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Avoid cultism traps in the university

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Your child can avoid cultism traps in the university. It is possible and achievable.

This Bible Short Report is dedicated to this topic. It contains simple but scriptural principles and strategies your child can follow to avoid cultism traps in the university.

Please if you are a parent reading this, you can read along with your child and explain every detail to him. You can also contact us at Visionary Business Project, we will be of help.

Now get down to work. Read the Bible Short Report on how to avoid cultism traps in the university. Let me read your comment.


How to Avoid Cultism Traps in the University

Sesan Oguntade

NowNowbooks and Edition

Copyright 2015 Sesan Oguntade


Discover other titles by Sesan Oguntade

How to Fly With Your Faith

How to Exit the cage of Fear

You Can Stop Masturbation 

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version (NKJV). Scripture quotation marked (TLB), (NIV), (MSG), are taken from The Living Bible, The New International Version Bible, the Message Bible Versions respectively.


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Book Text

“My son If sinners entice you, do not consent. If they say, ‘Come with us let us lie in wait to shed blood…My son,  do not walk in the way with them   ” Proverbs 1: 10 -15


Chapter 1: Introduction to how to avoid cultism traps in the university 

The news of John’s admission into the best public university in the country was greeted with great joy and celebration in the Daniels family. John gained admission into the university to study law and the family – his parents and two sisters felt they needed to celebrate this achievement by the first son of the family.

John had been an above – average student in the secondary school. He had one of the best results in his school at the Senior School Certificate Examination level. He also scored an excellent mark in the university entrance examination.

Apart from John’s academic exploits, he has also been known as a very disciplined child. He won lots of well – behaved student’s awards during his secondary school studies.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel are very strict disciplinarian and they have gone to a great extent to impart the necessary morals into their first child and his siblings. Therefore, all was set for John Daniel to begin his university education. John packed his baggage and moved into the university campus to begin a life as a campus student.

One thing led to another, John lost focus and fell into the hands of a bad company in school who lured him into their cult group. John was killed in one of his group’s outings.


A Sad Story Indeed

You will agree with me that what I have shared above is indeed a very sad story. The truth is that this is a very common happening in our higher institution of learning. Now my dear reader, before you begin to lay the blames of this unfortunate incident on the door step of John, let me inform you that the fault may not totally be his.

So many Nigerian teenagers move into the higher institution with little preparation in terms of proper education from their parents or any other. All the preparations that are usually done are only on the academic well-being of the student. This should not be so. Life in the university involves both academic and social activities. Preparation should cover these two areas.


This Report Is For You

This book is written for you if you are any of the following:

  1. A parent who has a child in the university or who is seeking admission to the university.
  2. A school owner who has students who will be heading to the University in the future.
  3. A student seeking admission into the university.
  4. A student who is already in the higher institution

Finally, under this part of this book, I want you to understand that lots of preparations are carried out by various groups in the higher institution to welcome new students.

While the good groups prepare, the evil groups are also preparing. Therefore, this book will go a long way to prepare you, the university – bound student, on how to avoid cultism traps in the higher institution.


Chapter 2: Avoid cultism traps: Who Are You?

The first tip on how you can avoid cultism traps in the university is going to be a simple question to you – who are you? Before you begin to think that I actually wanted you to mention your name and some other not very important details, let me quickly state here below the important information you need to sincerely supply about yourself before you go to the university:

  1. Are you a morally – deficient child?
  2. Have you been a disobedient child to your parents?
  3. Are you God – fearing?
  4. Do you feel uncomfortable and sad when it is time to go for church worship services?
  5. Have you been keeping bad friends all this while?
  6. Do you have any plan for your future or do you have any strong career goal?
  7. Do you secretly engage in the following bad habits: smoking, masturbation, stealing dad and mum’s money, lying, hanging out with the opposite sex?

You will agree with me that I have a long personality check list for you. You need to sincerely give answers to these questions. Remember that it is your life and you have only one life.

Now if you sincerely observe that you have issues in one or all of the items on this check list can you be brave enough to approach the following people for help:

  1. God: Go down on your knees and ask Him to forgive and help you.
  2. Your Parents or Guardian: Speak out this problem to your parents.
  3. Your Teacher: Speak to your teacher if you are still in the secondary school or a school guardian or a trusted lecturer if you are already in the higher institution. You should also ensure you speak to the secondary school teacher you trust.
  4. Your Pastor: You can also talk to your pastor or any church elder or worker.
  5. Your Elder Brother or Sister: Ensure you discuss with any of these who is not into the same bad habit as yourself.
  6. Myself: You can also send an email to me at I will be ready to help.

Let me inform you that a good knowledge of who you are can really help you to avoid any bad group when you get into the higher institution. I had a fairly good understanding of myself before I gained admission into the higher institution and this greatly helped me to follow the right path. Your future, if you can make yourself to see it, is too bright for you to allow any bad friend, habit or group to destroy it.


Chapter 3: Avoid cultism traps: Take a Decision

If you have spent some time to go through the check-list I gave earlier and you have truly taken time to know who you are and how a great Godly future awaits you, you will now need to take a very important decision.

What is this decision? You are to decide whether you want to be good or bad even when you move into the campus. Let me inform you that you can’t be neutral, its either you’re good or bad. You have to decide since decisions determines destiny. The decisions you take today will either help or work against you in the future. Are you ready to follow the process on how you can take a decision before you go to the campus? Now read the simple process below:

  1. Write down your career goals.
  2. Read it to yourself over and over again until it becomes part of you. You should already begin to see yourself as what you want to be. For example, if you want to be a Doctor, you should read your career goals to yourself until you begin to see yourself in your Doctor’s uniform in the hospital treating a patient.
  3. Ask yourself if God almighty will be useful in your search to become what you intend to be. This is a very important step. God created you and your Creator’s help is needed for you to fulfill your life’s ambition.
  4. If God is going to be useful to you, then you need to know Him the more and make attempt to obey His rules and regulations. Your pastor or any minister in your church will be useful to you here. Therefore approach them to tell you more about how you can be a good child of God.
  5. All these said and done, you will now need to take a firm decision on your destiny. For example, you can say to yourself; “I, Samuel will do everything Godly to achieve my life’s ambition. I will be  a good child to God and my parents. I will not allow any bad friend, habit or group to stop me from reaching my goals in life”.
  6. Finally, write this decision down in your diary, notebooks and in many places so that you can always see and read it to yourself frequently.


Chapter 4: Avoid cultism traps: Settle Accommodation Issues

A Large percentage of boys and girls who have been lured into cult groups in Nigerian schools have joined those evil groups because they had accommodation problems. This is always how the whole drama plays out:

John gains admission into the university and travels down to the campus without any idea of a place to stay. John sleeps in the lecture room for 3 days with lots of discomfort and pains. John finally meets kehinde, an older student who promises to accommodate him. John moves in with Kehinde. Kehinde, who is a cult guy, ends up introducing John into his cult group.

If you have gained admission into the university, please do everything to ensure you have a safe accommodation before you finally pack your things to live on campus. If you are stranded and without a place to stay, look around for a popular Christian mission house and approach them for assistance. You can also visit any of the school campus fellowships for assistance.

You should let your parent understand the importance of having a safe accommodation before you live for school. Don’t destroy your life’s ambition by agreeing to live with a total stranger. Let me also warn you that you should not use part of the money given to you by your parents for any other thing in order to go into a squatting arrangement with someone. Use the full money and ensure you stay alone at least in the first year. If you have a school accommodation having more than one student in a room, you should do everything to mind your own business. Don’t be too quick to associate with any member of the room. Watch and observe your room mates for some time before you begin to associate with any.


Chapter 5: Avoid cultism traps: Join A Fellowship Immediately

Under chapter 2, Take a Decision, one of the steps I ask you to take to come out with a decision is if God will be relevant to you as you plan to reach your destiny goals. Let me be frank with you, if you will ever succeed in life, you will need God all the way. I want you to read the bible passage of John15: 5b in the bible and ask your parent or Sunday school teacher to explain the content to you. This is what the passage says, “…for without Me (Jesus) you can do nothing”.

God created you, He is your Maker. Only Him can make you succeed in life. If you love this information, please as soon as you get to the campus, look for a Christian fellowship to join. In most cases, there are many of them in the campuses. Most of the churches have fellowships in the higher institution.

Joining a fellowship will guarantee you the following:

  1. You will belong to a safe Christian family.
  2. You will have the opportunity to learn and grow in God’s word.
  3. You will have the opportunity to serve God.
  4. The cult boys will surely stay away from you because they will see you as a Christian or a fellowship person who is not a right candidate for their evil activities.
  5. It will help your focus on your studies.
  6. You will have the opportunity of relating with good and Godly friends.

I cannot write here all the benefits of joining a campus fellowship immediately you get to the campus.

However, let me point out here that it is possible for you to find cult thugs in these fellowships but the likelihood of this is very small. You will still have to watch your associations for a long time before you commit yourself to any close relationship even in the campus fellowship!


Chapter 6. Avoid cultism traps: Face Your Studies

The major reason why you are in school is to study. If you fail in this aspect, then you have made your trip to the university a big waste! Though this is obvious but I have observed that lots of students don’t recognize or value this fact. To so many university students, other things come first before their studies. I am not surprised students in this category are easily lured into cult groups.

Facing your studies will help you to be focused on your goals in life and it goes a long way to keep you from the distractions of cult groups. I have observed that some of these cult thugs don’t extend their evil invitation to most extremely brilliant students. They (the cult thugs) only go to them (the brilliant) students) to learn from them and for assistance on how to solve their assignments.

Take a decision today to ‘marry’ your books in the University. You will have a lot to do and you will not have the time for any other evil activity that will expose you to the activities of the cult groups.


Chapter 7: Avoid cultism traps: No Close Friendship in the First Year

This may not completely be appropriate but I feel strongly that I have to include it. My dear student, can you avoid having a close friendship with any student in the first year of your university education! If you can, it will go a long way to help you to avoid ‘cult traps’ in the campus. Most ‘Jambites’ (newbies) have mistakenly committed themselves into evil relationships immediately they get to the campus and cult groups always look for ‘converts’ amongst these new university entrants. They (cult thugs) know that these newbies are still ignorant of so many things on campus so they try to do a fast operation of converting them before they (newbies) find relevant campus information. The cult thugs have always drawn close to those newbies in a relationship in order to lead them to their cult groups. Therefore, BEWARE! Don’t get into a relationship in the first year of your university education. That early friendship may be a cult trap. BEWARE! Let me point out that even during your entire stay in the university you don’t have to commit yourself to any close friendship if you are not comfortable with any. Friendship is not by force but by choice! Your best friend should be Jesus and then your books, every other thing will follow at the right time.

If you observe a boy or girl smokes, womanizes or drinks alcohol, stay very far away from such students. If he or she is not already a cult boy or girl, then he or she is a sure candidate for one. When people like that get converted, they will give you an invitation! Therefore, run away from such personalities!


Chapter 8: Avoid Journey Away From School

A female student who claimed to love travelling was fond of travelling with friends to other states of the nation without the knowledge of her parents. On a fateful day, she went on a journey as usual with a girl who came on a visit from another university. While on the journey it happened that they would have to sleep over till the next day before she would come back to her school.

During the night and while she was fast asleep, she was woken up by her friend to meet her other friends. She was surprised to see about 10 other girls dressed in black tops already seated in the small room. She was forced to pledge her allegiance and commitment to the evil group!

Undefined and unchecked journey outside the campus should be avoided. Trips like excursions organized by the school department, mission journey by your school fellowship and other defined trips are alright.


Chapter 9: Avoid Hangouts

You must do everything to avoid the following hangouts in school:

  1. Alcohol Hangouts: If you want soft drinks, drink in your room or go to spots where only soft drinks are sold.
  2. Snooker Bars: This is a common gathering spot for cultists in the University. Please avoid this like a plague!
  3. Night Shows: Cultists gather here looking for converts.
  4. Night Clubs: You will also find cultists in night clubs.
  5. ‘Under The Tree’: These types of hangouts exist in almost every higher institution. It is a meeting place for students who want to relax outside the lecture room. It may not necessarily be under the tree, it can be a shaded spot in a secluded part of the school compound. You must watch and observe carefully the look and conversation of the students that are always gathering at this type of “under the tree” spot. If you notice any strange happening, please leave the spot immediately.
  6. ‘Kegites’ Shows: The popular palm wine groups’ shows can also be a cult trap. You should try as much as possible to avoid these spots.


Chapter 10. Avoid Boyfriend/ Girlfriend Issues

Many students have been killed by cultists as a result of issues arising from boyfriend and girlfriend relationships. There are girls in the school that have been labeled, ‘Don’t touch’ because they are girlfriends to cult leaders. Any boy who tries to get close to these labeled girls are taken out of the way in any way possible.

Since you are just going into the university, you are still too young to carry the burden of keeping a boyfriend or girlfriend. Your studies come first. The right partner will come when you are ready. That girl or boy may be a cult trap or a distraction. He or she can also make you sin against God – remember you need God to fulfill your life goals.

Boyfriend and girlfriend relationships may land you into the following problems on campus:

  1. That girl may just be the girlfriend of a cult leader.
  2. That girl may just be a cultist herself.
  3. That boy may just be a cultist and may set up his friends to gang rape you.
  4. That boy may be dating another girl who may be a cultist. She can let her anger loose on you for dating the same boy with her.
  5. That girl may just be dating a lecturer. This lecturer can make life difficult for you in school.
  6. You can contact a venereal disease or HIV from the girl or boy.
  7. That girl may just get pregnant for you and puts you in your parents’ bad book.
  8. That boy will get you pregnant and deny responsibility.
  9. That boy or girl will take you further away from your studies.
  10. That boy or girl will take you further away from God.
  11. The promise of regular supply of girlfriends by a cult group is a trap!

My dear friend, that illicit relationship may cause you headache for the rest of your life!


Chapter 11:  Do Unionism with Your Eyes Open

Union activities are good if they are done within the context of morality and Godliness. I know unionism is not meant for every student, however, if you feel you want to take active part in union activities in school, you should ensure you open your eyes wide. It is not uncommon to find cult boys and girls amongst student union executives. Some student union presidents have been discovered to belong to cult groups. There is no special rule here. The biggest advice for you is that you must make up your mind to do unionism within the rules and regulations of God if you want to get involved in it. If you observe you can’t do this, please stay away from student unionism.


Chapter 12: Avoid cultism traps: What is Your Dressing Like?

The way you dress up is the way you will be addressed. Your dressing styles also determine those that are attracted to you. Let me cite examples by describing the dressing styles of Chike and Janet who just gained admission into the University.

Chike’s dressing styles on campus look like the following most of the time:

  1. He puts on a black T-shirt (with the inscription of I’m a bad boy’ on it) on a tight Jeans trousers.
  2. He is always having his head shaven.
  3. He has a bogus wrist watch on at all times.
  4. Sometimes he has a black bowler cap on his head.

I want you to read through the dressing styles of Janet on campus:

  1. Janet is always in tight fitted jeans that clearly shows her body shapes
  2. When she puts on skirt, it is always mini, way above her knees.
  3. Janet’s tops always show most part of the top of her body.

My dear friend what do you think about the dressing styles of Chike and Janet?

These dressing styles will attract the wrong people to them. The cult boys will make Chike a top target that must be part of their evil group. The cult boys will also run after Janet for friendship.

The bible says: “Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthian 4 : 40). When you allow your dressings to make cultists come after you, then the fault is entirely yours. Please check your dressing styles before you begin to live on campus.


Chapter 13: Love of Money is the Root of All Evil

I want you to read the following conversation between two University students after their lectures and on their way to the hostel.

Tom: “Sam, there is a group of friends of mine that I would want you to meet in town”

Sam: “Eh eh, who are they”?

Tom: “They are very good friends. They are responsible for all the money supplies that I have received in school all this while. They are also ready to help me if I needed any other material things in the school. They will also supply the girls if I needed them”.

Sam: (now suspicious). “Who really are these people? Are they students”?

Tom: (noticed Sam’s suspicion). “I’ m assuring you they are nice people. They do no harm. You only need to meet them”.

Sam: (was now sure Tom was talking about a cult group). “Tom , I don’t always like to meet strangers. You know I’m a very shy person and an indoor person”.

The story above is actually a true – life story and it happened to no other than my very self! You only need to substitute the name ‘Sam’ for my name, ‘Sesan’. Tom in the story is not actually the real name of the guy who tried to get me into cult when I was in school. The discussion actually ended that day the way you have it in the story above. Though, he tried to get me to talk about it other days but I did everything to avoid him. I thank God that he did not go to any further length to sell his evil invitation to me but even that will not make me accept his invitation.

It is totally against my life’s plans and goals. I will rather leave the school than sell my soul to the devil of cultism! I want you to look at Tom’s invitation tactics:

  1. He began his story when I was alone with him.
  2. He mentioned the evil benefits (money supplies, girls, material gifts) to entice me.
  3. He disguised the identity of the evil group he talked about.

I want you to read what made Tom to fail in his invitation bid:

  1. He was inviting a student who already had a strong life decision he has taken before he came to school.
  2. He was inviting a student who is determined to go to any Godly and moral length to achieve his goals.
  3. He was talking to someone who will not allow the love of money, girls, and material things to stop him short of his goals.

Tom failed right from the time Sam prepared to come to the campus. He met a morally sound and determined student in Sam and he lost the battle.

The bible says, ‘for the love of money is the root of all evil’ (1 Timothy 6 : 10)

Please BEWARE of this form of enticement on campus. Don’t love money, girls and material things more than God and your life. Please BEWARE!


Chapter 14: Always Read Your Decision to Yourself

This is a very simple step but it is a very effective practice that will go a long way to help you on campus. The decision you wrote down on a paper and on your heart before you began to live on campus must be read to yourself at regular intervals. This will keep the vision active in your heart and mind. It will go a long way to help your focus while on campus. You can decide to do this every morning after your morning devotion and at night times before you go to sleep. You can also do it at the weekends.

Please read and think deeply on the benefits of staying focused on your decision on campus.


Chapter 15: Beware of Cult Lecturers!

Yes you read that right. It is very sad but it is the truth! Some University lecturers are cultists! They are patrons to many of the students’ cult groups. They are also in the evil duty of recruiting converts for their cult groups.

You don’t have to be sad or scared about this; you only need to be wise and careful. Just because he or she is a lecturer does not mean he or she is a saint and a good lecturer. Therefore BEWARE of that lecturer, he or she may be a CUTLISTS!


Chapter 16: Prayer is Important!

I believe this is a great way to end this book. If you know you need God to be successful on campus, then you must form the habit of talking to Him in the place of prayer. When you pray, you are telling God that you respect Him and believe in His ability to keep you on campus.

You can have a daily prayer time – table for yourself which you can try as much as possible to keep to. Well, I know it may be difficult initially, but when you make yourself to understand the many gains of it, you will encourage yourself to keep to your prayer schedule.

Those cult groups pray to their evil gods for help, you should pray to your good God to help you. Let me add  that you don’t have to start off expecting to pray for one, two, three hours at a time. You can pray for ten to twenty minutes to God on a daily basis and improve upon this.

NOTE: Let me inform you that even as a teenager you must be born again to make your prayer life effective. When you are not born again, there is no way you can move God to help you pray to Him. You will also need the help of God’s Spirit to pray effectively. The Holy Spirit of God cannot help you to pray effectively if you are not born again. Please talk to your Sunday school teacher in church or any church worker if you know you are not born again. You can also simply say the following simple prayer:

“God, I thank you for my life. I thank you for allowing Jesus to die for my sins. Please forgive my sinful life. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour today. I am born again.”

Congratulations if you have said this prayer. You should still seek the advice of a matured Christian worker to obtain information on some of the things that are expected of you as from now on.

Finally, let me give you a simple hint on how your prayer should be like on campus. These are just suggestions; you can develop your own programme:


Prayer Schedule for The campus Student

  1. Start your day with devotion. Sing praises unto God, thank Him for the previous day and the day ahead, study and meditate on a portion of God’s Word (it may be a single verse), pray on a specific issue that comes to your mind (I believe you have prayer points already,  pray them).  Thank God for answered prayers.
  2. Pray to God on your knees every time you return to your room from the lecture room. It may just be for 5 minutes or more.
  3. Pray to God when it is time to sleep. Read a portion of His Word and confess it yourself. Please don’t forget to always pray for God’ s guidance and protection on campus.
  4. Don’t avoid fellowship or prayer programmes organized by your fellowship.
  5. Design a weekend prayer programme that is suitable for you.

Some prayer points you pray while in school will go a long way to help you even after you have left school. So embrace this prayer tip and all will be well with you in Jesus name. Amen.


Chapter 17: Happy Campus Life

My dear friend, I hope you have enjoyed this report. You will not be a victim of cult attacks and initiation in Jesus name. Remember that if you read this and fail to act on the content, it will not do you any good. You need to act on the content of this report and God almighty will continue to protect you. Happy University life.

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The Ultimate Decision

“For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10). If you have not known Jesus but you have enjoyed the success principles described in this book and you want to give your life to Jesus so that these principles can start working in your life, you can say the following in prayer:

“Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I accept Him as my Lord and Saviour. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved. Thank you God for hearing my prayer”.

Congratulations! This is going to be the greatest decision you will ever take. Congratulations once again! Now begin to enjoy Christ unlimited and good success will never elude you again. Please let me read from you about your experience or how this book has helped you. You can contact me in either of these ways: E-mail: 

Phone: +234-08034300979, +234-07066360364

About The Author

Sesan Ogunotade is an insightful teacher of the word, bible success researcher, Christian personal development expert and author of many books amongst which is the popular “Jesus and Your Success” (available free at ). He believes that the solution to ANY problem lies in the WORD of GOD. His central message to the world is “without Jesus, you cannot succeed” (John 15:5b). He presides over Success Christian Home, headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria, a Christian organization with the vision of raising problem solvers in the society. He is also the founder of The Success Laboratory International Seminars, a platform where pure bible principles that solve practical societal and personal problems are taught. You can add him on facebook: You can follow him on twitter, @SesanOguntade. He is married to Olutoke Success Ogunotade and they are blessed with children.

Till the next Bible Short Report next month, remember that it is only in Christ Jesus that you can truly succeed. God bless you.

Are You Rapture Compatible?

Are you sure you will be rapturable today if the trumpet of the end comes suddenly? If you are not sure, you need to settle issues with God in prayer. The greatest prayer you can say if you are not a child of God through Jesus Christ is the one I have for you in the content under The Ultimate Decision below. Please say the prayer and let me read from you.



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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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