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Spiritual mentors of David Oyedepo
Bible Short Reports series

Spiritual mentors of David Oyedepo

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This post will show you some of the spiritual mentors of David Oyedepo. Bishop David Oyedepo is the President of the Living Faith Church Worldwide popularly called, Winners Chapel.

This is one of the fastest growing ministry in the world. It is headquartered in Ota, Nigeria with many other branches in Nigeria and all over the world.


Spiritual mentors of David Oyedepo: Who are they?

Spiritual mentors of David Oyedepo are the graces God puts Bishop David Oyedepo under. These are people that the Bishop has publicly confessed and declared as his spiritual mentors.

Some of them have gone to be with the Lord but some are still alive today. Dr David Oyedepo commands the same results in ministry like his highly cherished mentors.

Note: Have you read the Sons of the Prophet book? A chronicle of the highly beneficial relationship between Bishop David Oyedepo and his mentees.

Sons of the prophet

Please check it out by clicking here 


Prophetic Graces upon Bishop David Oyedepo via connectivity to his spiritual mentors

This is a compilation by Felix Adogbeji and Daniel Breakforth. Please enjoy it.

Bishop David Oyedepo is a man with multifaceted grace at work in his life and this is evidently seen in his life and ministry. He has been blessed with mentors both home and abroad whose connectivity has played a major role in his life and ministry.

This he always makes mention of in his teachings. These are some of the graces and mentors that God Servant Bishop Oyedepo has drawn virtues from.

Bishop David Oyedepo and Kenneth E. Hagin – The Mantle of Faith and grace for Spiritual Sensitivity.

a) Bishop David Oyedepo is a replica of the Spirit of faith at work in the life of Kenneth E. Hagin of blessed memory.

Kenneth Hagin is the Pioneer of the Word of Faith Movement. His teachings on Faith are still being referenced by many preachers today including Bishop David Oyedepo. Having known that Kenneth Hagin was endowed with the Spirit of Faith,

Bishop Oyedepo craved for an impartation of that Spirit. He tenaciously read all the books of Kenneth Hagin and listened to his tapes over the years. But the Mantle of faith was handed over to him on 23rd July, 1986 during a convention in Tulsa.

Bishop David Oyedepo’s heart cry for the Convention was ‘Whatever makes Hagin, Hagin, I want it.” During the afternoon session of the Convention, he stayed focused on Hagin as he was ministering in the words of Bishop Oyedepo;

“Suddenly, I saw his face transfigured and it became like the face of a baby dripping with oil. I broke down uncontrollably sobbing and in the midst of sobbing, God said to me “My son David, the baton has been passed to you”. This singular encounter has brought about transformation in the life of God’s Servant.

According to him, he still listens to the tapes of Kenneth Hagin and reads his books. Listening to Bishop David Oyedepo teaching on Faith is like listening to Kenneth Hagin teaching on Faith. Kenneth Hagin was the Apostle of Faith of his time and no doubt Bishop David Oyedepo is the Apostle of Faith of his time. Bishop Oyedepo is a man who lives by faith.

The Faith Tabernacle was built by faith, The Universities (Covenant and Landmark) were built by faith. Over 10,000 Churches in 2020 despite covid 19 pandemic were planted by faith. The ongoing 109,000 seater Auditorium Ark Project is being built by Faith. This is to mention but a few of the impact of the Spirit of Faith at work in the life of Bishop Oyedepo.

Today Bishop Oyedepo humorously says he has read all Kenneth Hagin’s materials (except he is writing new ones from Heaven) more than twice.

b) Another dimension of grace of Kenneth Hagin in the life of Bishop Oyedepo is the high sensitivity of the Holy Spirit. Kenneth Hagin was a man who was very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and this has been replicated in the life of Bishop Oyedepo. All the breathtaking breakthroughs that have been seen in the life of God’s Servant including the Ministry were birthed from the sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

One of which was the delivery of the Liberation Mandate. After going to visit his friend who was absent, the Holy Spirit said to Him, “Seek for a quiet place, I want to speak with you.” He was able to catch that signal because of his level of sensitivity despite the disappointment of not seeing his friend at home.

At another time, on a trip to America, the Lord said to him, “get back home and make my people rich.” At another encounter, God said to Him, “the harvest of Africa is now overripe, rush in and preserve it from decadence” and this birthed the AGIP (African Gospel Invasion Program) which led to the planting of Churches in African Countries.

The Wonder Double growth experienced in the Church in 2015 was birthed by sensitivity to God’s leading just after the 2015 election which was won by a political party that the Bishop was not disposed to due to the candidate it produced. While some were still thinking of how he would respond to the election results, he received the signal “I the God of Wonder Double is visiting you.”

This is to mention but a few of his experiences. Bishop David Oyedepo is indeed a man of the Spirit who is sensitive to His leading as a result of his connectivity to Kenneth E. Hagin.
. Interestingly, shortly before Hagin’s departure, he told his wife-Mummy Faith Oyedepo-the Eagle is about to fly. Signifying Hagin’s passing. He flew down to the USA and took the photograph attached. Two weeks later, Kenneth Hagin passed on to glory.

To be continued.


Note: Have you read the Sons of the Prophet book? A chronicle of the highly beneficial relationship between Bishop David Oyedepo and his mentees.

Sons of the prophet


Please check it out by clicking here 


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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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