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Christians and money
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Christian integrity and money issues

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Keeping your Christian Integrity is of utmost importance especially when it has to do with money issues. Many Christians have missed it here. They have allowed money issues to destroy their Christian Integrity.

When integrity is gone, there is little left to achieve no matter how annointed you are as a Christian.

Read how Paul tried to protect his integrity when handling the money offering of the people: While annoiniting drags in the success or audience to you initially, your Christian integrity helps to sustain it or keep the audience or breakthrough with you for a long time.

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What’s Christian Integrity?

Christian Integrity is the way a Christian comports Himself in words and actions in every situation using God’s Word as a guide. It’s the way you don’t allow any circumstances to rubbish or dent the image you have set for yourself as a Christian.

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How Paul demonstrated Christian Integrity

Read how Paul demonstrated integrity in matters that has to do with freewill offering of the people to the poor. Christians of today should learn from this.

1 Corinthians 16:3-4
[3]And when I come, whomever you approve by your letters I will send to bear your gift to Jerusalem.
[4]But if it is fitting that I go also, they will go with me.

  • He said he was ready to abide by the choice of the people in who will take the offering to the poor saints. He did not force his options on the people.
  • He did not put himself forward automatically as the one who will take it there. He said if they want him to deliver the offering, they must also choose people who will go with him on the mission.

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Money can destroy your Christian image

Paul understood how money could easily destroy the Integrity of good people if not handled with wisdom.

Ministers of the gospel must put in place measures to allow other people’s participation in the way money is handled in their minsitry.

It shouldn’t just be the minister, his wife, children and his favorites. The people’s choice and decisions must be given top priority in this regard.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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