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Christian romance story in foreign languages
Foreign Books (International books

Christian romance story in foreign languages

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I feel obligated to tell you some facts about the distribution of my Christian romance story so far. Can you remember the novel I am talking about? Yes, it’s The Prostitute novel. That amazing Christian romance story is already helping lots of people online and offline.


About this Christian romance story

This Christian romance story is a fictional story of a disciplined and morally-upright company executive, Steve Davies that took a weird decision to get married to a notorious long-term prostitute, Serena. You can read more about this novel here


Some latest facts about this Christian romance story

christian romance novel

The following are the latest information about this Christian romance novel:

  • It has been published as an ebook, paperback, and as a hard cover on Amazon. It’s free as an ebook on Amazon but it’s a premium book as paperback and hardcover.
  • On Amazon, we have been having an average of 100 downloads of the ebook version in the past 3 months. We have sold some copies of the paperback.
  • It’s published as a free ebook on other stores online like Apple, Kobo, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords, etc. We have not checked the number of downloads on these platforms yet.
  • It was published as a paperback offline last year. We have sold some copies and have given out lots of copies free as a paperback. We still have more to give out. If you want it, please contact me.
  • Already, it has an average star rating of four on Amazon. You can check it out here
  • The novel has already been published in the French, Spanish and Portuguese languages. There are plans to publish it in about 15 other languages in the next year. See the covers of the book in these languages.
  • I am already at an advanced stage of finishing the first draft of work on the sequel to the novel, Thorns Inside the Rose. It’s already published as a pre-order on Amazon.
  • The big news… coming soon.


God’s love and mercy is shown all through

The love and the mercy of God are far greater than your sinful past. The bible says,

“Psalms 119:64
The earth, O Lord, is full of Your mercy; teach me Your statutes.”

Jesus’ shed blood can wash away your dirty past. You only need to know this and believe it and then begin to act according to this revelation.


Christian romance story says marriages can be healed

I believe marriages can be healed and delivered by God if unforgiveness is taken care of. Unforgiveness is one of the potent killer diseases destroying marriages today.

Steve Davies did not give a place to unforgiveness in his marriage despite being married to a notorious Prostitute. There were trying times but the couple overcame their problems.

I fully understood what God tried to demonstrate when He commanded Prophet Hosea to get married to a Prostitute. God proved to us that though He would always bring out the rod to flog the sinful children of Israel who were always getting into spiritual prostitution but His mercy and love for them would not be removed.

They always had a chance to return to God. God hated their sins but would always love their persons.

Email testimonial from a reader of this Christian fiction

Another email testimonial from another reader of the sample copy of the Prostitute novel, a Christian romance novel.

“I really love this sample. It’s very engaging and lucidly clear. I couldn’t drop it still I was done with it.
Please I can’t 😭😭😭 wait for the whole pdf as you promised in the mail.” Kehinde Adeyemi,

You can watch a video of the first chapter and also learn how to pick up the free full copy of the novel.


Links to the Christian romance novel in foreign languages

Christian romance story

See the link to the different versions of the novel in other languages below:


Check out the French version on Amazon

Check out the French version on Google play


Check out the Portuguese version on the Apple store

Check out the Portuguese version on Barnes and Noble



Check out the Spanish version on Amazon

Check out the Spanish version on Google Play

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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