How to achieve greatness in life and business
Spiritual support for Business Success

Christian spiritual support for your business

If you need Christian spiritual support for your business success, this book is just the right one for you. I have reproduced the first chapter in this post.

The book shows you spiritual help for your business success. Everything is spiritual in this earth, business, money and wealth are not exceptions.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Christian Spiritual supoort for your business 

A top human development expert whose influence cuts across the African landscape once said, “Every wealthy men and kings I meet all allude to the fact that wealth is spiritual.” That was a basic truth about this topic and the earth where we dwell as human beings. If wealth is spiritual then business, which is a major platform which produces wealth, is also spiritual.   

In fact, everything is spiritual and the spiritual controls the physical. Those who have found a way to manipulate or use spiritual resources to their advantage have really gained maximum benefits and edge over others who have stayed neutral. 

One of the brightest advise on this topic especially to those who do not agree with my submission above is that, “If you fail to find out the right spiritual resources you can rely on to get you the results you desire on this earth, you will be doing yourself, your family and your family a world of harm!”


Kings rely on spiritual support

Back in those bible days, we see the kings rely on magicians and astrologers to ensure their edge over others in the tough environment where they ruled. We also saw how those kings who were faithful to God rely on Prophets to rule effectively and gain maximum edge and advantage.

The question is,”How do you hope to take advantage of spiritual resources to ensure you run a successful business in our world that is extremely spiritual and where spirituality goes a long way to determine the winners?”

Now I don’t want you to get me wrong here. My organization and I are staunch believers in positive business activities like planning, diligence, proper accountability, practical problems solving and their likes. In fact we teach these effectively in our organization. However, we also believe strongly that you must ensure you embrace and engage positive or the right spiritual activities to make the various practices mentioned above effective.


Wrong spirituality will destroy

Some businessmen have embraced the wrong spirituality (that is the one outside God) and they have had a sad story to tell. The spirituality outside God is dangerous. It is usually orchestrated by the devil and nothing good comes from the devil.

The devil gives to destroy. We have lots of examples even though I will not want to mention names  of celebrities and world’s wealthy men and women here who have been destroyed by the evil spirituality they relied upon to run successful businesses.

The way to the right spirituality are domiciled in the bible (Christians’ holy Book). It contains God’s Word and it contains lots of business -building principles that anyone can use and still not get destroyed. 


Articles on Christian Spiritual support for business

By God’s grace, I have proved this with most of my articles, books, videos and video courses and there has been many good reviews from users of these materials.

God is interested in how businesses are run on this earth. He has always been interested. He was practically with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when they ran very successful businesses and still fulfilled their destines in Him. 

If God is interested in how businesses are run in our world, then you can be sure He has provided the right resources in His Word to guide us to discover the spiritual resources that will help us to run successful businesses. 

This is the reason my organization and I exist in the first place – to be a channel where God can push out these principles and ideas to the world. 

Out Faith Based Business book series is doing a great work in this area – all glory to God. 

I am revealing one of these spiritual resources to you in this short book – Spiritual Help for Your Business Success. 

Please enjoy it and let me read from you. God bless you and your business. 

Spiritual support for Business Success

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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