How to achieve greatness in life and business
Christian Entrepreneur ebook
Bible Short Reports series

Christian Entrepreneur ebook guide

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The Christian Entrepreneur

How Christians can run profitable businesses without breaking the rules of God

Sesan Oguntade

 Copyright 2018 Sesan Oguntade

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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Scripture quotations marked (TLB) and (MSG) are taken from The Living Bible and the Message Bible translations respectively.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Christian Entrepreneur 

Thank you for your interest in this book. I’m very passionate about this topic. I’m extremely interested in how businesses are run in our world. I’m very much concerned in how wealth is distributed in our world. 

I want Christians to be in charge of the business world. I want Christians to call the shots in the various industries. I want all the wealth available for God’s kingdom purposes. 

Please don’t nurse the thought that I’m crazy with my passion which I showed above. No. Don’t nurse that thought. It’s God who has put that passion and desire into me over the years. Initially, I never knew it was something I have to really consider but the persistent knock and deposits of God into my heart on issues around this topic got me in. 

This is the reason for the writing and production of information products ranging from ebooks, books, videos, podcast and online video courses to teach Biblical principles that will help Christians and anyone who’ll be interested to operate uniquely and profitably in their various industries with their businesses and still maintain their Godly status and be prime candidates for rapture when Jesus comes back.

This is the reason for the Christian Business School. I believe you’ve read a lot about that earlier so I don’t need to bother you with those details again. 

Thank you once again for your interest in reading this book. I have enjoyed reading the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, Joseph and their likes in the Bible. These were interesting business giants who showed the world how to do business on this earth and still maintained their friendships and sonship to God. 

God gave them a pat on the back when they finished their race on this earth.

I have also carefully checked the various parables and teachings of Jesus Christ for the past 10 years with the help of the Holy Spirit and have observed how those parables have strongly taught the principles of entrepreneurship, business success and profits, vocational development, work-place effectiveness and so on. 

I have also seen business development principles while studying through the Bible. Yes, the whole of God’s Word is filled with interesting and practical marketing strategies, business building principles, business publicity strategies, client attraction and retention strategies, investment strategies and their likes.

I strongly believe that all these were no coincidences. 

God is strongly interested in the way businesses are conducted on this earth and He clearly wants Christians to be actively involved in this arena of wealth and to represent Jesus Christ adequately using the avenue to bring more souls and converts to Him. This is the reason why I have produced this guide in your hand. 

This guide will help you to vote and massively embrace what I call Godly Entrepreneuring in our world where godliness, especially in the business world, is fast disappearing.

This book will build your thirst and hunger to embrace entrepreneurship the way God wants it done. It will help you to start using the platform of your business as a diligent service to God and man and not just as a platform for profits alone. 

This book will do more. It will show you especially what we stand for at the Christian Business School and in our Christian organisation at Success Christian Home.

You’re welcome on board to a world of classic Christian Entrepreneuring that God will be proud of. You’re welcome to the camp of a select few of people whose business activities are driven by their unquenchable thirst to reign with Jesus Christ when He comes back.  

Thank you,

Sesan Ogunotade,

Founder, Christian Business School

234-07066360364, 234-08034300979


Chapter 2: Who Is A Christian Entrepreneur?

Paul wrote in the book of 2 Timothy 3, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy… But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

Jesus also said in Matthew 24:12-13, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved”

We have seen and heard interesting stories of business people who have embraced high- level ungodliness in order to break even in business. We have seen those in top sporting associations in the world who succumbed to the evil powers of bribery to favor a dubious cause. 

We have seen people who sold their souls to the devil in their bid to grow their businesses and make more profits.

The sad fact is that many self-acclaimed Christians have joined this crowd of ungodly actors in the market place! Some Christians have joined out of ignorance of what the sole reliance on the principles of God can bring to them. Some have joined out of impatience especially when results are slow in coming. Some have deliberately sold their consciences to the devil and are not ready to give any consideration to what God thinks and wants.

It’s my aim with this book, The Christian Entrepreneur, to show you why you must be different. I want to show you how following the principles of God can become an interesting way of life as you grow your business.  

As a result of this lofty objective of this book, I’ll be using the various Chapters to tell you who a Christian Entrepreneur is. 

I want you to diligently and dedicatedly follow me on this journey. 

So a Christian Entrepreneur….


Chapter 3: Christian Entrepreneur Is Not A Sinner

Now I want you to read what the first couple, Adam and Eve began to do after they sinned by disobeying God to eat the forbidden fruit:

  • They saw their nakedness.
  • They ran from God’s presence.

I want you to look back at what Adam did before he sinned. He was very efficient working the ground. He named all animals (that was a fantastic mental exploit). He named his wife. Adam’s mental and spiritual conditions were incredible.  

I’m sure you agree with me that those are great conditions that can make a great Christian Entrepreneur.

But it was another story when they sinned. They saw their nakedness (their weaknesses). They ran from God’s presence (fear for God entered). 

Every Christian is expected to lean on God to achieve exploits in business. Now staying and enjoying the presence of God is a great bonus for us if we are to run successful businesses without going against the rules of God. Sin took away the confidence of Adam and Eve and they began to run from the One who is expected to help them. 

You’ll agree with me that that was indeed a bad situation Adam and Eve found themselves!

You should also notice that they saw their nakedness (weaknesses) for the first time after they sinned. They became conscious of their weaknesses and their resolutions and power to get things done disappeared. 

Now I want you to note that because we’re spirit beings who dwell in a body or flesh and because we dwell on this earth which the devil and his cohorts pollute on a consistent basis, there are many situations and conditions that are present here on this earth acting as limitations to Christians who want to excel in business as God’s representatives. 

Christianity, according to God’s design, came into existence to help us not to be conscious of those weaknesses we carry or that are around us on this earth. Christianity helps us to do business exploits in spite of all those limitations. 

When you operate under the cover of the glory of God (which Adam and Eve enjoyed superbly before they sinned), you’ll not be conscious of those weaknesses which can limit you. Your focus will be on the powers of the living God which will always be readily available for you. 

The cover of the glory of God will be on you and God will be happy to demonstrate His powers through you and your business. 

This was what Paul discovered in 2 Corinthians 12:9 when he began to become conscious of the weakness he had. God told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

Sin takes you away from under the cover of God’s glory. It makes you become super conscious of your weaknesses and your inability to excel in business. It makes you feel reluctant and afraid to get into God’s presence – an arena where God’s power is made available for you to excel as His child in business.

In case you’re reading this book and you are yet to become a child of God but you want to operate as a Christian Entrepreneur, you need to say a simple prayer immediately to become a child of God. I want you to repeat the following simple lines of prayers after me. 

“Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I accept Him as my Lord and Saviour. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved. Thank you God for hearing my prayer”.

Congratulations. I want you to share your experience with me.

If you are reading this book and you are already a child of God, I say congratulations to you too. Let me inform you that you must beware of the dangers of turning again to sin. Sin is a destroyer of good things. If you’re having any problem with a sinful habit, you should approach God in the place of prayer to help you; He’ll be ready to help you. 

You can also write to me so that I can send one of our relevant materials to you and also pray along with you. 

Now I want you to also understand that a Christian Entrepreneur is…


Chapter 4: Christian Entrepreneur is A Minister of The Gospel

I observed from the Word of God that He used the lives and the business activities of the business giants of the Old Testament like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job and their likes to fulfill and work out His ultimate plan for the world with respect to the salvation project and the gospel of Jesus Christ which He had planned to come on stream on the earth at the appointed time. 

So, while those business greats were running affairs in their businesses, making profits and living Godly lives, they were at the same time fulfilling the ultimate purpose of God on this earth.

It was common to see these people making great inspired statements at those periods which were pointing towards God’s super plan about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was common to see them passing through experiences that were meant to show the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation project He was coming to execute. 

These people were strong minsters of the gospel of Jesus Christ even before Jesus came to the earth to live with man!

In Genesis 15: 6, the Bible records what is about the most profound statement on the topic of faith in God which the Jesus sacrifice was opening the world to when the Bible says this about Abraham, “And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.”

The Jesus sacrifice introduced a belief or faith system where we only need to believe Him and the sacrifice He had come to the earth to carry out and we will automatically be forgiven of our sins and become children of God. The Abraham experience, quoted above, clearly showed this belief system.

Paul used this Abraham experience to teach New Testament Jews how the type of Faith he’s preaching has been on right from the time of Abraham, their forefather.

Jacob’s birth showed the God’s preference for election over any other thing or considerations. God said while he and his twin brother were still in their mother’s womb, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.” (Romans 9:13).

Jacob, by birth, was the younger of the two but God used the opportunity to show the divine arrangement He was bringing on board in the future when Jesus Christ comes to carry out the salivation project. 

God showed that in the future, it’s not going to be about anyone’s tribe, position, country, color, age etc. but about who He chose to save and work with. In Exodus 33:19, He said, “I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” We know those God will have mercy and compassion for are those who have decided to embrace Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. 

Those are the candidates of mercy from God. It has nothing to do with age, tribe, country or color. 

Jacob’s birth and life and work experience were used to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ even before Jesus came to live on the earth.

All these were great ministers of God even as business people. Their business conducts were done with Jesus in mind. They used their operations to bring souls to the God they served. They were great business men and great minsters of the Gospel.

I once ran a school for a couple in my country. I used the periods of my stay in this school to set up fellowships in the school. I operated under Godly rules and regulations. I won converts to God through my business activities. 

You have done very well if you’ve embraced business.  You should however note that if you really want to be a Christian Entrepreneur, you must also see yourself as a minister of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Remember your business is your ministry.

Now that you know why you’re both a business operator and a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, let me also inform you that a Christian Entrepreneur is also a …

Chapter 5: Problem Solver By Heart

I want you to read this interesting statement from the wealthiest Entrepreneur of his time, Job in Job chapter 29:

“When I went out to the gate by the city, when I took my seat in the open square…” (verse 7).

“When the ear heard, then it blessed me, and when the eye saw, then it approved me; because I delivered the poor who cried out. The fatherless and the one who had no helper. The blessing of a perishing man came upon me. And I caused the widow’s heart to sing for joy” (Verse 11-13).

Now I also want you to read this other story about the life of Joseph, one who became a Governor in a foreign land.  An astute business operator for Pharaoh and Egypt, the greatest nation on earth at this time:

“So when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread. Then Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph; whatever he says to you, do. The famine was over all the face of the earth and Joseph opened all the storehouse and sold to the Egyptians. And the famine became severe in the land of Egypt. So all countries came to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain, because the famine was severe in all lands” (Genesis 41: 55-57).

These great Entrepreneurs above solved problems of the people and the society at these times and they got tremendous profits doing so. These stories show the most important activity of a Christian Entrepreneur in his or her business – to solve the practical problems of the people and the society.

A business that’s not truly solving practical problems will not thrive and it will be falling below the standards set by God! 

You should understand that God wants you to solve problems with your business. He said very clearly in an interesting Bible passage that has been one of the scriptural blueprints for our Christian organisation.

“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.” (Isaiah 60 1-3).

Businesses that solve practical problems of the people and that of their societies are friends of God. God will always be interested in these businesses and Entrepreneurs and according to the book of John 15:2, “He prunes them to bear more fruits”. That is, He begins to help to solve more problems and make more profits.

The Christian Entrepreneur is not motivated by money and profits; he’s motivated by the necessity to help the people and the society with his business. He wants to solve their problems with his business. Usually the profits roll in after the practical problems are dedicatedly solved.

Don’t get intimidated and discouraged when you see problems in your industry; rise to solve them with your business giving glory to God. This is the reason why you and your business have been divinely positioned in your industry by God. 

Note: I wrote an interesting book, How to Develop and Use The Skills of Solving Problems to Create Wealth. This book shows you how you can become skillful in solving problems and give way to riches and wealth to run after you. 


So the Christian Entrepreneur doesn’t run after money with his business; he, instead, runs after problems!

Let me also use this opportunity to tell you that a Christian Entrepreneur is a…

Chapter 6: Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur

Sometimes ago, I went on a work trip for a company where I sit on the board as a Director, The Mathematics laboratory Ltd. It was a trip to the eastern part of my country, Nigeria where the Mathematics Association of Nigeria was to have her annual conference. 

When I got to this conference and this state, there were so many problems and hiccups that were waiting for me to truncate the smooth execution of what I went there to do. The first two days saw me putting every attention and focus on what I was there to do. 

Now that was my first visit to the eastern part of my country and I would have loved to use the opportunity to find out one or more things about this state and the society but I couldn’t do that because there were much problems and work on my hand. I knew the first paramount occupation for me at this state and at that particular time was to represent my company very well.

I did just that and forgot those other side attractions about the state that I would have loved to explore.

Now, a Christian Entrepreneur is a representative of God on this earth. He has accepted God’s directives and challenge for him to use the platform of business to turn people to righteousness, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and solve the practical problems of the people and the society. 

The Christian Entrepreneur has decided to do business in the main areas of his God-given purpose. He may be involved in areas which are not the core of his God-given purpose but he will surely be actively involved in businesses around his area of purpose on this earth. 

Of what use is an Entrepreneur who do business and made all the money but who did not find out and fulfill his God-given purpose on the earth!

“This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise.”(Isaiah 43:21). God made and position everyone on this earth to show forth His glory. You will show forth His glory appropriately on this earth if you find out from Him why and for what purpose He created you. 

Abraham was a cattle rearer. Isaac was a farmer. Jacob loved to stay indoor thinking and strategizing.  Job was a shrewd buying and selling trader. Joseph did good business for the Egyptian government (he was a creative idea man). 

The list goes on and on.

I agree some people will fulfill purpose without doing the practical buying and selling or get involved with business activities but there are people who God has anointed and created to do business as a ministry. 

I perceive that in this end time, God wants to teach the business world one or two lessons why it is possible to do business successfully without any stain, lies, bribery, deceit, forgery, embezzlement and so on. 

God raised me to put together the required information and principles from His Word to show that any business development principles that have been used or are being used or will ever be used have their sources from God’s eternal Word as we have it in the Bible. By His grace, I have been able to prove some points with some of the books I have written and published so far. 

I advise you if you’re a Christian Entrepreneur by heart and calling or if you’ve been sensing the call of God upon your life in this regard, to find out from God where He wants you to manifest exactly. This is important so that you can adequately receive his maximum support and supply of resources and ideas for your business. 

I discovered I have to be involved with Christian ministry, the publishing industry and the education industry. I have stayed in these industries for many years now since I discovered this despite the fact that I graduated as a Mechanical Engineering student from school. 

If you have not discovered your God-given purpose, you should go to God and ask Him; 

He’ll show you. I can assure you of that if you go to Him with the required seriousness and sincerity of heart. 

The Christian Entrepreneur is purpose-driven; he does business in his God-given area of manifestation on this earth. 

One of the Christian benefits that can help you as an Entrepreneur is your ability to receive important, profit-pulling information in your business. The Christian Entrepreneur is one who is…

Chapter 7: Revelation-Driven

I have enjoyed profit-pulling and growth-provoking information from the Holy Spirit in my business. 

The Spirit of God gives such information. The Bible says, “…when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears.” (John 16:13).

That Bible passage presents the Spirit of God as an information-given Spirit. Some people think He only gives information that only have something to do with spirituality but who says doing business is not spiritual. Business involves money and money is principally a spiritual matter. The Spirit of God guides into all truth and that includes information that helps you to grow your business. 

If you want to be a successful Christian Entrepreneur, you must fall in love with revelations from God. 

A great example of a great profit-pulling business information or revelation is the one Jacob received in Genesis 31: 10-13: 

“And it happened, at the time when the flocks conceived, that I lifted my eyes and saw in a dream, and behold , the rams which leaped upon the flocks were streaked, speckled, and grey spotted”.

Jacob had earlier applied the content of a revelation when he worked in Laban’s farm. You can find what Jacob did in Genesis 30:37-43.

That was Jacob as a worker or manager in his in-law’s business. God gave him that information that turned business profits in his direction. 

What about the case of Joseph? 

Joseph received the information about the meaning of pharaoh’s dream and was also informed about how to interpret it to benefit Egypt and his people. This revelation from God was one of the most creative business ideas to be given in the history of the world. That singular idea had great impact on the people of a nation and her neighbors.

The content of Job 22:21-22 will interest you, “Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you. Receive, please, instruction from his mouth. And lay up His words in your heart.” 

The Message translation puts it this way: 

“Give in to God, come to terms with Him and everything will turn out just fine. Let Him tell you what to do; take His words to heart.”

You’re advised to give in to God so that you can receive profit-pulling instructions. Eliphaz, one of Job’s friends, gave that advice to Job during the time when Job had lost lots of goods, wealth and other things. He believed if Job must get back on track, he must prepare himself to start receiving instructions from God.

I believe he gave that instruction because it was the norm among them in those days. They survived in their businesses as a result of God’s invaluable information to them from time to time. 

The following Bible passage will show you who you have to be and what you must begin to do before you can become a candidate of profit – pulling business information from God’s Sprit, “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5)

Meekness is a major requirement. You must also have the strong thirst, hunger and deep expectation to receive this information from God. You must have strong faith and trust in God to supply quality profit-pulling business information to you from time to time. Isaiah wrote this piece about God’s readiness to supply profit-pulling business information to those who are thirsty: 

“Fear not, O Jacob my servant; and you Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground.” (Isaiah 43: 2-3).

I want to believe that Abraham’s decision to choose the field which does not appear to have a future prospect when his servants and Lots’ servants had contentions among themselves was inspired. It could only take God to inspire him to go for such choice.

God’s instructions can be like this most times; this is the reason why you must be a diligent faith walker to benefit immensely from revelations from God. 

Apart from direct instruction on what to do to grow your business, God can also point your attention to helpers, partners, books and their likes which you can go for to receive relevant information. God has done that to me in all these ways in the past and He’s still doing it. 

God’s instructions can also come in the areas of asking you to reject some shady and dirty business deals, associations or partnerships. You can also receive notifications or warned against an investment that will lead you and your business into debt. 

When you exercise diligent patience, meekness and reverence for Him in His presence continually, He’ll always help you with these invaluable instructions. The problem with our generation is that we’re not always patient with God. 

Jesus said in John15: 7, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” I want you to note that asking for anything you desire can be asking for instructions, information, business – building secrets and information on the way to go if you find yourself in a business ‘hang up’. 

Jesus said, He’ll supply the required information to you if only you learn to dwell in Him and allow His Word to dwell in you.

My dear Christian Entrepreneur, God wants to help in your business so that you can fulfill the purpose why He created you. He wants to supply the needed information to you at every point in time in your business. You must be ready to receive and use them.

The people resources will always be one of the major resources you’ll need to run a successful business as a Christian Entrepreneur. In the light of this, The Christian Entrepreneur is….

Chapter 8: A Manager of People

I have been greatly inspired by the use of the people resources by great business men like Abraham and Isaac. They built their businesses and their wealth with the efficient use of these resources. 

I want you to read these Bible passages about these business giants on the way they used servants:

  • “Now when Abraham heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his three hundred and eighteen servants who was born in his own house, and went in pursuits as far as Dan.” (Genesis 14:14).
  • “The man (Isaac) began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants.” (Genesis 26:13).
  • Also Isaac servants dug in the valley, and found a well running water there.” (Genesis 26:19) 

In fact, this was common with the many great servants of God in the Bible; they don’t usually use few servants, they use as many as possible.

The strategies they used in acquiring these servants and using them to build their businesses are as highlighted below:

  • They bring the servants and their wives and their children under their roofs (that is, into their homes).
  • The servants’ wives and children end up also working for the Abraham, Isaac or Jacob Business Inc.
  • They relate with these servants under their roofs as if they are their biological children. Abraham, before he had his children was even thinking the leader of the servants’ team in his house; Eliezer was going to be the heir to him. (Genesis 15:2-3).
  • They gave the required professional trainings to these servants so that they can be very effective (Genesis 14:14).
  • They allow them to rise through the ranks during their stay with them.  

Some organizations and entrepreneurs are actually using some or all of the strategies highlighted above today. Usually, they always have devoted staff and employees in their businesses for many years. This goes a long way to help the rise of their businesses into highly profitable organizations. 

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their likes in the Bible demonstrated the healthy business practices of:

  • Taking adequate care of their employees. 
  • Giving refresher trainings to them.
  • Having an efficient health care system for their employees and their families.
  • Giving them an open method of rising through the ranks in their companies. 
  • Making and relating with them not just as their employees but as people who are part and parcel of them.

Great management of people really helped the likes of Abraham and others in the Bible to build world-class businesses. 

As a Christian Entrepreneur, you’ll also need this skill. 

Note: This is one of the modules under our Main course at the Christian Business School, The Business Success Principles. You will receive information at the end of this book on how you can read more about this interesting course. 

When you manage the people resources very well, you’ll be creating unending wealth for your business and organisation. 

When good management of the people resources begins to yield the good fruits of success and prosperity, you must understand that you will also need to be a….

Chapter 9: Good Manager of Prosperity

Jesus showed me clearly from His activity in the book of Mark 6, when He fed over 5000 people in a deserted place, why it’s an important Godly exercise to learn the skill of managing plenty resources. Please read the passage below:

“So they all ate and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the fish.” (Mark 6: 42-43).

He had miraculously turned 5 loaves of bread and two fishes into plenty food resources for the people. The people ate, had their fill and could not finish the food on ground. Jesus quickly asked them to put the remaining food resources together. They did and had 12 basketfuls of food resources left.

When you run your business through God’s help as a Christian Entrepreneur using God’s principles, you’ll surely be creating lots of wealth. When this happens, you’ll also need to learn how to manage these plenty because God does not like wastefulness.

The Christian Entrepreneur is a diligent manager of resources. You must learn to account properly for money and assets coming into your business. You must ensure you have a proper saving system in place. You must know what you do with the wealth resources that are coming into your hands. You’re not expected to be wasteful because these resources are really not yours; they were placed into your care by God for His purpose. 

God started with me and my family from here many years ago. He helped me to understand how relevant this was to my quest to build a wealthy business that will give glory to Him. When I and my wife earlier struggled to give in to His many instructions in this regard, development was frustratingly slow in our business and organisation.

However, when we aligned ourselves to His directives, we began to notice the clear changes and benefits of being dutiful managers of our wealth and resources. 

Have you not wondered why Bible authors always give specific names to the cattle’s, cows, bulls and the rest owned by Bible money greats? The number of cattle Solomon sacrificed in Gibeon was specifically mentioned (1 Kings 3:4). This implies that he was conscious of the resources in his care at that time and he picked a thousand of those to sacrifice to God. Even in their giving to the things of God, they were extremely organized.

As a Christian Entrepreneur, you must learn to be a good manger of your prosperity. God, the one who has given you power to make wealth wants you to manage and use the wealth He has given you effectively for what it’s meant to do. 

God was so kind and extremely generous to give us Jesus as a sacrifice to our sins to demonstrate His immense love for us. God solved the problem of sin with a gift of love. The Christian Entrepreneur who is also a problem solver must also be a….

Chapter 10: Giver

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son.” (John 3:16). I’m sure you’re very familiar with that Bible passage which was the interesting statement many of us grew up to love from the Bible. 

This Bible passage contains one of the most important vocations and practices you must get involved in as a Christian and as a Christian Entrepreneur. 

This practice is the practice of giving.

The greatest way for God to demonstrate His love for a sinful world was to come to the earth and give His life as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

This passage clearly shows the remarkable link between love and giving. Love without giving is not love. Giving is the best way to express your love for anyone and anything. 

Paul, in 1 Timothy 6: 11 , clearly showed Timothy some of the practices he must embrace that will bring profit, success and prosperity to him, “But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.”. You should observe that love was one of the practices Paul recommended. I have established above that giving is a practical way for you to show or establish your love for something, someone or for a cause. 

In essence, Paul was telling Timothy, “Look, you must become a voracious giver in the areas of demonstrating your love in order for you to record outstanding success or prosperity in ministry and as a person.”

The Christian Entrepreneur must be a voracious giver; he must practically live the giving lifestyle. This is the way of the kingdom of God. 

You must understand that your business exist to give to the world the good it is destined to give. Give out genuine and beneficial solutions to the problem of the people. You’re not expected to profit in your business if you’re not ready to give value out to the people. 

The Christian Entrepreneur must learn to give His time, money and other resources for the benefits of the world. I have seen entrepreneurs in our world do this; they get involved in worthy causes that would add great benefits to the people.

Your business is not just about making money; your business is about giving values out. Your business resources must be available to help the people and the society you’re serving.

Abraham, Joseph and the remaining Bible business greats were great givers in their societies when they lived on this earth. 

You earlier read about Job’s testimonies in Job chapter 29 in previous chapters. That was the lifestyle he lived in his society. I’m not surprised his business prospered at that time. 

A giving lifestyle is the way to go for a Christian Entrepreneur either as a business entity or as an individual. It’s the cap that will secure your Kingdom prosperity. One of the types of giving you must embrace with the whole of your heart as a Christian Entrepreneur is shared in the next Chapter. 

The Christian Entrepreneur must be a…

Chapter 11: Tither

Sometimes ago, I was helped to see the mysteries behind the tithing practice by the Spirit of God. I was dazed by this revelation and I had to package what He revealed in a book I titled, Is Tithing A Godly Practice? This book is available at Smashwords Smashwords store and also on other major ebooks stores online. 

I grew up (and I believe it was the same for you too) to know the content of this Bible passage in Malachi 3 10-11, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house…And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you.”

That was a strong direct instruction from God about the necessity of the tithing practice. But from the revelations I received from the Spirit of God, the tithing practice is not only strongly stated in this popular Bible passage but throughout the length and breadth of the Bible.

God had used this practice to interact with the world from Genesis to Revelation. Whenever the people of God sinned and they were to be wiped out or ran over and taken captives by the enemy country; God was always leaving a remnant. This remnant is just the way we have to take out a 10% or more from our income to plunge into the store house of God for the continuation of His vision for the earth.

Tithing is a must for every Christian and for every Christian Entrepreneur. God practiced this principle all through the Bible, you’re to do likewise. From the content of Malachi 3:9-11, God always take some actions after He sees you’re committed to this practice. 

  • He always opens the heaven over you and your business. 
  • He fills your business and heart with divine ideas that will promote your business. 
  • He also provides protection. He said “I’ll rebuke the devourer for your sakes So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground.”

You’ll agree with me that those are great benefits from God to tithers and their businesses. These benefits are needed for your business success on this earth that’s filled with devilish manipulations and practices that are ready to drown you and your business. 

A true Christian Entrepreneur must tithe as an individual and as a business. You are expected to see your business as an ‘individual’ who must tithe. 

Abraham showed in Genesis one of the practices he gets involved in during his days on this earth, “And he gave him a tithe of all” (Genesis 14:21b). He paid tithes to Melchizedek. 

Isaac also followed his father’s steps because we also read that Jacob, who must have seen his dad, Isaac does the practice of tithing with great passion, made this promise to God, “If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going … of all that you give me I will surely give a tenth to you.” (Genesis 28:22).

Tithing is not just a commandment from God to you and your business; it’s a show of solidarity to God by you and your business that you’re in with Him in His plans and purpose for this earth. 

How wonderful is it if your business which I asked you to see as an “individual” becomes a partner to God on this earth. It’ll always enjoy the benefits of partnership from God. Since no human or devil can bring God down, no one will be able to bring your business down. It will always stay afloat the waters of this life. No one who truly partners with God has ever been disappointed or lost out. Tithing in your business elevates it to that partnership level. 

The next chapter will also show you why the Christian Entrepreneur must be a…

Chapter 12: Unique Actor In The Market Place

“And the Jews marveled, saying, how does this man know letters, having never studied?” (John 7:15).

“And Pharaoh said to his servants, can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?” (Genesis 41:38).

The Christian Entrepreneur, because of the glory of God upon his life, is a unique actor in the market place. God’s glory shows all around him and his business and his activities will be unique in the market place or in his industry.

The first Bible passage above was the reaction of the people about Jesus. They confessed that His operations were unique. He never went to school but was teaching knowledge even the scholars at the time could not teach. 

Remember that John wrote in John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.”

The glory of God upon Jesus Christ made Him do things uniquely and which drew applause and thanksgiving to God. 

A woman, having stayed under the ministration of Jesus Christ, suddenly stood up and declared these interesting words, “Blessed is the womb that gave birth to you”. She was dazed by the teachings and the glory of God that were visibly at work in the life of Jesus Christ.

The second Bible passage above was that of Pharaoh’s comment about Joseph when he dazed him and Egypt with gifts and understanding he received from God. He was unique in his efficient management of the resources of this gentile nation and helped to save them from hunger in the days of famine that came upon the world. The use of God’s wisdom and principles really helped Joseph to act uniquely in that foreign market place. 

I also remember the case of Isaac. The natives of the land where he was dwelling said this to him, “Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we.” (Genesis 26:16). Isaac used the ever dependable wisdom of God to grow his business in this land. He and his business became bigger and bigger until they became a big threat to the natives of the land. 

He was a unique actor in that foreign land.

Joseph and Isaac showed that your business, if it’s rightly positioned where God wants it, can become extremely successful and operate uniquely in the market place and in your industry.

When Bishop David Oyedepo, the President of Living Faith Church, Nigeria, one of the fastest growing Pentecostal churches in the world began to preach the message of faith and prosperity, he became a subject of ridicule from even the Christian society at that time. They felt he was going too far with such messages.  But this man stuck to his guns. He understood his uniqueness and the uniqueness of his ministry and continued in the line of his business as God has shown him. 

Today, he and his ministry have become unique actors in the society. Even his staunchest enemies then have been won to his camp. 

When you keep yourself; and your business under the glory cover of God, His glory will always shine on you and your business. The people will see your unique activities and give glory to the God that you serve. 

The content of the next Chapter will show you another interesting angle to the theme of this book. 

The Christian Entrepreneur…

Chapter 13: Has A Stable Marriage and Home

A major part of the training which the Lord has given me over the years as He prepared me for the work of the ministry has to do with the necessity for a stable marriage and home. 

I’ve seen as many revelations on this topic as I’ve received revelations on the topic or happenings in my ministry.

Sometimes ago, I asked the Holy Spirit why He’s showing so much interest in stable marriages and home for Christians.

These are the inspirations I have received since I put the question to Him:

  • The first relationship God created for man was that of a union between a man and a wife. Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”  This was done in the spiritual before it was done in the physical between Adam and Eve.
  • Though, God first created a business for Adam in the physical before He made him a wife. God knew the presence of a woman was necessary for Adam to really fulfill his business visions. God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” The Bible calls the wife a helper.
  • The great business men in the Bible like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, Joseph all had stable marriages and homes. At a time when there was going to be a problem in the home of Abraham as a result of Haggai and Ishmael, God said this to Abraham, “Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad…Whatever Sarah said to you, listen to her voice…” Sarah had earlier asked Abraham to send Haggai and Ishmael away.  Yes the outsiders must go.
  • A stable home and marriage are so important that God commanded in His Word that, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” There must be a no-interference unity between husbands and wife.
  • Your first business is your home as a Christian. Others outside Christianity may not see it this way but you have to see it this way. Your home and marriage are as important to God as your anointed business. 
  • God wants Godly children raised for Him by you. When God looks at you, He sees future children and grandchildren who will also do more than you’ve done for Him. So He wants you to give adequate attention to your marriage and home so that you can give Him Godly children. His duty is to give you children; your duty is to give back Godly children that will be useful to Him.
  • To God, your business success will be a waste if your home and marriage ‘business’ are in shambles. The profits of your business will be dwarfed by the troubles of your home that’s in shambles. 
  • Any man who can rule well in his house will be able to run a successful business when he gets exposed to further business trainings. 
  • The spiritual support for your business will always first of all come from your stable home. One shall chase a thousand and two shall chase ten thousand (Deuteronomy 32:30). You will always have access to this spiritual power first from your home before you get to your Pastor or business colleague or associates. 

These are some of the many ideas that God has shared with me on this topic. 

You must have a stable home as a Christian Entrepreneur. There’s a potent spiritual power in there for the growth and success of your business. The devil does not want you to understand this so he tries his best to make your home and marriage be in shambles while you get on well in your business. 

The little success you seem to be enjoying in your business will come crashing down with the devil masterminding it if you don’t go to God to help you to make things right now at home and in your marriage. 

Your wife and your children can be the first prayer team for you and your business when every attack comes against you from the pit of hell.

I thank God for the Holy Spirit for these interesting revelations. 

Do you also know that a Christian Entrepreneur must learn to…. 

Chapter 14: Work With The Holy Spirit

I’ll never forget one of the first set of revelations I received about the Holy Spirit of God. 

Some years ago when I began to receive the inspirations that I’m supposed to be in the business of Christian ministry. I rose and was ready to start acting on the inspirations I have been receiving. 

Then just before I started, I had an interesting revelation.

I saw myself in a big stadium doing a simple sporting activity with lots of crowd watching me and routing for me to get the job done. I was to throw a small ball into a circular rope that has been tied to a fixed end upward. I was finding it difficult to get this right. I couldn’t successfully throw the small ball into this circular rope. 

I strongly believed in me that the task should be a simple job for me to execute but I kept on missing the mark. In my bid to get it done and also satisfy the yawning of the crowd that were routing for me, I got frustrated and then all of a sudden, a Man stood behind me, tapped me on my shoulders and said: “It’s not by power nor by might…”.

When I woke up, I recognized this statement to be from the book of Zechariah 4:6. So I got up to read it again. Upon strong meditations, I realized that God was telling me I was not ready to start acting on the inspirations I’ve been receiving and that I will only make a success of my journey if I work along with His Spirit. 

He should be the One leading while I follow. 

This revelation has really helped me to value the relevance of the Holy Spirit of God in my life and ministry.

He has helped me all this while. He kick starts new levels of operations in my ministry. When it seems, as human, I’m trying to run ahead of Him, He cautions me and brings me back to spiritual realties. 

You’ll need the help of the Holy Spirit to run a successful business. 

Jesus says emphatically, “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5b). Yes without His Spirit you will be able to do nothing in business as a Christian. The devil will get you into a trap especially in this world of business today where lies and deceits are the order of the day. 

I love this statement form Jesus about a duty of the Holy Spirit, “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears.”

You need the right information to grow your business. You need revelations and illuminations to succeed in business. The Spirit of God can give all these to you if you allow Him.

The Spirit of God can do the following to you in the cause of running your business:

  • He shows you the type of business you should start.
  • He shows you implementation ideas in your business.
  • He gives you profitable products ideas in business that will get you out of financial troubles.
  • He can direct you to relevant books that you can read to grow your business.
  • He can direct you to mentors you can learn from who are in the same business as you are.
  • He can help you to pick worthy executives in your organisation.
  • He can help you to pick a worthy successor for your business.
  • He can show you the plans of the devil and his cohorts to cause harm and havoc in your business.

God’s Spirit can do more to you and your business than the ones I’ve listed above. There’s no end to all He can do for you if you allow Him.

What you need to do to allow Him are as follows:

  • Become born again if you’re not born again. You need to just ask God to forgive your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
  • Pray for Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 3:11).
  • Begin to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh (Galatians 5:16-26).
  • Have regular time to study the Word of God.
  • You should always ask Him questions and clarifications on issues about your life and business.
  • You should always put in efforts to obey instructions He gives to you.
  • You should always tell Him you love Him and that He’s your Friend, Lover and Master. 
  • Pray in the Holy Spirit regularly. 
  • Have a timetable of prayer and communication with God.

My dear Christian Entrepreneur, a million-page book will not be enough to describe what the Holy Spirit can do for you and your business. 

The theme of the next Chapter of this book is fast getting out of circulation in our world of today and yet it’s such a big necessity if you want to run and grow anointed businesses that will make God to give you a pat on the back. 

The Christian Entrepreneur must…

Chapter 15: Have Integrity

One of the biggest post-bible days lesson on the topic of integrity was given to me when we had the first presentation of the Christian Business School courses offline. 

I was to teach the course, From Business Vision to Manifestation and we had used the little resources we had to do the required publicity for the programme according to our budget. Now three people went with me directly to the programme and we had hope that more people who had seen our publicity materials would join us. 

However, 10 minutes into the programme, no one joined. Then, a man appeared through the entrance of the building where we were having the programme and an usher approached him leading him into the classroom. 

The moment he stepped into the classroom, I recognized his face and paused the teaching and told him so. He nodded his head and reminded me of where we had met before which I also immediately recollected. I greeted him and he sat down and the lecture continued.

When it was time for the questions and comments after the class, the man stood up to say the following memorable statement:

“I’m happy that I’m here today. I saw one of your newsletters and I said to myself that I’ll be here for the programme. I never knew you are the one organizing the programme. But the moment I stepped in and saw your face I remembered those days when you were our leader in a school where I worked. Your support and leadership and integrity then made me to understand that I have come to the right place today. You fought for us the staff even at the expense of your own job. You never hid behind the owners of the school to support their unprofessional and wicked actions towards the staff … If it has been the other way round, I would just have excused myself from this class when I came in and saw you”

That experience practical taught me what Christian integrity is all about. The event this man described happened 7 years before then. I had not even started organized Christian ministry then. I was just a Christian who believed he must do things with maximum respect for God’s Word and maximum respect for the welfare of the people who worked under me. 

Yes he was right; I fought for the staff at the expense of my job and convenience. I never knew that event would come to speak for me on a day we were presenting the offline course of the Christian Business School project.

This man finally rounded off his memorable comment with these useful words: “I’ll personally tell others about this mission because I know the person here has integrity”

What more can I ask for. What a way to crown a presentation where only one external person responded to the publicity we did for the programme. God pushed him out of his house to the venue to add that golden touch to the event and to teach me and others at that presentation why Christian integrity is very much necessary in business.

Paul said this to his mentee, Timothy: “Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.”

The Message translation puts it this way: “Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don’t be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience.”

In essence, Paul was telling his mentee that Christian integrity is as important as his diligence and effectiveness in ministry activities.

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob demonstrated great Christian integrity in their businesses.

Abraham decided to allow Lot chooses a side of the land at the expense of his own business profits and convenience. He also chose not take a gift from the king of Sodom so that it won’t appear as if he made him rich Genesis 14:22).  He also rejected a gift from Ephron the Hittite when he needed a land to bury his wife, Sarah (Genesis 23) 

Jacob said this after he left the farm of his Uncle, Laban: 

“Twenty years I have been with you; your ewes and your female goats have not miscarried their young  , and I have not eaten the rams of your flock. That which was torn by beast I did not bring to ; I bore the loss of it…” (Genesis 31:38-39).

Just like I mentioned earlier in this chapter, integrity is fast disappearing on the scene amongst Christians in business in our world of today. You need to be different. You need to vote for honesty and integrity in business. 

The Bible says, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold” (Proverbs 22:1). Embracing Christian integrity pays great dividends in the long run. You read my testimonies earlier on in this chapter. What integrity will buy you; no money will be able to give to you. No money will buy the public testimony I got at the presentation of the Christian Business School as I shared above. 

It will interest you to also understand that the Christian Entrepreneur that this book and the Christian Business School preach is….

Chapter 16:  Not A Debtor

I once worked with a colleague who owed almost everyone in the organization. He loves going into debt; it had become an incurable habit to him!

Now, the worst part of this was that this man also had developed a habit of not redeeming his pledges to pay his debts. It was always a tug of war before his creditors could make him redeem his pledges and pay his debts. He ended up using debts to service debts! Many people in the organisation learnt about his tricks and began to avoid him. 

It is good if you refuse to go into debt personally and in your business by adequately planning the way you spend your income. You need to be disciplined with your finances. Even if you have to go into debts, it is worse if you don’t pay back the debt you owe others.

I got an understanding from 2 Kings 4:7b when Prophet Elisha, after giving a miracle of multiplied oil to a widow advised her to: “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.” The widow must never leave a debt unpaid; Elisha advised her.  She should first of all carry out this task before she begins to think about her family’s welfare!

A wise man once said, “Though debt is not a sin but it is a weight”. It is a spiritual weight that can affect the flow of God’s favor, ideas and provisions towards you and your finances if it is not managed with understanding from God’s Word and the help of His Spirit.  It’s even more troublesome if it is left unpaid. 

I want you to receive a revelation from this statement by Prophet Samuel in 1 Samuel 12 at the coronation of King Saul:

“…I am old and grey headed … I have walked before you from my childhood to this day. Here I am, witness against me before the Lord and before His anointed: Whose ox have I taken, or whose donkey have I taken, or whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed, or from whose hand have I received any bribe with which to blind my eyes? I will restore it to you.”

The man of God made a public statement about his integrity and about his indebtedness to nobody. He was sure of it and he made a public declarations. 

Read the answer and reactions of the people to his declarations:

“And they said, ‘You have not cheated us or oppressed us, nor have you taken anything from any man’s hand.” (1 Samuel 12:4)

The Christian Entrepreneur is not a debtor. Even professional advisors always advise businesses to watch well before taking a leap when they want to take a loan or go into debt. If non-Christian business people are wary of going into debt then what do you think should the disposition of Christian Entrepreneurs. 

I once read the story of Bill Gate on how he had to steadily build his business without resorting to going into debt. I learnt from this story that later in his business, there was a time that they had lots of money in the bank that they had no use for.

Christian Entrepreneurs must learn not to rely heavily on the use of debt to run their businesses. They need to learn to build their businesses steadily relying on the powers and the principles of God.

The problem has always been that we have always wanted to run at a pace faster than that of God and we always go in to debt to support our selfish and ungodly decisions. 

I have spoken with lots of Christian school business owners in my country who run their businesses with monthly loans from banks. Such Christian business people should take a break and go to God to speak to them and help them to see His will concerning this situation. 

It’s even worse to see Christian ministers run their ministries with debts of different kinds. If God who called you cannot make provisions available for your various projects in ministry, then it means He has not commissioned the project you’re running with. 

Let me inform you that a true Christian Entrepreneur will not allow debt run affairs in his or her business.  Remember that your business is your ministry. You’re to use your business to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and win souls to Christ. God will always be interested in giving you profitable business visions that will always help you to stay afloat the financial waters.

You only need to deepen your relationship with His Spirit. Be patient with Him and understand the different seasons of your business development. 

Don’t run ahead of God in your business. You’re not expected to run your business the way non-Christians run theirs; remember that you’re a Christian Entrepreneur. You must operate uniquely in the market place or in your industry. 

How Do You Stop Going Into Debt?

  1. Understand that it’s not a must that you must go into debt. Our Bible covenant fathers like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were not indebted to anyone, yet they died as wealthy people at good old age (See Genesis 23:7-9 and Genesis 25:8).
  2. Understand your scriptural role from God’s Word that says’ “You shall lend to many nations but you shall not borrow”(Deuteronomy 28:12). 
  3. List out the debts you owe presently and put up a plan to pay them all installmentally.
  4. Start planning adequately with your present income. Do vigorous planning and carry out checks before you make any purchase. 
  5. Beware of those vague and draining bank loans. Before you take a bank loan, you must be sure of what you want to use the money to do which must be for the purpose of a good investment. Seek the advice of financial experts before you take loans from banks. You can form cooperatives in your place of work to meet your loan needs.
  6. Stop buying on impulse. Stop going into business projects on impulse. This habit will always drain you financially. 
  7. Learn the good habit of giving. Jesus said in Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. When giving opens up the blessing channel on you, you will not go into debt. Let your business get involved in good charitable ventures. 
  8. Pray to God to give you the spirit of patience. It’s very important. Impatience with God makes you run after human beings for help and resources to execute your business projects. Patience is the course most Entrepreneurs don’t want to learn in the school of Christian Business. 
  9. Pray to God to help you. 
  10. We are here to help in any way at the Christian Business School. Attend our free course on this topic offline and enroll for the online course on this topic. Give us a call, +234-07066360364 or send an email to us at

Finally in this book, the next chapter will show you what should be the main motivation for you as a Christian Entrepreneur. 

The Christian Entrepreneur should…

Chapter 17: Have Jesus’s Second Coming As His Main Motivation

During the naming ceremony of our second child, Maranatha, I announced to the people present that the most important message the world needs to hear today is that: “Jesus is coming back and that it’s sure”. 

I was inspired to name her Maranatha meaning, The Lord comes. This was taken from the statement of Apostle Paul in the Bible verse of 1 Corinthians 16: 22 (Oh Lord come!).

My dear Entrepreneur, this should be your main motivation today. When you have the deep expectation of Jesus’ second coming as your main motivation in business, you will be able to keep your head, keep your cool and your sanity when the heat comes hot on you in the business world.

You will be able to hold on to the message of the Word of God when co-business operators or business associates entice you to join in shady practices. 

You will be able to use your business to directly or indirectly preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You will be able to stay with God and His Spirit no matter the level of success you attain in your business. 

Jesus will be the driver of your business and your life. You will understand that the Rock behind your present success and future success is Jesus and His commandments. You will always prepare yourself for the time Jesus would come back.

My dear friend, Jesus is coming back. It’s sure. He said it. The Bible is filled with it. Other prophecies in the Old Testament of the Bible have all come to pass; the second coming of Jesus will also come to pass.

You must be ready. Don’t let your business activities and money take this away from you.  

The crown of your business success on this earth is when you end up reigning with Jesus after His second coming. Any other goal or end point will be a disaster!

I agree we have witnessed people who did well in business without Jesus Christ on this earth. We have seen lots of them who used diabolical and witchcraft means to record business successes. Yes, the world celebrated them but they will not be celebrated when Jesus comes back and their end is what the book of Revelation 20:15 describes below:

“And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire”

On June 11, 2009, God said to me, “Teach the goodness that is in the second coming of Jesus Christ.” I heard this and my Christian organisation has been running with this mission for many years now. 

The Christian Business school also have this as part of her mission as I shared under the Introduction section of this book: To raise Entrepreneurs and workplace professionals who will  be “Rapture-conscious … allowing the second coming of Jesus Christ to motivate them as they run your businesses or carry out activities in their workplaces.”

I’m wishing you all the best in your business. 

[Online Video Course]: From Business Vision To Manifestation

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Now I want you to read the message in the next Chapter about the Christian Business School

Chapter 18: The Christian Business School

The Christian Business School Rolls Out Her Academic Courses

It is very much possible to start a business and run it with the principles that God will show you. I’m doing this already and I know of a lot of people who are doing it.

I was inspired to start the Christian Business School, an academic arm of The Solution Book Academy to push out this information about how Christians and anyone can begin to do business with great considerations for the rules, regulations and principles of God. 

The market places in many industries are filled with lots of dirty tricks and games today. Lots of people are going on the selfish lane already. Running a successful business has become a do or die affair. People no longer allow the fear of God to guide their business operations. 

But you can be different. You can become successful running your business without harming the market or your fellow human beings. This is what the Christian Business School, my many books on this topic and some of my online video courses are teaching. 

The Christian Business School is set to raise problem-solving business people and work-place professionals who will carry out their activities with the fear of God and with utmost reverence for His instructions. 

The truth is that over the years, I have developed resources that have preached the message of the Christian Business School. Some of these amazing resources are: (available at Smashwords and major estores online):

1 52 Bible Secrets for Your Business Success.

  1. 33 Effective Christian Strategies to Grow a Successful Business.
  2. How to Start Profitable Businesses from Simple Ideas and With What You Have.
  3. How to Maintain Focus and Concentration.                                                                 
  4. 27 Christian Ways To Improve Your Job Performance.

All these above are books.

The online video courses are: 

  1. Christian Faith Principles
  2. From Business Vision to Manifestation.
  3. How to Start a Business with No Money.                                                                         

There are many videos on Youtube at preaching the message. 


So when God inspired me to go ahead with this project, I believed I and my team have been well groomed. 

So the Christian Business School will help you to: 

1.Solve More Problems … with business activities or on your job.

2.Excel in Business or On Your job … using Godly principles.

3.Answer God’s Call … Answering your call to serve God and man through business or through your workplace activities.

4.Be Rapture-conscious…Allowing the second coming of Jesus Christ to motivate you as you run your business or carry out your duties in your workplace.

I want you to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about our various programmes when they become available. After subscription, check your email to confirm it. The newsletter will be arriving in your email inbox either with the title, Christian Business School or Bible Short Reports. 

Visit the link below to watch a video and subscribe to receive free resources (ebooks, books, videos, podcast and online video courses) and more information: 

News and Resources of the Christian Business School

or just click the link below:

More Information About The Christian Business School

You can be debt free in your business. You can solve more problems and increase profits. You can run your business with time-tested principles from God’s Word. 

You can be an exceptional Christian who stands out uniquely in your industry. You can break barriers and obstacles in your business with the potent powers of God. 

The Christian Business School offers you the platform to reach your business goals and objectives without flouting the rules and regulations of God.

The Christian Business School, just like the parent organisation, The Solution Book Academy will be using practical principles from God’s Word to teach practical and modern-day strategies to start, run and grow businesses.  

It will also help work-place professionals to raise their efficiency level in their various work places.

The use of God’s Word to teach and explain these principles will amaze you as God has supplied the grace to get this done through this school.

Many books and ebooks and videos and online video courses have been released online over the years teaching these principles and which have produced great testimonials from users of these materials. 

Examples of testimonials we have received from users of our business resources are as follows:

  1. “Your e-books are really wonderful…I thank God for introducing me to your e-books…and Thank you for sharing them with me”.”Jyothsna K”
  2. “Thanks for requesting my feedback on your e-book. Frankly speaking, it is a wonderful e-book that can help us have faith in Jesus as the only one who can save us and make us successful in life. I really like this e-book and will read it once more. I will be glad if there are other interesting e-books again from you”. Regards, Bartholemy,
  3. “Please thank you for sending your materials to me. God will bless you”. Appiah Douglas,
  4. “Thanks (for your ebook). I will like you to assist me by sending some (more) books to me that will guide me in my journey in the vineyard of God”. Evangelist Emmanuel John Emaiku,
  5. “I looked over your link. I put it on my favorites, because I would like to read more…it is a blessing, and teaching good things…Thank you for sharing it the lord bless you”. Tina, member,

The Christian Business School will give you more than what other business schools, home and abroad will give you because of the unique touch of God on the programme. 

The parent body, The Solution Book Academy is a platform under our Christian organisation, Success Christian Home which runs with a calling and a vision as shown in Genesis 1:16-17, 

“Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”. 

And which has been divinely assigned the task to raise problems solvers in the society. 

The Christian Business School continues this divine mission by putting out programmes that will raise problems-solving Entrepreneurs  and workplace Entrepreneurs who will do business as God intended it. 

The Christian Business School is not just limited to the practical use of God’s Word to teach practical business success principles; we also develop programmes or teach the use of modern-day technology and the internet to carry out businesses. 

We want you to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about our various programmes when they become available. After subscription, check your email to confirm it. The newsletter will be arriving in your email inbox either with the title, Christian Business School or Bible Short Reports.

Visit the link below to watch a video and subscribe to receive free resources (ebooks, books, videos, podcast and online video courses) and more information: 

News and Resources of the Christian Business School

or just click the link below:

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Note: You’ll receive interesting ebooks like ‘How To Maintain Focus and Concentration’, ‘How To Develop The Skills of Solving Problems’, ’52 Bible Secrets for Your Business’ and free subscription to some of our online video courses.












Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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