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The Christ-centered business: How to get provisions from God

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A Christ-centered business is surely postioned to enjoy divine provisions from God. But how does this happen and what are the Biblical processes for a faith-based business to receive help from God?


What is a Christ-centered business?

A Christ-centered business is a business that is set up and run using the principles from God’s Word as we have it in the bible as the guide. Christian entrepreneurs running a Christ- centered business will always give strict considerations to the instructions and the will of God while taking decisions in their companies.

Related: faith-based businesses-4 ways to multiply your resources


Is there divine help for faith- based businesses?

Sure, there is divine help for faith-based businesses. God promised His children His help in every aspect of their lives- their businesses and finances inclusive. His Word says He is our present help in the times of trouble.


A bible passage on provisions for a Christ-centered business

If you are running a Christ-centered business or getting involved in a Godly business project and have wondered how God will supply the resources, Jesus taught:

“Walk into the fields and look at the wild flowers. They don’t fuss with their appearance – but have you ever seen color and design quite like that? If God gives such attention to the wild flowers… don’t you think He‘ll attend to you…” (Luke 12:27-28) (MSG).

If your business project is Godly or faith-based or Christ-centered and you have used the platform of prayer to present your plans to God, you should be calm and not allow worry and anxiety to stop Him from attending to your needs for the execution of the project.

God will, in His own unique way, provide the resources to execute your projects from stage to stage. The wild flowers don’t fuss about the beauty of their appearance, God provides the beauty, He will surely provide for your business project.


Never allow worry or anxiety over your business

There is something I have observed about how God works in terms of provisions and it is how He becomes uncomfortable when He sees your worries and anxiety over provisions whenever you have projects to execute. Worries and anxiety disrupt His plans to make provisions for you and your business projects.

Come to think it, you are running a faith-based business, faith and business should go and work together. Worry and anxiety are exact opposite of faith so they should not be allowed because they block the ways of divine provisions for your business.


The best practice you should embrace over over your Christ-centered business

Jesus advised us to stop worrying. Paul also advised us to:

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).

The best you should do when you need supplies for your business project is to pray and allow thanksgiving to be the major content of your prayer session.


My resolution over my business and finances

Sometimes ago, in a revealed 12 – step order of divine provisions and supplies to my family, I wrote in number three, this line: “Never to be worried or anxious about our finances but pray about it and engage our minds”

My family has learnt to pray with thanksgiving whenever we expect financial supplies of any form. Let me inform you that, sometimes, you may want to go towards the worry lane but if you allow the bible lesson quoted above and probably the content of my 12-step order of provisions to saturate your mind, you will, in no short time begin to practically live out the message of ‘don’t get worried over provisions’ from the Word of God.

Further Reading: 1 Kings 10:1-10, Matthew 6: 33

I believe this has helped you. I want to read your comment. Let me know in the comment section below how you have followed a process to receive divine provisions for your faith-based business.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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