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AudioBook on how husbands can treat their wives biblically
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AudioBook on how husbands can treat their wives biblically

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This audioBook on how husbands can treat their wives biblically and ensure a peaceful marriage is new from the stable of our publishing company. It’s one of the information products that are meant to help bring ‘heaven’ and Jesus into homes, marriages, and families.

One of these marriage or family resources is The Prostitute novel released last year and Conjugal Conflicts.

Check out the marriage audiobook today here

Wives are important creatures

Women and wives are very important beings that should be part of the success aspirations of every man or husband. Christian husbands who desire to fulfill their destinies in God and go on to do great things in their businesses, workplaces, or in their ministries must learn how to handle these very relevant beings in their homes.

This new audiobook on how husbands can treat their wives biblically shows you how to treat your wife with maximum respect and regard to what God’s Word says.

Until you are able to master how to relate with your wife the way God intends it or according to the scriptures, you will not be able to get the best from your wife and enjoy your marriage.


What is contained in this AudioBook on how husbands can treat their wives biblically?

This audiobook shows, in practical terms and descriptions, how you can begin to enjoy your wife and marriage. There are lots of cases of divorce coming up today even among Christian couples.

There are also many cases of Christian husbands and wives living miserably together as couples. They are just getting by with each other. They are in the marriage not because they are enjoying it but because they just don’t want to pick the option of divorce.

But Christians are not supposed to just endure their marriages, they are to enjoy it. This is the will of God for Christian couples and marriages.


What the author described in audioBook on how husbands can treat their wives biblically

The author described over 25 devotional and biblical secrets on how Christian husbands can treat their wives scripturally. Ignorance and the lack of light are the major reasons why many Christian husbands are failing in their matrimonial duties and in the ways, they relate with their wives.

With the content of this marriage audiobook, produced expertly for your listening comfort, you will be able to pick up lots of lights or revelations and secrets that will begin to help you relate effectively and scripturally with your wife.

This audiobook is produced from the practical experience of the author and that of others he has investigated over the years.

I want you to check it out now at this highly discounted price.

This AudioBook titled, Bible Devotional for Christian Husbands: 25 Practical Ways I Treat My Wife Biblically to Solve Difficult Problems and Ensure Unity in My Marriage, is new and fresh. Please get a copy here and start listening today.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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