped God from taking Enoch away (Genesis 5:22 – 24).

Nothing will stop the rapture of the saints when the trumpet sounds!

Related: Sons of the Prophet book: Secrets About Spiritual Mentoring That Can Speed Up Results in Your Life and Business  


Chapter 7: Nothing Will Stop His Second Coming!

“And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11)

If nothing could stop all the occurrence of all the events mentioned above about our lord Jesus Christ, it is so sure that Nothing will Stop His Second Coming!

The bible or scripture spoke about all the events mentioned above before they happened. The bible also talks about the second coming event of Jesus Christ (it is repeatedly mentioned about 318 times in the new testament). If the bible talks about it, then it will surely happen!

After the trumpet must have sounded, then there will be the rapture of the saints to meet with the Lord in the cloud (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) and then Jesus will come back to the earth with the saints for the millennium reign.


Chapter 8: An end time ebook: Jesus Is Coming Back! Be Prepared

“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly’” (Revelation 22:20)

Jesus is coming back. This is SURE. You need to start using every second of your life to prepare to be part of the rapture of the saints in order to be part of the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth.

I want to be part of it and I am sure you also want to be part of it. It is going to be a glorious 1000 years reign with Jesus Christ on this earth!


The Preparation Starts Here

If you are still a non Christian, the first and most important step in your resolution to start preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ is for you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour so that you can become a child of God.  The way to God and heaven is through Jesus Christ. Nothing will change this fact, it is the truth! God commanded me to teach this great fact and I have just shown you the message, you need to say a simple prayer immediately (see the next section of this report).


I hope you have enjoyed this report. I want you to take a decision to act on the contents of this report. Wisdom is not complete without a determined and calculated actions on any useful knowledge you have acquired. I am wishing you a wonderful time in Christ JESUS. Please let me read from you: 

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The Ultimate Decision

“For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10)

If you have not known Jesus but you have enjoyed the success principles described in this book and you want to give your life to Jesus so that these principles can start working in your life, you can say the following in prayer:

“Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I acceptH im as my Lord and Saviour. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved. Thank you God for hearing my prayer”.

Congratulations! This is going to be the greatest decision you will ever take. Congratulations once again! Now begin to enjoy Christ unlimited and good success will never elude you again.

Please let me read from you about your experience or how this book has helped you. You can contact me in either of these ways: 


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About The Author

Sesan Oguntade is an insightful teacher of the word, bible success researcher and author of many books amongst which is the popular “Jesus and Your Success” (available free at ). He believes that the solution to ANY problem lies in the WORD of GOD. His central message to the world is  “without Jesus, you cannot succeed” (John 15:5b). 

You can add him on facebook: You can follow him on twitter, @SesanOguntade. He is married to Olutoke Success Oguntade and they are blessed with children.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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