How to achieve greatness in life and business
Biblical ways to market your products
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Biblical ways to market your products

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School of BUSINESS

Sure, there are biblical ways to market your products and publicize your business. I have used and taught these principles over the years. God’s Word can solve all problems, your business, and financial problems inclusive.

I just published a short guide on this topic and I want you to read the first section of the short ebook below:


Introduction to biblical ways to market your products

Over the years, I have used the principles discussed in this book to promote and grow my business and the organizations that God has committed to my hands. Yes, that’s what I do. I love to dig into the Word of God to find principles that can be of use to my personal, business, financial and marital development. When I find them, I immediately set the process or the principles discovered into motion to act on them.

I understood that the process of wisdom is not complete until I act on instructions, revelations, principles, or ideas I receive through the Word of God.

In case you want to know, in our Christian organization and my personal life, I strongly believe that there is a solution to any problem in God’s Word. God spoke this line of statement to me on June 11, 2009, “Teach the goodness that’s in the second coming of Jesus Christ and teach the ability of Jesus to save the lost.”

This became the mission statement of my ministry. If God says that Jesus has the ability to save the lost and Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1-3), then God’s Word has the ability to save or to solve any problem.

I was raised by God to solve the problems of personal development, business development, financial matters, and marital issues. This is what the Visionary Business Project, a very strong arm or section of our organization, is all about.

Please, don’t toy with the revelations you are going to come across in this book. They may look simple but they will go a long way to help your business. The Holy Spirit will help to expand the ideas or principles in your heart and mind and you will be able to find specific solutions to your own business problems.

So I want you to put your faith on the line here so that God’s Spirit can help you and your business with the contents of this book that have been compiled and developed using the eternal and ever-dependable Word of God.

I want you to read some of the testimonies of users of the resources that have been produced in this mission over the years at Powerful testimonies of faith.

Related: How to rescue your business from the grip of the enemy (webinar)

Chapter 2: Why publicity and marketing?


Publicity and marketing are the ‘medicine’ or ‘drug’ for an ailing business. All the successful businesses have found and used one or many forms of marketing and publicity for their businesses.

Businesses that are not publicized or marketed adequately will die. They will die of what I call ‘patronage illnesses or ‘customer sicknesses.’ When a business has no paying patronage or paying customers, it will die of this sickness. So the drugs it needs to be healed of this sickness are marketing and publicity.

Some of the principles that I have discussed here will show you what adequate marketing and publicity are and why and how they should be run consistently to grow your business. Let me roll on the show now.

Related: You can gain access to this new ebook guide today here

Chapter 3: The crying advertisement for marketing

I want you to check this out from God’s Word in Proverb 1: 20-21, “Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city. She speaks her words. “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge. Turn at my rebuke; surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. ”

I was able to deduce what I call the crying advertising strategy for a business from that passage. Now, I’m sure you know that a good publicity and marketing program must include a well-crafted advertising campaign.

Here, wisdom puts up a crying advertisement campaign for her products. Wisdom has products she believes will be useful to a certain group of people and she took the decision to kick start the process of publicity and marketing by adopting the crying advertisement campaign.

Let us look at what she did:

  • “Wisdom cries without.” That is, she took a decision to raise her voice.
  • Wisdom utters her voice in the streets. She went to a place with adequate people traffic so that more people can hear about or see her products. She went to the streets.
  • Wisdom cries in the chief market place.” She continued to advertise her products in other high-trafficked spots where she could get lots of people to hear or see her advertisement.

The first experience I had with this principle was when I took a decision to sell a math product I produced many years ago in my country.  The product was called, Silly Mistakes in Mathematics. When I finished the product, I designed relevant advert content that will attract my target customers.

Then I took a good marketing decision to place an advert in one of the high-trafficked national newspapers in my country. It was my first time doing this and I was really apprehensive of what the outcome would be. I was surprised and felt on top of the world when I began to receive calls from people requesting more information about my product.

The power of placing a relevant advert in the right advert medium became real to me and I took my time to learn about this marketing and business magic.

Marketing lessons for you and your business

  • Design a ‘crying’ advertising campaign for your business.
  • Go to the ‘streets.’ That is, high-trafficked spots or advertising media where people who would need your product converge.
  • ‘Cry ‘ out on these platforms. That is, put your adverts on these platforms. Your adverts should inform those seeing your adverts that your products solve their problems or can add values or benefits to them. This is what wisdom did in verse 22-23 of chapter one of the books of Proverbs as shown above.
  • Monitor and measure your results to find out the best media for your products or business so that you can continue to use them.

Thank you for reading this blog post today. You can learn from the remaining content of this short ebook guide for Christian entrepreneurs by gaining access to it here.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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